
#' @name calculate_auc
#' @export
#' @title This function calculates different estimates related to AUC
#' @description This function calculates variance of predicted AUC, logit of predicted AUC,
#' and variance of logit of predicted AUC responses passed
#' @param x A formula object with two vector responses (For e.g., \code{y1 ~ y2}) or a vector of responses.
#' @param y A vector of responses.
#' @param data An R dataframe object.
#' @return A list of AUC estimates.
#' @author Som Bohora
#' @examples
#' calculate_auc(mpg ~ am, data = datasets::mtcars)
#' calculate_auc(datasets::iris$Sepal.Length, datasets::iris$Petal.Length)

calculate_auc <- function (x, y=NULL, data=NULL){
    if (is.numeric(x)){
    ya <- x
    yb <- y
  } else if ("formula" %in% methods::is(x)){
    cx <- as.character(x)
    testit::assert("Outcome needs to be in left-hand side of formula. For example, outcome ~ x",
                   length(cx) == 3L)
    factor_vars <- as.factor(data[,cx[3]])
    numeric_data <- data[,cx[2]]
    ya <- numeric_data[factor_vars %in% levels(factor_vars)[1]]
    yb <- numeric_data[factor_vars %in% levels(factor_vars)[2]]
  } else {
    message("Input should be either formula or two vectors...")

  finv <- function(x){
    -log( (1/x) -1)

  m <- length(ya)
  p <- length(yb)
  I <- matrix(NA,m,p)

  for (i in 1:m){
    for (j in 1:p){
      if (ya[i] > yb[j]) {
        I[i,j] <- 1
      } else if (ya[i] == yb[j]) {
        I[i,j] <- 0.5
      } else {
        I[i,j] <- 0
  auchat <- mean(I)
  finvhat <- finv(auchat)
  vya <- apply(I,1,mean)
  vyb <- apply(I,2,mean)
  svarya <- stats::var(vya)
  svaryb <- stats::var(vyb)
  vhat_auchat <- (svarya/m) + (svaryb/p)
  v_finv_auchat <- vhat_auchat/((auchat^2)*(1-auchat)^2)
  logitauchat <- log(auchat/(1-auchat))
  var_logitauchat <- vhat_auchat /((auchat^2)*(1-auchat)^2)

  list(auchat = auchat, finvhat = finvhat, vhat_auchat = vhat_auchat,
           v_finv_auchat=v_finv_auchat, logitauchat=logitauchat, var_logitauchat=var_logitauchat)
sbohora/sAUC documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:23 p.m.