
# Marks: glyph, text, line, rect, poly
# Position: top, right, bottom, left

if (FALSE) {
	plot1 <- new_plot(500, 500, xrange = c(0, 1), yrange = c(0, 1))
	x <- runif(1000)
	y <- runif(1000)
	plot1$add_layer(glyph(bottom = y, left = x))
	for(i in 1:1000) {
		x <- x + runif(1000, min = -0.005, max = 0.005)
		y <- y + runif(1000, min = -0.005, max = 0.005)
		plot1$modify_layer(1, bottom = y, left = x) 
		Sys.sleep(1 / 60)

# How should units work?  Definitely need both pixel and data coordinates.
# Some resolution independence with physical units would be desirable 
# long term.

# Is there a way to retrieve dpi for the display system? 
# should be able to write a function that translates desired size (eg 4 x 6 in) to pixels and can adjust the plot size accordingly

# Mark constructions
# ---------------------
# Each of these functions creates a mark object with just enough information
# to draw it. Eventually these functions should select between (e.g.)
# top/bottom/height and provide more input checking.
# In protovis, can specify data, and parameters can be functions of that data.
# This is similar to ggplot2, but in ggplot2 it's easier to specify functions
# than constants.
# glyph(x = 1:10)
# glyph(x = .(mpg), y = .(cyl), data = mtcars)

glyph <- function(top = NULL, left = NULL, bottom = NULL, right = NULL, fill = "black", stroke = NULL) {
structure(list(top = top, left = left, right = right, bottom = bottom,
fill = fill, stroke = stroke), 
class = c("cranvas", "glyph"))

rect <- function(top = NULL, left = NULL, bottom = NULL, right = NULL, fill = "black", stroke = NULL) {
top = top, left = left, right = right, bottom = bottom, fill = fill,
stroke = stroke), class = c("cranvas", "rect"))

hbar <- function(width = NULL, top = NULL, bottom = NULL, left = 0, fill = "black", stroke = NULL) {
rect(top = top, right = width, bottom = bottom, left = left,
fill = fill, stroke = stroke)

vbar <- function(height = NULL, left = NULL, right = NULL, bottom = 0, fill = "black", stroke = NULL) {
rect(top = height, bottom = bottom, left = left, right = right, 
fill = fill, stroke = stroke)

line <- function(top = NULL, left = NULL, bottom = NULL, right = NULL, fill = "black", stroke = NULL) {
top = top, left = left, right = right, bottom = bottom, fill = fill,
stroke = stroke), class = c("cranvas", "line"))

text <- function(top = NULL, left = NULL, bottom = NULL, right = NULL, text = NULL, fill = "black", stroke = NULL ,valign="center",halign="center"){
text = text, left = left, bottom = bottom, fill = fill, stroke = stroke,
halign = halign, valign = valign), class = c("cranvas", "text"))

# Thin wrappers around qtpaint drawing functions that basically translate
# argument names.  (And maybe wrap around any qtpaints that need to be
# temporarily worked around). 
draw <- function(mark, canvas) UseMethod("draw")

draw.glyph <- function(mark, canvas,size=2) {
#circle <- qpathCircle(0, 0, size)
circle <- qglyphCircle()
qdrawGlyph(canvas, circle, x=mark$left, y=mark$bottom, cex = mark$size, 
stroke = mark$stroke, fill = mark$fill)

draw.rect <- function(mark, canvas) {
qdrawRect(canvas, mark$left, mark$bottom, mark$right, mark$top,
stroke = mark$stroke, fill = mark$fill)

draw.line <- function(mark, canvas) {
qdrawLine(canvas, mark$left, mark$bottom, stroke = mark$stroke)

qstrokeColor(canvas) <- mark$stroke
qdrawText(canvas, text = mark$text, mark$left, mark$bottom,
valign = mark$valign, halign = mark$halign)

update.cranvas <- function(object, ...) {
new <- list(...)
structure(defaults(new, object), class = class(object))

# Interaction
# Callbacks: keyPress, keyRelease, mouseDoubleClick, mouseMove, mousePress, 
# mouseRelease, wheel
# Recieve event object.
# Can use qprimitives to get list of things in rectangle
# Do events need to be simplified?

# added mousepress place holder

new_plot <- function(width, height, xrange = c(0, 1), yrange = c(0, 1)) {
limits <- qrect(xrange, yrange)
marks <- list()
layers <- mutaframe()
scene <- Qt$QGraphicsScene()
root <- qlayer(scene)

add_layer <- function(mark,keyPressFun = NULL, 
keyReleaseFun = NULL, mouseDoubleClickFun = NULL, mouseMoveFun = NULL, 
mousePressFun = NULL, mouseReleaseFun = NULL, wheelFun = NULL, 
hoverMoveEvent = NULL, hoverEnterEvent = NULL, hoverLeaveEvent = NULL, 
contextMenuEvent = NULL, dragEnterEvent = NULL, dragLeaveEvent = NULL, 
dragMoveEvent = NULL, dropEvent = NULL, focusInEvent= NULL, 
focusOutEvent = NULL, sizeHintFun = NULL,row=0L,col=0L, userlimits=NULL) {
i <- length(marks) + 1
marks[[i]] <<- mark

  paintFun<-function(item, painter, exposed) { draw(marks[[i]], painter)}

layer <- qlayer(parent=root, paintFun=paintFun,keyPressFun=keyPressFun,
  focusOutEvent=focusOutEvent,sizeHintFun=sizeHintFun,clip=F, row=row,col=col)

}else {

layers[[i]]<<- layer
assign("layers",layers, pos=1) #there has to be a better way for tracking this value, but I don't know what


modify_layer <- function(i,new_mark,new_limit,...) {
old <- marks[[i]]
marks[[i]] <<- new_mark

view <- qplotView(scene = scene)

self <- structure(list(
view = view,
add_layer = add_layer,
modify_layer = modify_layer
), class = "cranvas-plot")

"print.cranvas-plot" <- function(x, ...) print(x$view)

# Higher-level -------------------------------------------------------------
# Something for Marie to work on?

# Should work like R and maintain stack of graphics devices.  Unless you 
# explicitly ask, it should use the most recently opened one

#scatterplot <- function(x, y, ...) {
#  plot1<- new_plot(xrange = range(x), yrange = range(y))
#  plot1$add_layer(glyph(bottom = y, left = x, ...))

# histogram
# add colour, fill, size, shape, etc.
schloerke/cranvasOLD documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:39 p.m.