
##' Applies forecast assessments and scores to the forecasts and null models for Ebola in Western Area, Sierra Leone
##' @return list of data frames with the forecast scores, by model and horizon
##' @author Sebastian Funk \email{sebastian.funk@lshtm.ac.uk}
##' @param max_horizon maximum forecast horizon (in weeks)
##' @export

assess_all_forecasts <- function (max_horizon) {
    df <- samples_semi_mechanistic %>%
        filter(stochasticity == "deterministic" &
               start_n_week_before == 0 &
               weeks_averaged == 1 &
               transmission_rate == "fixed") %>%
        bind_rows(samples_bsts) %>%
        bind_rows(samples_deterministic) %>%
        bind_rows(samples_unfocused) %>%
        mutate(model=factor(model, levels=c("Semi-mechanistic",
                                            setdiff(model, "Semi-mechanistic"))))

    if (!missing(max_horizon)) {
        df <- df %>%
            filter((date - last_obs)/7 <= max_horizon)

    df <- df %>%
        select_if(~ !any(is.na(.)))

    ret <- list()

    ret[["Calibration"]] <- df %>%

    ret[["Bias"]] <- df %>%
        assess_incidence_forecast(bias_sample) %>%
        group_by(model, horizon) %>%
        summarise(mean=mean(bias), sd=sd(bias))

    ret[["Sharpness"]] <- df %>%
        assess_incidence_forecast(sharpness_sample) %>%
        group_by(model, horizon) %>%
        summarise(mean=mean(sharpness), sd=sd(sharpness))

    ret[["RPS"]] <- df %>%
        assess_incidence_forecast(crps_sample) %>%
        group_by(model, horizon) %>%
        summarise(mean=mean(score), sd=sd(score))

    ret[["DSS"]] <- df %>%
        assess_incidence_forecast(dss_sample) %>%
        group_by(model, horizon) %>%
        summarise(mean=mean(score), sd=sd(score))

    ret[["AE"]] <- df %>%
        assess_incidence_forecast(ae_sample) %>%
        group_by(model, horizon) %>%
        summarise(mean=mean(ae), sd=sd(ae))

sbfnk/ebola.forecast.wa.sl documentation built on Feb. 18, 2020, 6:19 p.m.