volcano: Volcano plot generator for RNA-seq data.

View source: R/volcano.R

volcanoR Documentation

Volcano plot generator for RNA-seq data.


Generates a volcano plot in order to visualize the differentially expressed genes. The plot is highly customizable.


  FC_t = 1.5,
  p_t = 0.05,
  FC_unresponsive_rigth = 1.1,
  FC_unresponsive_left = 1/FC_unresponsive_rigth,
  x_ends = NULL,
  y_min = 0,
  y_max = NULL,
  left_label = "UP",
  right_label = "DOWN",
  unresponsive_label = "NoResp",
  null_label = "NULL",
  names = as.character(c(1:length(log2FC_data))),
  left_names = FALSE,
  right_names = FALSE,
  padding = FALSE,
  names_size = 10,
  print_plot = F,
  left_color = "#00BA38",
  right_color = "#F8766D",
  unresponsive_color = "#00A5CF",
  null_color = "gray30",
  point_size = 0.5,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend_title = "Expression status",
  x_label = bquote("log"["2"] * "(Fold Change expression)"),
  y_label = bquote("-log"["10"] * "(p-value"["adjusted"] * ")"),
  title = "Volcano plot",
  sub_title = NULL,
  add_threshold_lines = T,
  threshold_line_color = "gray70",
  threshold_line_type = "dotted",
  font_family = "Helvetica",
  font_size = 12



Numeric vector containing the log2(FoldChange) values of each gene.


Numeric vector of p-values. Use of adjusted p-values is recommended.


Value of the threshold to use for the fold change expression to define differentially expressed genes, expressed as linear value. By default 1.5 and by consequence 1/1.5.


Value of the threshold to use for the p-values to define differentially expressed genes, expressed as linear value. By default 0.05.


Value of the threshold to use for the fold change expression to define unresponsive genes when FC > 1, expressed as linear value. By default 1.1. If NULL it will be calculated symmetrically from FC_NoResp_left as 1/FC_NoResp_left.


Value of the threshold to use for the fold change expression to define unresponsive genes when FC < 1, expressed as linear value. By default 1/FC_unresponsive_rigth. If NULL it will be calculated symmetrically from FC_NoResp_rigth as 1/FC_NoResp_rigth.


Numeric positive value to define manually the range of the X-axis: it will be calculated as c(-x_ends, x_ends), for this reason the plot will be symmetrical. By default NULL, the range is assigned automatically and the plot can be asymmetrical.


Numeric value for the minimum value of the Y-axis. By default 0. Set it to NULL for automatic computation.


Numeric value for the maximum value of the Y-axis. By default NULL.


String to indicate the label to use for the set of genes in the left side of the graph (those with FoldChange < 1/FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "UP".


String to indicate the label to use for the set of genes in the right side of the graph (those with FoldChange > FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "DOWN".


String to indicate the label to use for the set of unresponsive genes (those with FC_unresponsive_left < FoldChange < FC_unresponsive_rigth and p.value > p_t. By default "NoResp".


String to indicate the label to use for the set of null genes (those with 1/FC_t < FoldChange < FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "NULL".


String vector with the names to be plotted if required, eg. gene names. By default as.character(c(1:length(log2FC_data))).


Logic value to indicate if to print the set of differentially expressed genes in the left side of the graph (those with FoldChange < 1/FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default FALSE.


Logic value to indicate if to print the set of differentially expressed genes in the right side of the graph (those with FoldChange > FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default FALSE.


Logic value to indicate if to plot the padding around the names of genes. By default FALSE.


Numeric value to define de size of the point names size. By default 10.


Logic value to define whether to print the volcano plot once created. By default FALSE.


String to indicate the color to use for the set of genes in the left side of the graph (those with FoldChange < 1/FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "#00BA38", a green.


String to indicate the color to use for the set of genes in the right side of the graph (those with FoldChange > FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "#F8766D", a pink/red.


String to indicate the color to use for the set of unresponsive genes (those with FC_unresponsive_left < FoldChange < FC_unresponsive_rigth and p.value > p_t. By default "#00A5CF", a light blue.


String to indicate the color to use for the set of null genes (those with 1/FC_t < FoldChange < FC_t and p.value < p_t. By default "gray30", a dark gray.


Numeric value to define de size of the points. By default 0.5.


Logic value to define if to print the legend. By default TRUE.


A string to indicate the label of the legend title. By default "Expression status".


A string to indicate the X-axis label. By default "log2(fold change expression)".


A string to indicate the Y-axis label. By default "-log10(p-value adjusted)".


A string to indicate the title of the plot. By default "Volcano plot".


A string to indicate the subtitle of the plot. By default NULL, no subtitle is written.


Logic value to define if lines for the thresholds, both FC and p.value, should be plotted. By default TRUE.


String to define the color of the threshold lines. By default "gray70"


String or numeric value to define the threshold lines type. Both numeric and string standard R codes are accepted. By default "dotted", equivalent to 2.


String to define the font family to use in the plot writings. By default "Helvetica".


Numeric value to define the font size. By default 12.


A plot in ggplot2 format.

sebastian-gregoricchio/Rseb documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 1:59 p.m.