knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = T, comment = "#>")
options(tibble.print_min = 4L, tibble.print_max = 4L)

Consider this call to summarise :

summarise(per_day, flights = sum(flights))

One of the ways dplyr achieves dramatic speedups is that expressions might not be evaluated by R, but by alternative code that is faster and uses less memory.

Conceptually the call to summarise above evaluates the expression sum(flights) on each subset of flights controlled by the grouping of per_day. This involves creating a new R vector to store the chunk and evaluate the R expression.

Evaluating the R expression might carry costs that can be avoided, i.e. S3 dispatch, ...

dplyr recognizes the expression sum(flights) as the sum function applied to a known column of the data, making it possible to handle the dispatch early and once, avoid unneeded memory allocations and compute the result faster.

Hybrid evaluation is able to work on subexpressions. Consider:

foo <- function(x) x*x 
summarise(per_day, flights = foo(sum(flights)) )

dplyr will substitute the subexpressions it knows how to handle and leave the rest to standard R evaluation. Instead of evaluating foo(sum(flights)), R will only have to evaluate foo(z) where z is the result of the internal evaluation of sum(flights).


Hybrid evaluation is designed to be extensible. Before we start registering custom hybrid evaluation handlers, we need to understand the system.

The first building block we need to cover is the Result class.

namespace dplyr {
    class Result {
        virtual ~Result(){} ;

        virtual SEXP process( const GroupedDataFrame& gdf) = 0 ;

        virtual SEXP process( const FullDataFrame& df ) = 0 ;

        virtual SEXP process( const SlicingIndex& index ){
            return R_NilValue ;    

    } ;

The two first methods deal with grouped and ungrouped data frames. We will mainly focus on the last method that operates on a SlicingIndex.

SlicingIndex is a class that encapsulates indices of a single chunk of a grouped data frame.

Hybrid evaluation really just is deriving from the Result class. Let's consider a simpler version of sum that only handles numeric vectors. (The internal version is more complete, handles missing values, ...).

class Sum : public Result {
    Sum( NumericVector data_ ): data(data_){}

    SEXP process( const SlicingIndex& index ){
      double res = 0.0 ;
      for( int i=0; i<index.size(); i++) res += data[ index[i] ] ;
      return NumericVector::create( res );

    virtual SEXP process( const GroupedDataFrame& gdf){
    virtual SEXP process( const FullDataFrame& df ){

    NumericVector data ;
} ;

Using Processor

Implementation of Result derived classes can be facilitated by the template class Processor. Processor is templated by two template parameters:

When using Processor we only have to supply a process_chunk method that takes a const SlicingIndex& as input and returns an object suitable to go into a vector of the type controlled by the first template parameter.

The purpose of the Processor template is then to generate the boiler plate code for the three process methods defined by the Result interface.

A possible Sum implementation would then look something like this:

class Sum : public Processor<REALSXP, Sum> {
    Sum( NumericVector data_ ): data(data_){}

    double process_chunk( const SlicingIndex& index ){
      double res = 0.0 ;
      for( int i=0; i<index.size(); i++) res += data[ index[i] ] ;
      return res;

    NumericVector data ;

Recognizing genericity here, we might want to make Sum a template class in order to handle more than just numeric vector :

template <int RTYPE>
class Sum : public Processor<REALSXP, Sum<RTYPE> > {
    typedef typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type STORAGE ;

    Sum( Vector<RTYPE> data_ ): data(data_){}

    STORAGE process_chunk( const SlicingIndex& index ){
      STORAGE res = 0.0 ;
      for( int i=0; i<index.size(); i++) res += data[ index[i] ] ;
      return res;

    Vector<RTYPE> data ;

Aside from not dealing with missing data and using internal knowledge of the SlicingIndex class, this implementation of Sum is close to the internal implementation in dplyr.

Retrieving hybrid handlers

dplyr functions use the get_handler function to retrieve handlers for particular expressions.

Result* get_handler( SEXP call, const LazySubsets& subsets ){
    int depth = Rf_length(call) ;
    HybridHandlerMap& handlers = get_handlers() ;
    SEXP fun_symbol = CAR(call) ;
    if( TYPEOF(fun_symbol) != SYMSXP ) return 0 ;

    HybridHandlerMap::const_iterator it = handlers.find( fun_symbol ) ;
    if( it == handlers.end() ) return 0 ;

    return it->second( call, subsets, depth - 1 );

The get_handler performs a lookup in a hash table of type HybridHandlerMap.

typedef dplyr::Result* (*HybridHandler)(SEXP, const dplyr::LazySubsets&, int) ;
typedef dplyr_hash_map<SEXP,HybridHandler> HybridHandlerMap ;

HybridHandlerMap is simply a hash map where the map key is the symbol of the function and the map value type is a function pointer defined by HybridHandler.

The parameters of the HybridHandler function pointer type are:

The purpose of the hybrid handler function is to return a Result* if it can handle the call or 0 if it cannot.

with our previous Sum template class, we could define a hybrid handler function like this:

Result* sum_handler(SEXP call, const LazySubsets& subsets, int nargs ){
  // we only know how to deal with argument
  if( nargs != 1 ) return 0 ;

  // get the first argument
  SEXP arg = CADR(call) ;

  // if this is a symbol, extract the variable from the subsets
  if( TYPEOF(arg) == SYMSXP ) arg = subsets.get_variable(arg) ;

  // we know how to handle integer vectors and numeric vectors
  switch( TYPEOF(arg) ){
  case INTSXP: return new Sum<INTSXP>(arg) ;
  case REALSXP: return new Sum<REALSXP>(arg) ;
  default: break ;

  // we are here if we could not handle the call
  return 0 ;

Registering hybrid handlers

dplyr enables users, most likely packages, to register their own hybrid handlers through the registerHybridHandler.

void registerHybridHandler( const char* , HybridHandler ) ;

To register the handler we created above, we then simply:

registerHybridHandler( "sum", sum_handler )  ;

Putting it all together

We are going to register a handler called hitchhiker that always returns the answer to everything, i.e. 42.

The code below is suitable to run through sourceCpp.

#include <dplyr.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(dplyr,BH)]]

using namespace dplyr ;
using namespace Rcpp ;

// the class that derives from Result through Processor
class Hitchhiker : public Processor<INTSXP,Hitchhiker>{

    // always returns 42, as it is the answer to everything
    int process_chunk( const SlicingIndex& ){
        return 42 ;    
} ;

// we actually don't need the arguments
// we can just let this handler return a new Hitchhiker pointer
Result* hitchhiker_handler( SEXP, const LazySubsets&, int ){
    return new Hitchhiker ;        

// registration of the register, called from R, so exprted through Rcpp::export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void registerHitchhiker(){
    registerHybridHandler( "hitchhiker", hitchhiker_handler );    

/*** R

    n  <- 10000
    df <- group_by( tbl_df( data.frame( 
        id = sample( letters[1:4], 1000, replace = TRUE ), 
        x  = rnorm(n)
        ) ), id )
    summarise( df, y = hitchhiker() )
    # Source: local data frame [4 x 2]
    # Groups:
    #   id  y
    # 1  a 42
    # 2  b 42
    # 3  c 42
    # 4  d 42

    summarise(df, y = mean(x) + hitchhiker())
    # Source: local data frame [4 x 2]
    # Groups:
    #   id        y
    # 1  a 42.00988
    # 2  b 42.00988
    # 3  c 42.01440
    # 4  d 41.99160

Registering hybrid handlers with a package

To register custom handlers in packages, the best place is the init entry point that R automatically calls when a package is loaded.

Instead of exposing the registerHitchhiker function as above, packages would typically register handlers like this:

#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <dplyr.h>

// R automatically calls this function when the maypack package is loaded. 
extern "C" void R_init_mypack( DllInfo* info ){
  registerHybridHandler( "hitchhiker", hitchhiker_handler );

For this your package must know about Rcpp and dplyr's headers, which requires this information in the DESCRIPTION file:

LinkingTo: Rcpp, dplyr, BH

The Makevars and are similar to those used for any package that uses Rcpp features. See the Rcpp vignettes for details.

sctyner/dplyr050 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:22 p.m.