To install Seurat, R version 4.0 or greater is required. We also recommend installing R Studio.

Seurat v5:{#id .class width=60 height=60} Seurat 5: Install from GitHub

Copy the code below to install Seurat v5:

remotes::install_github("satijalab/seurat", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)

The following packages are not required but are used in many Seurat v5 vignettes:

remotes::install_github("satijalab/seurat-data", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("satijalab/azimuth", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("satijalab/seurat-wrappers", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("stuart-lab/signac", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)

Seurat v5 utilizes BPCells to support analysis of extremely large datasets:

remotes::install_github("bnprks/BPCells", quiet = TRUE)

For more information on BPCells installation, please see the installation instructions. For macOS users, the following GitHub issues concerning M1 chip installation and compiler compatibility may be of use.

Install from CRAN

Seurat is available on CRAN for all platforms. To install, run:

# Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed)

If you see the warning message below, enter y:

package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran: 'Seurat'
Do you want to attempt to install these from sources?

Install previous versions of Seurat

Install any version 3 release

Any of the Seurat version 3 releases can be installed with the following command:

remotes::install_version("Seurat", version = "3.X.X")

Install the last version 2 release (2.3.4)

To facilitate easy re-installation of the last version 2 release, we are hosting the binaries on our website. These can be installed with the following command:


View the script

Older versions of Seurat

Old versions of Seurat, from Seurat v2.0.1 and up, are hosted in CRAN's archive. To install an old version of Seurat, run:

# Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed)
# Install the remotes package 
# Replace '2.3.0' with your desired version
remotes::install_version(package = 'Seurat', version = package_version('2.3.0'))

For versions of Seurat older than those not hosted on CRAN (versions 1.3.0 and 1.4.0), please download the packaged source code from our releases page and install from the tarball.

Install the development version of Seurat

Install the development version of Seurat - directly from GitHub.

# Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed)
# Install the remotes package
remotes::install_github(repo = 'satijalab/seurat', ref = 'develop')


We provide docker images for Seurat via dockerhub.

To pull the latest image from the command line:

docker pull satijalab/seurat:latest

To use as a base image in a new Dockerfile:

FROM satijalab/seurat:latest

satijalab/seurat documentation built on May 11, 2024, 4:04 a.m.