
Defines functions lm.ridge print.ridgelm select select.ridgelm plot.ridgelm coef.ridgelm

Documented in lm.ridge

#'Gets the square of a number
#'@param x input value
#'@return the square of x

lm.ridge <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action,
                     lambda = 0, model = FALSE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, contrasts = NULL, ...)
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m$model <- m$x <- m$y <- m$contrasts <- m$... <- m$lambda <- NULL
  m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
  m <- eval.parent(m)
  Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
  Y <- model.response(m)
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts)
  n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
  offset <- model.offset(m)
  if(!is.null(offset)) Y <- Y - offset
  if(Inter <- attr(Terms, "intercept"))
    Xm <- colMeans(X[, -Inter])
    Ym <- mean(Y)
    p <- p - 1
    X <- X[, -Inter] - rep(Xm, rep(n, p))
    Y <- Y - Ym
  } else Ym <- Xm <- NA
  Xscale <- drop(rep(1/n, n) %*% X^2)^0.5
  X <- X/rep(Xscale, rep(n, p))
  Xs <- svd(X)
  rhs <- t(Xs$u) %*% Y
  d <- Xs$d
  lscoef <-  Xs$v %*% (rhs/d)
  lsfit <- X %*% lscoef
  resid <- Y - lsfit
  s2 <- sum(resid^2)/(n - p - Inter)
  HKB <- (p-2)*s2/sum(lscoef^2)
  LW <- (p-2)*s2*n/sum(lsfit^2)
  k <- length(lambda)
  dx <- length(d)
  div <- d^2 + rep(lambda, rep(dx,k))
  a <- drop(d*rhs)/div
  dim(a) <- c(dx, k)
  coef <- Xs$v %*% a
  dimnames(coef) <- list(names(Xscale), format(lambda))
  GCV <- colSums((Y - X %*% coef)^2)/(n-colSums(matrix(d^2/div, dx)))^2
  res <- list(coef = drop(coef), scales = Xscale,
              Inter = Inter, lambda = lambda, ym = Ym, xm = Xm,
              GCV = GCV, kHKB = HKB, kLW = LW)
  class(res) <- "ridgelm"

print.ridgelm <- function(x, ...)
  print(coef(x), ...)

select <- function(obj) UseMethod("select")

select.ridgelm <- function(obj)
  cat("modified HKB estimator is", format(obj$kHKB), "\n")
  cat("modified L-W estimator is", format(obj$kLW), "\n")
  GCV <- obj$GCV
  if(length(GCV)) {
    k <- seq_along(GCV)[GCV==min(GCV)]
    cat("smallest value of GCV  at",
        format(obj$lambda[k]), "\n")

plot.ridgelm <- function(x, ...)
  matplot(x$lambda, t(x$coef), type = "l")

coef.ridgelm <- function(object, ...)
  scaledcoef <- t(as.matrix(object$coef / object$scales))
  if(object$Inter) {
    inter <- object$ym - scaledcoef %*% object$xm
    scaledcoef<- cbind(Intercept=inter, scaledcoef)
schi006/ridge documentation built on Nov. 20, 2019, 1:19 a.m.