Defines functions gCCA

Documented in gCCA

#' Generalized CCA (GCCA)
#' @param datasets : list of  data matrices
#' @param reg : regularization parameter (0 to 1), default is 0 (no regularization, regular GCCA)
#' @return eigval : canonical correlations
#' @return eigvecs : canonical variates
#' @return proj : Projected data on canonical variates
#' @return meanvec : array of columnwise means for each data matrix
#' @return white : array of whitening matrices for each data matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lcca)

gCCA <- function(datasets,reg = 0)

    mat <- datasets #list of data matrices

    m <- length(mat)

    #print('total number of files\n')

    para <- reg # between 0 and 1

    if(para < 0 || para > 1)
    stop(" Value of 'reg' should be greater than zero and less than one")


    SqrtInvMat <- function(matrix){
      x <- as.matrix(matrix)
      fac <- svd(x)
      res <-(fac$v %*% (diag(1/sqrt(fac$d),nrow = length(fac$d))) %*% t(fac$u))

    drop <- function(mat,parameter){
      mat <- as.matrix(mat)

      p <- parameter

      fac <- svd(mat)

      len <- length(fac$d)

      ord <- order(fac$d) #sort in increasing order,ie smallest eig val first

      ord_eig <- fac$d[ord] #order eig vals in increasing order

     # cumulative percentage of Frobenius norm

      portion <- cumsum(ord_eig^2)/sum(ord_eig^2)

     #portion <- cumsum(ord_eig)/sum(ord_eig)

      ind <- which(portion < p) #ind r those who contribute less than p%

     #drop eig vecs corrsponding to small eig vals dropped
      num <- len -length(ind)

      fac$v <- as.matrix(fac$v[,1:num])

      fac$u <- as.matrix(fac$u[,1:num])
      mat_res <- (fac$v %*% sqrt(diag(1/fac$d[1:num], nrow = length(fac$d[1:num])))%*% t(fac$u))
      w <- list(mat_res = mat_res, num = num);

    # mat is pointer to array of matrices

       covm <- array(list(),m) #array of covariance matrices

       fea <- c(rep(0,m)) # numebr of dimensions in each data matrix

      mean_m <- array(list(),m) # array of columnwise mean vector for each mat

        for(i in 1:m)

          mean_m[[i]] <- apply(mat[[i]],2,mean)

           #subtracting columnwise mean
           mat[[i]] <- apply(mat[[i]],2,function(x){x - mean(x)})

           covm[[i]]<- cov(mat[[i]]); #covariance matrix

           fea[i] <- ncol(mat[[i]])

# whitening of data...Regularized or Normal

     whiten_mat <- array(list(),m) # array of matrices after whitening

     cov_whiten <- array(list(),m) # covariance of whitened matrices

      white <- array(list(),m) #array of matrices,which does whitening

     d <- c(rep(0,m)) # to store the number of dimensions we kept in each
                      # data matrix after regularization

    # approximation of covariance matrices for regularization

      if(para > 0)

               for(i in 1:m)

               dummy <- drop(covm[[i]], para)

              whiten_mat[[i]] <- mat[[i]] %*% dummy$mat_res
              #  print(det(cov(whiten_mat[[i]])))
              d[i] <- dummy$num #dimensions kept for whitening

              white[[i]] <- dummy$mat_res #storing whitening matrix

           for(i in 1:m)
            whiten_mat[[i]] <- mat[[i]] %*% SqrtInvMat(covm[[i]])

            d[i] <- ncol(mat[[i]]) #all dimensions, no whitening

            white[[i]] <- SqrtInvMat(covm[[i]])

            #print('dim of sqrt_mat inverse mat')
            # print(det(cov(whiten_mat[[i]])))

            if(sum(d) ==  sum(fea))
                 print('Normal gCCA')
            }else{print('Regularized gCCA')}

           # print(sum(d))

    #concactenating the whitened matrices

           a <- do.call(cbind,whiten_mat) #internal function


   # z is covariance matrix of concatenated data

           z <- cov(a)

           eig <- svd(z) #use svd, eigen is not so good here

        # projected data

           proj_data <- a %*% eig$v


     # whitening matrix %*% eig$v

     eig_wh <- array(list(),m) # whitened eig vecs for eaxh matrix

      if(para > 0)

               j <- 0

               for(i in 1:m)

               dummy <- drop(covm[[i]], para)

              eig_wh[[i]] <- dummy$mat_res %*% eig$v[(j+1) : (j+fea[i]),]

              j <- j + fea[i]


           j <- 0
           for(i in 1:m)

            eig_wh[[i]] <- SqrtInvMat(covm[[i]]) %*% eig$v[(j+1) : (j+fea[i]),]

              j <- j + fea[i]


        #fullwh <- eig_wh[[1]] #rbind all eig_wh
        #if(m >1)
           #for(i in 2:m)
            # fullwh <- rbind(fullwh,eig_wh[[i]])


        #fullmat <- do.call(cbind,mat)

        #wproj <- fullmat %*% fullwh


     # make list of eigen values, eigen vectors and projected data

      gencorr <- list(eigval = eig$d,eigvecs = eig_wh, proj = proj_data, meanvec = mean_m, white = white)


seonjoo/lcca documentation built on April 29, 2024, 12:03 a.m.