
partynames <- list()

## France

france <- list()

france[["lrem"]] <- list(id = "lrem",
                         longlabel = "La République En Marche!",
                         shortlabel = "LREM",
                         selectors = c("lrem","en marche","la république en marche"))

## Germany

germany <- list()
germany[["cdu"]] <- list(id = "cdu",
                         longlabel = "Christlich-Demokratische Union",
                         shortlabel = "CDU",
                         selectors = c("cdu","Christliche-Demokratische Union","Christliche-Demokratische Union Deutschlands"))

germany[["csu"]] <- list(id = "csu",
                         longlabel = "Christlich-Soziale Union",
                         shortlabel = "CSU",
                         selectors = c("csu","Christliche-Soziale Union"),
                         color = "black")

germany[["spd"]] <- list(id = "spd",
                         longlabel = "Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands",
                         shortlabel = "SPD",
                         selectors = c("spd","Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands"),
                         color = "red")

germany[["gruene"]] <- list(id = "gruene",
                         longlabel = "Bündnis 90/Die Grünen",
                         shortlabel = "Grüne",
                         selectors = c("gruene","grüne","buendnis90"),
                         color = c("green"))

germany[["fdp"]] <- list(id = "gruene",
                         longlabel = "Freiheitlich-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands",
                         shortlabel = "FDP",
                         selectors = c("fdp","Freiheitlich-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands","FDP/DPS","FDP/DVP"),
                         color = c("yellow")

germany[["afd"]] <- list(id = "gruene",
                            longlabel = "Alternative für Deutschland",
                            shortlabel = "AfD",
                            selectors = c("afd","Alternative für Deutschland"),
                            color = c("blue"))

germany[["linke"]] <- list(id = "linke",
                         longlabel = "Die Linke",
                         shortlabel = "Linke",
                         selectors = c("linke","die linke","dielinke","pds"),
                         color = c("purple"))

germany[["rep"]] <- list(id = "rep",
                           longlabel = "Die Republikaner",
                           shortlabel = "REP",
                           selectors = c("republikaner","rep","die republikaner"),
                           color = c("brown"))

germany[["npd"]] <- list(id = "linke",
                           longlabel = "Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands",
                           shortlabel = "NPD",
                           selectors = c("npd","nationaldemokratische partei","nationaldemokratische partei deutschlands","pds"),
                           color = c("brown"))

others_ltw <- read.table("data/others.txt",encoding = "UTF-8")%>% .[3:nrow(.),]

germany[["other"]] <- list(id = "other",
                            longlabel = "Andere Parteien",
                            shortlabel = "Andere",
                            selectors = stringr::str_to_lower(others_ltw),
                            color = c("grey"))

partynames[["germany"]] <- germany

#devtools::use_data(partynames,overwrite = TRUE)

country <- "germany"
token <- "christlich"

partyname_contains <- function(country = "germany",
                               token = "christlich"){
  list = partynames[[country]]
         function(x) {
                      which(stringr::str_detect (x,
  ) %>% names()


# Get parties that are member of a certrain coalition

#' Get coalition members
#' @description Get parties that are member of a certrain coalition
#' @param coalition Character string containing the name of the coalition. \cr
#' Options are c("jamaika","schwarzgelb","rotgruen","groko","rotrotgruen","ampel","schwarzgruen").
#' @return A vector containing all parties included in the coalition.
#' @examples
#' koa_members("schwarzgelb")
#' @export
koa_members <- function(koalition) {

  df_koa <-
    data.frame(koa = c("sozialliberal","jamaika","schwarzgelb","rotgruen","groko","rotrotgruen","ampel","schwarzgruen"),
               v1 =  c("spd","cdu","cdu","spd","cdu","spd","spd","cdu"),
               v2 =  c("fdp","fdp","fdp","gruene","spd","gruene","gruene","gruene"),
               v3 =  c("","csu","csu","","csu","linke","fdp","csu"),
               v4 =  c("","gruene","","","","","","")) %>%

  logical <- df_koa$koa == koalition

  partiesin <- df_koa[df_koa$koa == koalition,2:5]

  n <- length(which(partiesin != ""))

  a <- df_koa [logical,2]
  b <- df_koa [logical,3]
  c <- df_koa [logical,4]
  d <- df_koa [logical,5]

  members <- c(a,b,c,d)
  members <- members[stringr::str_length(members)>0]

  return (members)

# Get coalitions

#' Get coalitions
#' @description Get all available coalitions
#' @return The vector including all coalitions.
#' @examples
#' koas(year = 2017)
#' @export
koas <- function(year = 2017){
  if(year == 2017) koas <- c("schwarzgelb","rotgruen","groko","rotrotgruen","ampel","schwarzgruen","jamaika")
  if(year == 2013) koas <- c("schwarzgelb","rotgruen","groko","rotrotgruen","ampel","schwarzgruen")
  if(year == 2009) koas <- c("schwarzgelb","rotgruen","groko","rotrotgruen","ampel","schwarzgruen","jamaika","sozialliberal")

# Get main parties for Gles analysis

#' Get parties
#' @description Get main parties for Gles analysis
#' @return The vector including all parties
#' @examples
#' parties(year = 2017)
#' @export
parties <- function(year = 2017){
  if(year == 2017) p <- c("cdu","csu","spd","gruene","fdp","linke","afd")
  if(year == 2013) p <- c("cdu","csu","spd","gruene","fdp","linke")
  if(year == 2009) p <- c("cdu","csu","spd","gruene","fdp","linke")

# Länder
laender <-
  data.frame(id = c("baden-wuettemberg",
          #   nrnew = c(),
               fullabel = c("Baden-Württemberg",
                         shortlabel = c("BW",

#devtools::use_data(laender,overwrite = TRUE)
schliebs/voteR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:33 p.m.