
#' Plot News Impact on Conditional Variance
#' Plot the News Impact on the conditional variance / correlation of a baq_nif
#' class object.
#' @param x A baq_nif class object.
#' @param ni_plots A character vector specifying which conditional correlation
#'   / variance to plot. Can contain any combination of "var1", "var2" and
#'   "cor". Defaults to c("var1", "var2", "cor").
#' @param plotdir A character vector of length one to determine if the plots
#'   should be created in a row ("horizontal") or a column ("vertical").
#'   Defaults to "horizontal". Currently the output doesn't look very nice,
#'   since \code{par()} is not set up for vertical yet.
#' @return A plot of the news impact on the conditional variance / correlation.
#' @references {
#'   Schmidbauer, H. & Roesch, A. (2008). Volatility Spillovers Between Crude
#'   Oil Prices. International Conference on Policy Modeling. EcoMod, Berlin.
#'   Schmidbauer, H. & Roesch, A. (2014). Volatility Spillovers Between Crude
#'   Oil Prices and Us Dollar To Euro Exchange Rates. 4th IAEE Asian
#'   Conference, Beijing.
#'   Nychka, D. & Furrer, R. & Paige, J. & Sain, S. (2017). “fields: Tools for
#'   spatial data.” doi: 10.5065/D6W957CT (URL:http://doi.org/10.5065/D6W957CT),
#'   R package version 9.6.
#' }
#' @section Details:{
#' For more details on the baqGARCH model and the application of a news impact
#' function as proposed by Schmidbauer & Roesch (2008, 2014) check the details
#' section of \code{\link{baq_nifunction}} and further see the references.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{baq_nifunction}} for fitting a \code{baq_nif}-class
#'   object
#' @examples
#' # create data
#' eps <- mgarchBEKK::simulateBEKK(2, 100)
#' # fit the model
#' gjr <- mgarchBEKK::mGJR(eps$eps[[1]], eps$eps[[2]])
#' # apply the news impact function to the model
#' nif <- baq_nifunction(gjr)
#' # plot the results
#' baq_niplot(nif)
#' # plot only the the first series
#' baq_niplot(nif, ni_plots = "var1")
#' \dontrun{
#' # save plot as pdf
#' pdf("baqplot_example.pdf", width = 15, height = 7.2)
#' baq_niplot(nif)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' @export
baq_niplot <- function(x, ni_plots = c("var1", "var2", "cor"),
  plotdir = "horizontal") {

  if(!inherits(x, "baq_nif")) {
    stop("x needs to be a baq_nif class object.")

  plotpar <- c("var1", "var2", "cor")
  pcount <- length(ni_plots)
  pdir <- list(
    "horizontal" = c(1, pcount),
    "vertical" = c(pcount, 1)

  if(!all(ni_plots %in% plotpar)) {
    stop("Only 'var1', 'var2' and 'cor' are valid entries for the parameter ",

  if(!all(plotdir %in% names(pdir) && length(plotdir) == 1)) {
    cat("Only 'horizontal' OR 'vertical' are valid entries for the parameter
    cat("Input ignored and set to 'horizontal'.\n")
    plotdir <- "horizontal"

  # save old options and restore once device has been closed
  oldoptions <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)

  epsnames <- x$series_names

  # the color palette from the tim.colors function from the 'fields' package
  tim.colors <- c(
      "#00008F", "#00009F", "#0000AF", "#0000BF", "#0000CF",
      "#0000DF", "#0000EF", "#0000FF", "#0010FF", "#0020FF",
      "#0030FF", "#0040FF", "#0050FF", "#0060FF", "#0070FF",
      "#0080FF", "#008FFF", "#009FFF", "#00AFFF", "#00BFFF",
      "#00CFFF", "#00DFFF", "#00EFFF", "#00FFFF", "#10FFEF",
      "#20FFDF", "#30FFCF", "#40FFBF", "#50FFAF", "#60FF9F",
      "#70FF8F", "#80FF80", "#8FFF70", "#9FFF60", "#AFFF50",
      "#BFFF40", "#CFFF30", "#DFFF20", "#EFFF10", "#FFFF00",
      "#FFEF00", "#FFDF00", "#FFCF00", "#FFBF00", "#FFAF00",
      "#FF9F00", "#FF8F00", "#FF8000", "#FF7000", "#FF6000",
      "#FF5000", "#FF4000", "#FF3000", "#FF2000", "#FF1000",
      "#FF0000", "#EF0000", "#DF0000", "#CF0000", "#BF0000",
      "#AF0000", "#9F0000", "#8F0000", "#800000"

  graphics::par(pty = 's', mfrow = pdir[[plotdir]])

  xy <- x$baq_ni_cndh_wide[["x_y"]]
  xy_length <- length(xy)

  # lookup table for the titles of the News Impact plots
  pmain <- c(
    "var1" = paste0("News Impact on the variance of ", epsnames[1]),
    "var2" = paste0("News Impact on the variance of ", epsnames[2]),
    "cor" = paste0("News Impact on the correlation of ", epsnames[1],
                   " & ", epsnames[2])

  # lookup table for the colors used in the News Impact plots
  pcol <- list(
    "var1" = rev(grDevices::heat.colors(xy_length)),
    "var2" = rev(grDevices::heat.colors(xy_length)),
    "cor" = tim.colors

  # create the j specified plots in ni_plots
  for (j in ni_plots) {
    z <- paste0("z_", j)
    graphics::image(x = xy, y = xy, z = x$baq_ni_cndh_wide[[z]],
                    col = pcol[[j]], main = pmain[[j]],
                    xlab = epsnames[1], ylab = epsnames[2])
    graphics::abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")
    graphics::contour(x = xy, y = xy, z = x$baq_ni_cndh_wide[[z]],
                      add = TRUE)
sebinum/baqgarchutil documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:58 p.m.