
context("Isoread / Continuous Flow test")

test_that("Testing general isoread", {
  expect_error(isoread("test.na"), "extension not recognized")
  expect_error(isoread(c("test.did", "test.cf")), "not all file extension are the same")

test_that("Testing general Isodat Continous Flow File (.dxf)", {
  expect_that(test <- suppressMessages(isoread(system.file("extdata", "continuous_flow_example.dxf", package="isoread"), 
                                               read_mass_data = TRUE, clean_keys = FALSE, type = "CFLOW")), 
  expect_that(test <- suppressMessages(isoread(system.file("extdata", "continuous_flow_example.dxf", package="isoread"), 
                                               read_mass_data = TRUE, clean_keys = FALSE)), 
  expect_that(nrow(test$keys), equals(1908)) # number of keys found in the test file (after IsodatFile style cleanup!)
  # general infp
              equals(c("Gas", "Info_Set", "Info_Peak", "Info_Sample", "Row", "Peak Center", 
                       "Check Ref. Dilution", "H3 Stability", "H3 Factor", "Identifier 1", 
                       "Identifier 2", "Analysis", "Comment", "Preparation", "Method"
              ))) # data fields from file
  expect_error(test$get_mass_data(masses = "mass1"), "mass traces .* are not defined")
  # mass data (just check a little bit)
  expect_that(nrow(test$get_mass_data()), equals(2307))
  expect_equal(tail(test$get_mass_data())[c("time", "mass44", "mass45", "mass46")],
                 time = c(481.118011474609, 481.326995849609, 481.536010742188, 481.744995117188, 481.954010009766, 482.162994384766), 
                 mass44 = c(4.79747800039387, 4.77628920031026, 4.73969454977963, 4.72236209200094, 4.67807343643034, 4.65689465070152), 
                 mass45 = c(4.44739101742098, 4.43774859982138, 4.42617818403623, 4.39339821424312, 4.4088235530122, 4.35098338445494), 
                 mass46 = c(7.72478624724449, 7.71310196812069, 7.60602098896412, 7.51065939604156, 7.43673003303302, 7.38615912363527)), 
                 .Names = c("time", "mass44", "mass45", "mass46"), row.names = 2302:2307, class = "data.frame"))
  # plotting test (indirect just by checking if it works) - NOTE: plotting into a temp file so it does not generate Rplot.pdf when run from cmd line
    test$set_plot_options(masses = list(mass45 = list(color = "red")))
    pdf(file = (tfile <- tempfile()))
    test$plot(tlim = c(1,4), tunits = "min")
  expect_that(test$make_ggplot(tlim = c(1,4), tunits = "min"), is_a("ggplot"))
  # cleanup test
  expect_equal(test$rawdata, raw())
  test$cleanup(clean_chrom_data = FALSE, clean_keys = TRUE)
  expect_equal(test$keys, data.frame())
  test$cleanup(clean_chrom_data = TRUE)
  expect_equal(test$massData, data.frame())
  expect_error(test$get_mass_data(), "No chromatographic data available")
  # data table test
               c("Component", "Start", "Rt", "End", "Ampl 44", "Ampl 45", "Ampl 46", "Nr.", "rIntensity 44", 
                 "rIntensity 45", "rIntensity 46", "rIntensity All", "Intensity 44", 
                 "Intensity 45", "Intensity 46", "Intensity All", "Sample Dilution", "List First Peak",
                 "rR 45N2O/44N2O", "rR 46N2O/44N2O", "Is Ref.?", "R 45N2O/44N2O", 
                 "Ref. Name", "rd 45N2O/44N2O", "d 45N2O/44N2O", "R 46N2O/44N2O", 
                 "rd 46N2O/44N2O", "d 46N2O/44N2O", "R 18O/16O", " 18O/16O", "AT% 15N/14N", 
                 "R 15N/14N", " 15N/14N", "AT% 18O/16O", "R 17O/16O", "d 17O/16O",
                 "Rps 46N2O/44N2O", "Rps 45N2O/44N2O"
  # refrence peak tests and changes
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table()), 8)
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table(type = "ref")), 1)
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table(type = "data")), 7)
  expect_that(test$plot_refs(`Intensity 44`), is_a("ggplot"))
  # peak finding, identification and mapping
  expect_equal(test$get_peak_nr_by_rt(c(30, 350)), c(1, 6))
  expect_equal(round(test$get_peak_by_rt(350)$End, 3), 352.165)
  # testing file with added peaks
  expect_that(test2 <- suppressMessages(isoread(system.file("extdata", "continuous_flow_example_added_peak.dxf", package="isoread"), 
                                               read_mass_data = TRUE, clean_keys = FALSE, type = "CFLOW")), 
               c(names(dplyr::select(test$get_data_table(), -`Sample Dilution`)), 
                 "Master Peak", "DeltaDelta 45N2O/44N2O", "DeltaDelta 46N2O/44N2O")

test_that("Testing specific Isodat Hydrogen Continous Flow (.cf) File Class (H_CSIA)", {
  expect_error(isoread("test", type = "C_CSIA"), "not a currently supported file type")
  expect_that(test <- suppressMessages(isoread(system.file("extdata", "6520__F8-5_5uL_isodat2.cf", package="isoread"), 
                                               read_mass_data = TRUE, clean_keys = FALSE, type = "H_CSIA")), 

  # key tests
  expect_that(nrow(test$keys), equals(3120)) # number of keys found in the test file (after IsodatFile style cleanup!)
  expect_that(names(test$data), equals(c('data_trace_name', 'n_measurements', 'n_ions',  
       'trace1_name', 'trace2_name', 'data_ratio_name', 'n_ratio_measurements', 
       'n_ratios', 'H3factor', 'GCprogram', 'MSprogram', 'Filename', 
       'ASprogram'))) # data fields from file
  expect_error(test$get_ratio_data(masses = "ratio6o2"))
  # plotting test with masses and ratios only
  expect_that(test$make_ggplot(masses = NULL), is_a("ggplot"))
  expect_that(test$make_ggplot(ratios = NULL), is_a("ggplot"))
  # peak table test
  expect_true(nrow(test$dataTable) > 0) # peak table loaded
  expect_true(length(setdiff(test$dataTableColumns$column, names(test$dataTable))) == 0) # all columns defined
  expect_true(all(sapply(test$dataTable, class, simplify=T) == test$dataTableColumns$type)) # all correct data type
  # newer versions of isodat
  expect_warning(isoread(system.file("extdata", "6520__F8-5_5uL_isodat2.5.cf", package="isoread"), type = "H_CSIA"), "files from isodat 2.5 and 3.1 .* are currently not yet supported")
  expect_warning(isoread(system.file("extdata", "6520__F8-5_5uL_isodat3.1.cf", package="isoread"), type = "H_CSIA"), "files from isodat 2.5 and 3.1 .* are currently not yet supported")
  # different resaved versions of the same file
    isoread(system.file("extdata", "6520__F8-5_5uL_isodat2.cf", package="isoread"), type = "H_CSIA")$get_data_table()),
    isoread(system.file("extdata", "6520__F8-5_5uL_isodat2_resaved.cf", package="isoread"), type = "H_CSIA")$get_data_table())
  # refrence peak tests and changes
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table()), 19)
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table(type = "ref")), 5)
  expect_equal(nrow(test$get_data_table(type = "data")), 14)
  expect_that(test$plot_refs(), is_a("ggplot"))
  expect_equal({ # add extra reference peak
    test$set_ref_peaks(612, set = TRUE)
    test$get_data_table(type = "ref")$`Peak Nr.`
  }, c(3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16))
  expect_equal({ # remove reference peaks
    test$set_ref_peaks(c(670, 1055), set = FALSE)
    test$get_data_table(type = "ref")$`Peak Nr.`
  }, c(3, 7, 13, 16))
  # peak finding, identification and mapping
  expect_equal(test$get_peak_nr_by_rt(c(320, 860)), c(2, 7))
  expect_equal(test$get_peak_by_rt(286)$Width, 9.6)
  expect_error(test$map_peaks(data.frame(a=1:5)), "neither 'Peak Nr.' or 'Rt' defined")
  expect_warning(test$map_peaks(data.frame(Rt = 1, a=1:5)), "ignoring columns in the map not found in the peak table")
  expect_message(test$identify_peaks(c(500, 880), c("a", "b")), "no peak found at retention time")
    test$map_peaks(data.frame(Rt = c(1000, 1610), Component = c("test1", "test2"), Formula = c("C2O", "H25"), stringsAsFactors=F))
    test$get_peak_by_rt(c(1000, 1610))$Component
  }, c("test1", "test2"))
  expect_equal(test$get_peak_by_name("test1")$Component, "test1")
  expect_equal(test$get_peak_by_name(c("test1", "test2"))$Formula, c("C2O", "H25"))
  # data plotting
   expect_that(test$plot_data(), is_a("ggplot"))
  # summarizing
  expect_message(test$summarize(file = tempfile()), "Summary saved")
  # chrom data cleanup
  test$cleanup(clean_chrom_data = TRUE)
  expect_equal(test$massData, data.frame())

test_that("Testing isoread whole folder read", {
  # read all .cf files in extdata folder
  expect_that(isofiles <- 
                  isoread_folder(system.file("extdata", package="isoread"), 
                                 ext=".cf", warn = FALSE, 
                                 type = c("H_CSIA")))
                ), is_a("list")) # WARN attribute will be deprecated in the future
  # make sure they can all be printed
    pdf(file = (tfile <- tempfile()))
    sapply(isofiles, function(i) i$plot())
sebkopf/isoread documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 4:15 a.m.