
Defines functions jhu_data_to_excel enriched_jhu_data .remove_df_columns

Documented in enriched_jhu_data jhu_data_to_excel .remove_df_columns

#' utility function to remove columns that contain `data.frame` type
#' The dplyr::bind_rows function does not work with
#' `data.frame` columns, so simply remove them as needed.
#' @param df a `data.frame` that will have all columns of type
#' `data.frame` removed
#' @return df, but without any `data.frame` columns
#' @keywords internal
.remove_df_columns <- function(df) {
    df_cols = which(vapply(df, class, 'stringtype')=='data.frame')
    df[, -c(df_cols)]

.cols_to_remove = c(

#' Get enriched jhu dataset enriched with country-level metadata
#' The purpose of this function is to enrich the JHU dataset
#' with additional country-level metadata and then get the
#' data into a form that can be easily written to excel or used
#' as a "wide-format" tabular dataset.
#' @importFrom openxlsx write.xlsx
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @param cols_to_remove a character vector of column names from
#' [country_metadata()] to remove.
#' @param warn logical(1) defaults to FALSE, sent to `countrycode::countrycode` to
#' determine whether failed matches should be reported.
#' @return A list of three `data.frames` named `deaths`, `confirmed`,
#' and `recovered`.
#' @examples
#' res = enriched_jhu_data()
#' colnames(res)
#' library(dplyr)
#' head(res)
#' dplyr::glimpse(res)
#' @export
enriched_jhu_data <- function(cols_to_remove = .cols_to_remove, warn=FALSE) {
    res = jhu_data()
    cmd = country_metadata()
    res$alpha3Code = countrycode(
        origin = "country.name.en",
        ## This is a custom HACK
        custom_match=c('Kosovo'='XKX', 'Diamond Princess'=NA), warn=warn)
    res3 = cmd %>%
        dplyr::right_join(res,by=c("alpha3Code"="alpha3Code")) %>%
    if(nrow(res3) != nrow(res)) {
        stop('row numbers do not match')

#' Create +/- write excel format of enriched JHU global data
#' The purpose of this function is to enrich the JHU dataset
#' with additional country-level metadata and then get the
#' data into a form that can be easily written to excel or used
#' as a "wide-format" tabular dataset.
#' @note This function is really a utility function to provide
#' an excel format of data to folks more familiar with excel than
#' with R.
#' @importFrom openxlsx write.xlsx
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr right_join
#' @param dat a data.frame-like object with at least column
#'     `CountryRegion` that will be joined with country data.
#' @param file character(1) filename to which to save excel
#'     file. If specified, use the write.xlsx() function from the
#'     openxlsx package to create (or overwrite) the file of that
#'     name. The excel file will have one tab for each of the `subset`
#'     records from the supplied data.frame in `dat`.
#' @param cols_to_remove a character vector of column names from
#'     [country_metadata()] to remove.
#' @param ... passed to write.xlsx
#' @return A list of three `data.frames` named `deaths`, `confirmed`,
#' and `recovered`.
#' @examples
#' xls_form = jhu_data_to_excel()
#' names(xls_form)
#' head(xls_form[[1]])
#' @export
jhu_data_to_excel <- function(dat = jhu_data(),
                              cols_to_remove =
                                  ), ...) {
    res = dat
    cmd = country_metadata()
    subsets = unique(res$subset)
    ret = lapply(subsets,function(x) {
        res2 = res %>%
            dplyr::filter(subset==x) %>%
            tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = date, values_from = count) %>%
        res2$alpha3Code = countrycode(
            origin = "country.name.en",
            ## This is a custom HACK
            custom_match=c('Kosovo'='XKX', 'Diamond Princess'=NA))
        res3 = cmd %>%
            dplyr::right_join(res2,by=c("alpha3Code"="alpha3Code")) %>%
        if(nrow(res3) != nrow(res2)) {
            stop('row numbers do not match')
    names(ret) = unique(res$subset)
    if(!is.na(file)) {
        write.xlsx(ret, file=file, ...)
seandavi/sars2pack documentation built on May 13, 2022, 3:41 p.m.