Man pages for sbhattacharya3/IntramiRExploreR
Predicting Targets for Drosophila Intragenic miRNAs

Affy1_Distance_FinalTargets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy1 plaform using...
Affy1_Pearson_FinalTargets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy1 plaform using...
Affy2_Distance_FinalTargets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy2 plaform using...
Affy2_Pearson_FinalTargets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy2 plaform using...
extract_HostGeneExtract Host Gene for a given Intragenic miRNA.
extract_intragenic_miRExtract Intragenic miRNA for a given Host gene.
genes_StatExtracting miRNAs that target a query gene.
Gene_VisualisationVisualises the targetGene:miRNA network using Cytoscape and...
GetGOS_ALLGene ontology for Target Genes.
IntramiRExploreRIntramiRExploreR:Prediction of targets for Intragenic miRNA...
miRNA_ID_to_FunctionContains the miRNA function information from Flybase...
miRNA_summary_DBContains the summary for the intragenic miRNA.
miRTargets_StatExtracting miRNAs that target a query gene.
VisualisationVisualises the targetGene:miRNA network using Cytoscape and...
sbhattacharya3/IntramiRExploreR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:23 p.m.