
Defines functions format.ErrorList

#' ErrorList
#' Handles all errors that occur during query validation. This object is returned from execute request function (\code{ans <- \link{execute_request}(query, schema)}) under the field 'error_list' (\code{ans$error_list}).
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{answer <- execute_request(my_request, my_schema)
#' answer$error_list
#' }
#' @section Initialize:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{verbose}{boolean that determines if errors will be printed on occurrence.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{$n} count of errors received
#' \code{$errors} list of error information
#' \code{$verbose} boolean that determines of errors are printed when received
#' \code{$has_no_errors()} helper method to determine if there are no errors
#' \code{$has_any_errors()} helper method to determine if there are any errors
#' \code{$get_sub_source(loc)} helper method to display a subsection of source text given Location information
#' \code{$add(rule_code, ...)} add a new error according to the \code{rule_code} provided. Remaining arguments are passed directly to \code{paste(..., sep = "")} with extra error rule information
#' \code{$.format(...)} formats the error list into user friendly text. Remaining arguments are ignored
#' \code{$print(...)} prints the error list by calling \code{self$format(...)}
#' @name ErrorList
#' @examples
#' error_list <- ErrorList$new()
#' error_list
#' error_list$has_any_errors() # FALSE
#' error_list$has_no_errors() # TRUE
#' error_list$add("3.1.1", "Multiple part", " error about Scalars")
#' error_list
#' error_list$has_any_errors() # TRUE
#' error_list$has_no_errors() # FALSE

#' @export ErrorList
for_onload(function() {

ErrorList <- R6Class("ErrorList",
  private = list(
    # nolint start
    # https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/October2016/
    # document.querySelectorAll( "#sec-Validation section" ).forEach(
    #  function(x,i){console.log(x.firstChild.innerText)}
    # )
    # nolint end
    rule_names = list(

      "3.1.1" = "Scalars",
      "" = "Int",
      "" = "Float",
      "" = "String",
      "" = "Boolean",
      "" = "ID",
      "3.1.2" = "Objects",
      "" = "Object Field Arguments",
      "" = "Object Field deprecation",
      "" = "Object type validation",
      "3.1.3" = "Interfaces",
      "" = "Interface type validation",
      "3.1.4" = "Unions",
      "" = "Union type validation",
      "3.1.5" = "Enums",
      "3.1.6" = "Input Objects",
      "" = "Input Object type validation",
      "3.1.7" = "Lists",
      "3.1.8" = "Non-Null",

      "3.3" = "Initial types",

      "5.1" = "Operations",
      "5.1.1" = "Named Operation Definitions",
      "" = "Operation Name Uniqueness",
      "5.1.2" = "Anonymous Operation Definitions",
      "" = "Lone Anonymous Operation",

      "5.2" = "Fields",
      "5.2.1" = "Field Selections on Objects, Interfaces, and Unions Types",
      "5.2.2" = "Field Selection Merging",
      "5.2.3" = "Leaf Field Selections",

      "5.3" = "Arguments",
      "5.3.1" = "Argument Names",
      "5.3.2" = "Argument Uniqueness",
      "5.3.3" = "Argument Values Type Correctness",
      "" = "Compatible Values",
      "" = "Required Non-Null Arguments",

      "5.4" = "Fragments",
      "5.4.1" = "Fragment Declarations",
      "" = "Fragment Name Uniqueness",
      "" = "Fragment Spread Type Existence",
      "" = "Fragments On Composite Types",
      "" = "Fragments Must Be Used",
      "5.4.2" = "Fragment Spreads",
      "" = "Fragment spread target defined",
      "" = "Fragment spreads must not form cycles",
      "" = "Fragment spread is possible",
      "" = "Object Spreads In Object Scope",
      "" = "Abstract Spreads in Object Scope",
      "" = "Object Spreads In Abstract Scope",
      "" = "Abstract Spreads in Abstract Scope",

      "5.5" = "Values",
      "5.5.1" = "Input Object Field Uniqueness",

      "5.6" = "Directives",
      "5.6.1" = "Directives Are Defined",
      "5.6.2" = "Directives Are In Valid Locations",
      "5.6.3" = "Directives Are Unique Per Location",

      "5.7" = "Variables",
      "5.7.1" = "Variable Uniqueness",
      "5.7.2" = "Variable Default Values Are Correctly Typed",
      "5.7.3" = "Variables Are Input Types",
      "5.7.4" = "All Variable Uses Defined",
      "5.7.5" = "All Variables Used",
      "5.7.6" = "All Variable Usages are Allowed",

      "6.1" = "Executing Requests",
      "6.1.1" = "Validating Requests",
      "6.1.2" = "Coercing Variable Values",

      "6.2" = "Executing Operations",

      "6.3" = "Executing Selection Sets",
      "6.3.1" = "Normal and Serial Execution",
      "6.3.2" = "Field Collection",

      "6.4" = "Executing Fields",
      "6.4.1" = "Coercing Field Arguments",
      "6.4.2" = "Value Resolution",
      "6.4.3" = "Value Completion",
      "6.4.4" = "Errors and Non-Nullability"
  public = list(
    n = 0,
    errors = list(),
    verbose = TRUE,

    initialize = function(source = "", verbose = TRUE) {
      self$source <- source
      self$verbose <- verbose

    has_no_errors = function() {
      self$n == 0
    has_any_errors = function() {
      self$n > 0

    source = "",

    get_sub_source = function(loc) {
      lines <- strsplit(self$source, "\\r\\n|[\\r\\n]", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
      if (loc$start$line == loc$end$line) {
        line <- lines[loc$start$line]
        sub_source <- substr(line, loc$start$column, loc$end$column - 1)
      } else if (loc$start$line < loc$end$line) {
        start_line <- substr(
        middle_lines <- ""
        if ((loc$start$line + 1) < loc$end$line) {
          middle_lines <- lines[(loc$start$line + 1):(loc$end$line - 1)]
          middle_lines <- str_c(str_c(middle_lines, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
        end_line <- substr(
        sub_source <- str_c(start_line, "\n", middle_lines, end_line)

    add = function(rule_code, ..., loc = NULL) {

      rule_name <- private$rule_names[[rule_code]]
      if (is.null(rule_name)) {
        stop("Name not found for rule: '", rule_code, "'")

      err <- str_c(
        rule_code, ": ", rule_name, "\n",
        sep = ""

      if (!is.null(loc)) {
        err <- str_c(err, "\nLocation: ", format(loc$start), " to ", format(loc$end))
        sub_source <- self$get_sub_source(loc)
        err <- str_c(err, "\nError String: '", sub_source, "'")

      if (isTRUE(self$verbose)) {
        errors <- paste0("* ", gsub("\n", "\n  ", err, fixed = TRUE), collapse = "\n")
        message("Error:\n", errors)

      # display all errors
      # cat("\n'", self$source, "'\nError:", err, "\n\n", sep = "") # nolint

      self$n <- self$n + 1
      self$errors[[length(self$errors) + 1]] <- err

    .format = function(...) {
      if (self$has_any_errors()) {
          "Errors: \n",
          str_c(self$errors, collapse = ",\n")
      } else {
        "<ErrorList> No errors"

    print = function(...) {
      cat(self$.format(...), "\n")

}) # end for_onload

format.ErrorList <- function(x, ...) {
schloerke/gqlr documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 10:54 a.m.