ReadNanostring: Read and Load Nanostring SMI data

View source: R/preprocessing.R

ReadNanostringR Documentation

Read and Load Nanostring SMI data


Read and Load Nanostring SMI data


  mtx.file = NULL,
  metadata.file = NULL,
  molecules.file = NULL,
  segmentations.file = NULL,
  type = "centroids",
  mol.type = "pixels",
  metadata = NULL,
  mols.filter = NA_character_,
  genes.filter = NA_character_,
  fov.filter = NULL,
  subset.counts.matrix = NULL,
  cell.mols.only = TRUE

LoadNanostring(data.dir, fov, assay = "Nanostring")



Path to folder containing Nanostring SMI outputs


Path to Nanostring cell x gene matrix CSV


Contains metadata including cell center, area, and stain intensities


Path to molecules file


Path to segmentations CSV


Type of cell spatial coordinate matrices to read; choose one or more of:

  • “centroids”: cell centroids in pixel coordinate space

  • “segmentations”: cell segmentations in pixel coordinate space


Type of molecule spatial coordinate matrices to read; choose one or more of:

  • “pixels”: molecule coordinates in pixel space


Type of available metadata to read; choose zero or more of:

  • “Area”: number of pixels in cell segmentation

  • “fov”: cell's fov

  • “Mean.MembraneStain”: mean membrane stain intensity

  • “Mean.DAPI”: mean DAPI stain intensity

  • “Mean.G”: mean green channel stain intensity

  • “Mean.Y”: mean yellow channel stain intensity

  • “Mean.R”: mean red channel stain intensity

  • “Max.MembraneStain”: max membrane stain intensity

  • “Max.DAPI”: max DAPI stain intensity

  • “Max.G”: max green channel stain intensity

  • “Max.Y”: max yellow stain intensity

  • “Max.R”: max red stain intensity


Filter molecules that match provided string


Filter genes from cell x gene matrix that match provided string


Only load in select FOVs. Nanostring SMI data contains 30 total FOVs.


If the counts matrix should be built from molecule coordinates for a specific segmentation; One of:

  • “Nuclear”: nuclear segmentations

  • “Cytoplasm”: cell cytoplasm segmentations

  • “Membrane”: cell membrane segmentations


If TRUE, only load molecules within a cell


Name to store FOV as


Name to store expression matrix as


ReadNanostring: A list with some combination of the following values:

  • matrix”: a sparse matrix with expression data; cells are columns and features are rows

  • centroids”: a data frame with cell centroid coordinates in three columns: “x”, “y”, and “cell”

  • pixels”: a data frame with molecule pixel coordinates in three columns: “x”, “y”, and “gene”

LoadNanostring: A Seurat object

Progress Updates with progressr

This function uses progressr to render status updates and progress bars. To enable progress updates, wrap the function call in with_progress or run handlers(global = TRUE) before running this function. For more details about progressr, please read vignette("progressr-intro")

Parallelization with future

This function uses future to enable parallelization. Parallelization strategies can be set using plan. Common plans include “sequential” for non-parallelized processing or “multisession” for parallel evaluation using multiple R sessions; for other plans, see the “Implemented evaluation strategies” section of ?future::plan. For a more thorough introduction to future, see vignette("future-1-overview")


This function requires the data.table package to be installed

satijalab/seurat documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 12:09 p.m.