qPCR.rna.mean.reps: qPCR RNA expression experimental replicates mean calculator.

View source: R/qPCR.rna.mean.reps.R

qPCR.rna.mean.repsR Documentation

qPCR RNA expression experimental replicates mean calculator.


This function allows to generate a table and a plot result (FoldChange and normalized Expression) of the mean of different replicates of an experiment starting from analyses performed by qPCR.rna.exp.


  reference.sample = NULL,
  exclude.samples = NULL,
  exclude.housekeeping.genes = TRUE,
  plot.color = "#d1718b",
  fix.y.axis = FALSE,
  text.size = 3,
  x.labels.rotation = 45



A list of qPCR.rna.exp result objects.


Single string indicating the name of the sample to use as reference for the computation of the FoldChanges. By default NULL: if the input is a list of qPCR.rna.exp objects, the reference.sample is retrieved automatically. However, if the number of reference used are multiple and/or not shared among replicates, the first sample in the order is used as reference.


String vector indicating the samples that should be exuded in the expression and FoldChange plots. By default NULL.


Logic value to indicate whether the housekeeping genes should be excluded in the plot. By default TRUE.


Single string to indicate the color to use for the bar plot. Default value: #D1718B.


Logic value indicating whether the y-axis of the plots should be kept fixed among all the genes. By default FALSE.


Numeric value to indicate the size of the text for the number above the bars. Default 3.


Numeric value indicating the degrees of x-axis's labels rotation. By default 45.


The function returns a list containing:

  • mean.reps.data.table: a list of data.frames, one per housekeeping gene and the mean of all housekeeping genes, containing the number of reps (n), SD and SEM for each sample-target combination for both normalized expression and FoldChanges;

  • mean.reps.exp.plots: a list of a plots, one per housekeeping gene, showing the replicates' normalized expression over the reference Sample (facet_wrapped by gene);

  • mean.reps.FC.plots: a list of a plots, one per housekeeping gene and the mean of all housekeeping genes, showing the replicates' mean FoldChange expression over the reference Sample (facet_wrapped by gene).

sebastian-gregoricchio/Rseb documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 1:59 p.m.