
Defines functions InitializeEventSim InsertRate.EventSim InsertParameter.EventSim GetParameters.EventSim EvaluateFormula.EventSim GenerateStartStateVector GenerateRates.EventSim Simulate.EventSim crossOver_functional non_crossOver_functional

Documented in crossOver_functional EvaluateFormula.EventSim GenerateRates.EventSim GenerateStartStateVector GetParameters.EventSim InitializeEventSim InsertParameter.EventSim InsertRate.EventSim non_crossOver_functional Simulate.EventSim

##' Generate an object of type \code{EventSim}
##' An object of \code{EventSim} contains all the data required to run a
##' time to event simulation
##' @param progressionGraph An object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} describing the underlying transition DAG
##' @param switches An object of type \code{Switches} describing when transition rates change
##' @param recruitmentModel An object of type \code{recruitmentModel} used to sample subject recruitment
##' @return An object of type \code{EventSim}   
##' @export
InitializeEventSim <- function(progressionGraph,switches,recruitmentModel){
      stop(error="There must be at least one state!")
    numberRateMatrices <- NumberOfRateMatrices.Switches(switches)
    res <- list(progressionGraph=rep(progressionGraph,numberRateMatrices),
    class(res) <- "EventSim"

##' Insert a transition rate into \code{EventSim} object
##' Add a numeric value or function as the transition rate for an edge of the DAG for a specific
##' patient and calendar time. If a rate already exists for this edge, patient and
##' calendar time then the previous value is overwritten. See the Vignette for further details.
##' @param object The \code{EventSim} object this rate is to be added into.
##' @param fromNode The rate being added is for subjects leaving this node (i.e. state) entering \code{toNode}. 
##' The node should be a string matching a node name in \code{object$progressionGraph} 
##' @param toNode The rate being added is for subjects arriving into this node from \code{toNode}. 
##' The node should be a string matching a node name in \code{object$progressionGraph} 
##' @param calendarStartTime The calendar start time for this rate to be used. The rate will only be used from this
##' time until the next calendar time switch. If NULL this rate is used for
##' all calendar start times. Note calendar start time must match a calendar time in \code{object$Switches}
##' @param patientStartTime The patient start time for this rate to be used 
##' @param rate Transition rate. Either a (non-negative) value or a function. See Vignette for further details 
##' @return \code{object} with the appropriate rates added   
##' @export
InsertRate.EventSim <- function(object,fromNode,toNode,calendarStartTime=NULL,patientStartTime=NULL,rate){
    switchIndex <- vector()
    if(is.null(calendarStartTime) && is.null(patientStartTime)){
        switchIndex <- 1:object$numberRateMatrices
    else if(is.null(calendarStartTime) && !is.null(patientStartTime)){
        stop(error="Both calendar and patient StartTime must be null if either is")    
    else if(!is.null(calendarStartTime) && is.null(patientStartTime)){
        stop(error="Both calendar and patient StartTime must be null if either is")   
        switchIndex <- GetIndex.Switches(object$switches,calendarStartTime,patientStartTime)  
    for(x in switchIndex)
      object$progressionGraph[x] <- InsertRate.ProgressionGraph(object$progressionGraph[x],fromNode,toNode,rate)  

##' Insert more parameter names into an \code{EventSim} object
##' \code{object$params} contains a list of parameters which can be used
##' in functions describing rates for this object. For example if
##' \code{object$params = c("p","x")} then the function \code{myfunc1 <- function(pars){pars["p"]*pars["x"]}}
##' can be inserted into \code{object} using the function \code{\link{InsertRate.EventSim}} 
##' This function appends a new vector of parameter names to the existing  \code{object$params} function
##' returning a new \code{EventSim} with this addition
##' @param object An \code{EventSim} object
##' @param name  A vector of parameter names to be added into \code{object}  
##' @return \code{object} with the addition parameters found in  \code{name}  
##' @export
InsertParameter.EventSim <- function(object,name){
    t <-  c(object$params,name)
        stop(error="Note all parameter names must be different")
    object$params <- t

##' Returns a vector with names \code{object$params}.
##' Given a vector of values return the vector with names matching
##' those found in \code{object$params}. An exception is thrown if the
##' length of the vector of values and vector of names are not
##' identical
##' @param object Object of type \code{EventSim} from which the
##'   parameter names will be taken
##' @param values The vector to be named
##' @return A vector containing values with names from \code{object$params} 
##' @export
GetParameters.EventSim <- function(object,values){
    if(length(values) != length(object$params)){
        stop(error="values should be of size",length(object$params))
    names(values) <- object$params

##' Evaluate transition rates parameterized by functions
##' The rates for transitions can be entered as functions (\code{\link{InsertRate.EventSim}}) 
##' \code{EvaluateFormula.EventSim} takes a set of numeric values to be used to evaluate these functions and returns an
##' \code{EventSim} object with the functions replaced by their evaluated values  
##' @param object An object of type \code{EventSim}
##' @param params A named vector of parameter values with names which match those found in
##' \code{object$params}. The function \code{\link{GetParameters.EventSim}} will generate such a vector
##' @return \code{object} with the rates which were parameterized by functions replaced with their evaluated values 
##' @export
EvaluateFormula.EventSim <- function(object, params){
    #validation on parameters occurs inside EvaluateFormula.ProgressionGraph
    object$progressionGraph <- unlist(lapply(1:object$numberRateMatrices, function(x){
    ) )
    object$paramValues <- params

##' Generate a list of patient start states
##' For example:
##' \code{nodeNames <- c("control.progressing","control.progressed","death")
##' startCounts <- c("control.progressing",5,"death",2)
##' GenerateStartStateVector(nodeNames,startCounts)}  
##' @param nodeNames A list of nodeNames 
##' @param startCounts A list of startCounts of the form c("nodeName",numberStartingatNode,...)
##' @return A numeric vector containing the starting states of subjects. The example returns
##' \code{c(1,1,1,1,1,3,3)}
GenerateStartStateVector <- function(nodeNames, startCounts){
    if(length(startCounts)%% 2 == 1){
      stop(error="Error initializing subject start nodes")
    retVal <- lapply(seq(2,length(startCounts),2), function(x){
        nodeIndex <- match(startCounts[x-1],nodeNames)
        count <- as.numeric(startCounts[x])
        if(round(count) != count){
          stop(error="Error initializing subject start nodes")
        if(count < 0 || nodeIndex < 0){
            stop(error="Error initializing subject start nodes")

##' Generate a list of hazard rates for use in Simulation
##' For each \code{progressionGraph} a rate Matrix is calculated 
##' using \code{\link{GeneratRateMatrix.ProgressionGraph}} and is of the form
##' The matrix that is produced is such that M[i,j] = the rate
##' from node i to node j. 
##' Each matrix is transposed, unlisted and appended together
##' so that in the example there are N states, the first N rates in the list
##' are the transition rates out of state 1 at calendarTime = 0, patientTime = 0. 
##' The next N are the transition rates out of state 2 at calendarTime = 0, patientTime = 0
##' etc.          
##' @param object An \code{EventSim} object from which to calculate the rates
##' @return A list of rates. The rates are ordered as described
GenerateRates.EventSim <- function(object){
    retVal <- lapply(1:object$numberRateMatrices, function(x){

##' Perform a time to event simulation 
##' A time to event simulation is run for subjects specified by
##' \code{startCounts} Each subject is simulated until enough time has
##' passed so that the rate matrices will no longer switch and the
##' subject cannot transition into another state
##' All rates which have been defined as formulae must be evaluated
##' before calling this function See
##' \code{\link{EvaluateFormula.EventSim}}. If this is not the case
##' then an error message will be displayed
##' @param object An \code{EventSim} object
##' @param startCounts A vector containing nodeNames and number of
##' subjects starting in this node, for example
##' \code{c("control.progressing",5,"active.progressing",5)}. If a
##' node is not included in this list then it is assumed that no
##' subjects start at this location
##' @param seed Random seed (for recruitment)
##' @param duration The patient time at which the simulation should end. 
##' @return A list containing a data frame ("data") containing columns
##' id, state, patient_transition_time which describe which patient
##' transitions into which state at which patient_time and a vector or
##' recruitment times (recruitmentTimes)
##' @export
Simulate.EventSim <- function(object, startCounts,seed=NULL,duration=Inf){
    nodeNames <- nodes(object$progressionGraph[1]$graph)
    startNodes <- GenerateStartStateVector(nodeNames,startCounts)  
    totalSubjects <- length(startNodes)
    if(totalSubjects == 0){
      stop(error="No Subjects!")
    if(duration <= 0 || !is.numeric(duration) ){
      stop(error="duration must be a positive number or Inf")
    if(!is.DAG(object$progressionGraph[1]$graph) && is.infinite(duration)){
      stop(error="A ProgressionGraph with cycles must have a finite duration")
    subjectRecruitmentTimes <- simulate.recruitmentModel(object$recruitmentModel,nsim=totalSubjects,seed)
    rateMatrices <- GenerateRates.EventSim(object)
    if(all(rateMatrices == 0)){
      stop(error="All Transitions are zero!")
    patientEndTimes <- GetPatientEndTimes.Switches(object$switches) 
    calendarEndTimes <- GetCalendarEndTimes.Switches(object$switches) 
    shape <- GetShapes.ProgressionGraph(object$progressionGraph[1])
    resetEdges <- GetResetEdges.ProgressionGraph(object$progressionGraph[1])
    retVal <- gillespie(startNodes,subjectRecruitmentTimes,length(nodeNames),rateMatrices,
    #convert states from integers to their names 
    retVal$state <-  mapvalues(as.factor(retVal$state), from = 1:length(nodeNames), to = nodeNames,warn_missing = FALSE )

##' Create a function for parameterizing cross over probabilities
##' See Vignette tutorials 4 and 6 for further details 
##' @param parameterName Parameter name for the cross over probability
##' @param rate rate parameter for hazard function
##' @param shape Weibull shape parameter for hazard function
##' @return A function to be used as the rate argument to the InsertRates.EventSim fnction
##' @export
crossOver_functional <- function(parameterName,rate,shape=1){
  #When calculating the hazard functions the package takes the rate and applies the following
  #formula rate=r -> hazard function = shape*(r^shape)*[time^(shape-1)]. If you want the hazard function to be
  #p*shape*(rate^shape)*[time^(shape-1)] then rate must be replaced by rate*p^(1/shape)
  #so that the desired hazard function is used 
  f <- function(pars){
    ans <- pars[parameterName]^(1/shape)*rate
    names(ans) <- NULL

##' Create a function for parameterizing cross over probabilities
##' See Vignette tutorials 4 and 6 for further details 
##' @param parameterName Parameter name for the cross over probability
##' @param rate rate parameter for hazard function
##' @param shape Weibull shape parameter for hazard function
##' @return A function to be used as the rate argument to the InsertRates.EventSim fnction
##' @export
non_crossOver_functional <- function(parameterName,rate,shape=1){
  f <- function(pars){
    ans <-(1-pars[parameterName])^(1/shape)*rate 
    names(ans) <- NULL
scientific-computing-solutions/badminton documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:43 p.m.