
Defines functions weight_comps weight_comps_base tidy_comps_survey tidy_comps_commercial bin_lengths

Documented in tidy_comps_commercial tidy_comps_survey weight_comps

#' Age and length frequency weighting
#' In general, you shouldn't have to use these functions directly. However, they
#' are exposed to the user in case you need the flexibility of using them
#' yourself and as a place to hold documentation about the weighting schemes.
#' These functions weight age or length frequencies. `tidy_comps_commercial()`
#' and `tidy_comps_survey()` join the necessary data for commercial or survey
#' samples, respectively, and format it for weighting. `weight_comps()` does the
#' actual weighting based on the output from the `tidy_*` functions.
#' @param specimen_dat Specimen data. E.g. from [gfdata::get_commercial_samples()] for
#' commercial data or [gfdata::get_survey_samples()] for survey data.
#' @param catch_dat Catch data. E.g. from [gfdata::get_catch()].
#' @param survey_tows Survey tow data. E.g. from [gfdata::get_survey_samples()].
#' @param value The **unquoted** column name with the values to re-weight
#' (e.g. `age` or `length`).
#' @param bin_size The binning size (likely only used for lengths).
#' @param dat A properly formatted data frame such the output from
#' `tidy_comps_survey()` or `tidy_comps_commercial()`. See details.
#' @details The input data frame to `weight_comps()` must have columns in the
#' following order:
#' 1. year
#' 1. weighting unit ID (e.g. trip ID or sample ID)
#' 1. grouping variable for first weighting (e.g. quarter or stratum)
#' 1. value of weighting variable (e.g. age or length bin)
#' 1. frequency of that weighting variable (e.g. frequency of that age or
#'    length bin)
#' 1. numerator in first weighting (e.g. sample catch weight or density)
#' 2. denominator in first weighting (e.g. quarter catch weight or total
#'    stratum density)
#' 1. numerator in second weighting (e.g. catch that quarter or stratum area)
#' 1. denominator in second weighting (e.g. catch that year or total survey
#'    area)
#' `tidy_comps_commercial()` and `tidy_comps_survey()` both output data frames
#' in this format and so you ordinarily would not have to worry about this. The
#' names of the columns do not matter, only their contents. The data frame
#' should contain these columns and only these columns.
#' @references
#' Page 161 of Kendra R. Holt, Paul J. Starr, Rowan Haigh, and Brian Krishka.
#' 2016. Stock Assessment and Harvest Advice for Rock Sole (Lepidopsetta spp.)
#' in British Columbia. CSAS Res. Doc. 2016/009.
#' [Link](http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/Publications/ResDocs-DocRech/2016/2016_009-eng.html)
#' [PDF](http://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/363948.pdf)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' species <- "redstripe rockfish"
#' ## Surveys:
#' ## ssid = 1 is Queen Charlotte Sound Synoptic Survey:
#' # rs_survey_samples <- gfdata::get_survey_samples(species, ssid = 1)
#' # rs_survey_sets <- gfdata::get_survey_sets(species, ssid = 1)
#' surv_lengths <- tidy_comps_survey(rs_survey_samples, rs_survey_sets,
#'   value = length, bin_size = 2)
#' surv_lengths
#' weight_comps(surv_lengths)
#' surv_ages <- tidy_comps_survey(rs_survey_samples, rs_survey_sets, value = age)
#' surv_ages
#' weight_comps(surv_ages)
#' ## Commercial:
#' # rs_comm_samples <- gfdata::get_commercial_samples(species)
#' # rs_catch <- gfdata::get_catch(species)
#' com_lengths <- tidy_comps_commercial(rs_comm_samples, rs_catch,
#'   value = length, bin_size = 2)
#' com_lengths
#' weight_comps(com_lengths)
#' com_ages <- tidy_comps_commercial(rs_comm_samples, rs_catch,
#'   value = age)
#' com_ages
#' weight_comps(com_ages)
#' ## These functions are pipe (%>%) friendly. E.g.:
#' tidy_comps_survey(rs_survey_samples, rs_survey_sets, value = age) %>%
#'   weight_comps()
#' }
#' @name weight_comps

bin_lengths <- function(dat, value, bin_size) {
  value <- enquo(value)
  bin_range <- dat %>%
    select(!!value) %>%
    pull() %>%
  bin_range[1] <- round_down_even(bin_range[1])
  bin_range[2] <- ceiling(bin_range[2])
  bins <- seq(min(bin_range), max(bin_range), by = bin_size)
  mutate(dat, !!quo_name(value) :=
    bins[findInterval(!!value, bins)] + bin_size / 2)

#' @export
#' @rdname weight_comps
tidy_comps_commercial <- function(specimen_dat, catch_dat, value,
                                  bin_size = NULL) {
  value <- enquo(value)
  specimen_dat <- specimen_dat %>% filter(!is.na(!!value))

  if (identical(class(specimen_dat$sex), "numeric")) {
    specimen_dat <- filter(specimen_dat, sex %in% c(1, 2))

  if (!is.null(bin_size)) {
    specimen_dat <- bin_lengths(specimen_dat, !!value, bin_size = bin_size)

  dat <- mutate(specimen_dat,
    month = lubridate::month(trip_start_date),
    quarter = case_when(
      month %in% seq(1, 3) ~ 1,
      month %in% seq(4, 6) ~ 2,
      month %in% seq(7, 9) ~ 3,
      month %in% seq(10, 12) ~ 4
  ) %>% select(-month)

  catch_dat <- filter(catch_dat, !is.na(fe_end_date)) %>%
      month = lubridate::month(fe_end_date),
      quarter = case_when(
        month %in% seq(1, 3) ~ 1,
        month %in% seq(4, 6) ~ 2,
        month %in% seq(7, 9) ~ 3,
        month %in% seq(10, 12) ~ 4
    ) %>%

  sampled_trip_id_catch <-
    unique(select(dat, year, quarter, trip_id, catch_weight)) %>%
    group_by(year, quarter, trip_id) %>%
    summarise(samp_trip_catch_weight = sum(catch_weight))

  quarter_sampled_catch <- sampled_trip_id_catch %>%
    group_by(year, quarter) %>%
    summarise(samp_catch_weight_quarter = sum(samp_trip_catch_weight))

  freq_and_catch_by_trip <- group_by(dat, year, sex, trip_id, quarter, !!value) %>%
    summarise(freq = n()) %>%
    inner_join(sampled_trip_id_catch, by = c("year", "trip_id", "quarter"))

  species_catch_by_quarter <- group_by(catch_dat, year, quarter) %>%
    summarise(landed_kg_quarter = sum(landed_kg)) %>%
    group_by(year) %>%
    mutate(landed_kg_year = sum(landed_kg_quarter))

    by = c("year", "quarter")
  ) %>%
    inner_join(quarter_sampled_catch, by = c("year", "quarter")) %>%
      year, sex, trip_id, quarter, !!value, freq,
      samp_trip_catch_weight, samp_catch_weight_quarter,
      landed_kg_quarter, landed_kg_year
    ) %>% # re-order columns
    arrange(year, sex, trip_id, !!value) %>%

#' @export
#' @rdname weight_comps
tidy_comps_survey <- function(specimen_dat, survey_tows, value,
                              bin_size = NULL) {
  value <- enquo(value)
  specimen_dat <- specimen_dat %>%

  if (identical(class(specimen_dat$sex), "numeric")) {
    specimen_dat <- filter(specimen_dat, sex %in% c(1, 2))

  if (!is.null(bin_size)) {
    specimen_dat <- bin_lengths(specimen_dat, !!value, bin_size = bin_size)

  strat_dat <- survey_tows %>%
      year, survey_id, fishing_event_id, sample_id, grouping_code,
      density_kgpm2, area_km2

  raw_comp <- specimen_dat %>%
    filter(!is.na(grouping_code)) %>%
    select(year, sample_id, !!value, sex, grouping_code) %>%
    group_by(year, sex, sample_id, grouping_code, !!value) %>%
    summarise(freq = n())

  strat_areas <- strat_dat %>%
    filter(!is.na(grouping_code)) %>%
    select(year, grouping_code, area_km2) %>%
    unique() %>%
    group_by(year) %>%
    mutate(total_area_km2 = sum(area_km2, na.rm = TRUE))

  strat_dens <- select(
    strat_dat, year, fishing_event_id,
    grouping_code, density_kgpm2
  ) %>%
    unique() %>%
    group_by(year, grouping_code) %>%
    summarise(total_density = sum(density_kgpm2 * 1e6))

  sample_dens <- specimen_dat %>%
      by = c("year", "survey_id", "sample_id", "grouping_code")
    ) %>%
    group_by(year, grouping_code, sample_id) %>%
    summarise(density = mean(density_kgpm2 * 1e6)) # should be one unique value


  inner_join(raw_comp, sample_dens,
    by = c("year", "sample_id", "grouping_code")
  ) %>%
    inner_join(strat_dens, by = c("year", "grouping_code")) %>%
    inner_join(strat_areas, by = c("year", "grouping_code")) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(year, sex, sample_id, !!value)

weight_comps_base <- function(dat) {
  # Internal function that actually does the weighting
  # value (age or length)
  # grouping1 (quarter or grouping_code)
  # weighting1 (samp_trip_catch_weight or density)
  # weighting1_total (samp_catch_weight_quarter or total_density)
  # weighting2 (landed_kg_quarter or area_km2)
  # weighting2_total (landed_kg_year or total_area_km2)
  # Equation numbers refer to p161 of: Stock Assessment and Harvest Advice for
  # Rock Sole (Lepidopsetta spp.) in British Columbia Kendra R. Holt, Paul J.
  # Starr, Rowan Haigh, and Brian Krishka using dplyr and pipes. PDF:
  # http://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/363948.pdf

  group_by(dat, year, grouping1) %>% # pre D.4

    # first level (within quarters by catch or within strata by survey catch):
    mutate(prop = weighting1 / weighting1_total) %>% # D.4
    # re-weight:
    group_by(year, grouping1, weighting2, weighting2_total, sex, value) %>% # pre D.5
      weighted_freq1 = sum(freq * prop), # D.5
      sum_freq = sum(freq)
    ) %>% # needed for D.6

    # re-standardize:
      weighted_freq1_scaled =
        weighted_freq1 * sum(sum_freq) / sum(weighted_freq1)
    ) %>% # D.6
    group_by(year) %>% # pre D.7

    # second level (within years by catch or within survey-years by area):
    mutate(annual_prop = weighting2 / sum(weighting2_total)) %>% # D.7
    group_by(year, sex, value) %>% # pre D.8

    # re-weight:
      weighted_freq2 = sum(weighted_freq1_scaled * annual_prop), # D.8
      sum_weighted_freq1 = sum(weighted_freq1_scaled)
    ) %>% # needed for D.9
    group_by(year) %>% # pre D.9

    # re-standardize:
    mutate(weighted_freq2_scaled = weighted_freq2 *
      (sum(sum_weighted_freq1) / sum(weighted_freq2))) %>% # D.9
    group_by(year) %>%

    # calculate proportions:
      weighted_prop =
        weighted_freq2_scaled / sum(weighted_freq2_scaled)
    ) %>% # D.10
    select(-contains("freq")) %>%

#' @export
#' @rdname weight_comps
weight_comps <- function(dat) {
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(ncol(dat), 10L))
    c("year", "sex")
  assertthat::assert_that(names(dat)[[3]] %in% c("sample_id", "trip_id"))

  names(dat) <- c(
    "year", "sex", "id", "grouping1", "value", "freq",
    "weighting1", "weighting1_total",
    "weighting2", "weighting2_total"
seananderson/gfplot documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 8:15 a.m.