#' Generate simulated nifti data examples
#' @param npergroup sample size in each of the two groups. There are 2*n rows in the simulated data.
#' @param saveinfti if saveinfti = TRUE, save result to NIfTI file.
#' @param outfile the name or connection of the file where the NIfTI file is saved to.
#' @param type specify study type. 'xs': Cross-sectional; 'long':longitudinal.
#' @return if cross-sectional, an array of dim c(64, 64, 32, 2*npergroup); if longitudinal, a list of 2 such arrays for basline and follow-up.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(neurorct)
#' # cross-sectional data
#' xs_data = generate_y(35, type = 'xs')
#' # longitudinal data
#' long_data = generate_y(20, type = 'long')
#' bl = long_data$baseline
#' fu = long_data$follow_up
generate_y <- function(npergroup = 10, type = c('xs', 'long'), saveinfti = FALSE, outfile = ""){
type <- match.arg(type)
# generate a mask from the template nifti object
mask = generate_mask(neurorct:::template_nifti)
# choose a random area that has more perturb
arraydim = dim(template_nifti)
lower_bound = arraydim / 6
width = round(arraydim / 10)
ind1 = round(lower_bound + runif(3) * arraydim * (2/3))
ind2 = ind1 + width
# standard deviation of area where mask = 1
perturb = sqrt(var(template_nifti[mask == 1])) * 0.1
# generate cross-sectional data
if (type == 'xs'){
y = array(0, c(dim(template_nifti), npergroup*2))
for (j in 1:(2*npergroup)) {
tmp <- template_nifti@.Data + perturb * array(rnorm(arraydim[1] * arraydim[2] * arraydim[3]),
dim = c(arraydim[1], arraydim[2], arraydim[3]))
if (j < npergroup + 1) {
tmp[ind1[1]:ind2[1],ind1[2]:ind2[2],ind1[3]:ind2[3]] <-
tmp[ind1[1]:ind2[1],ind1[2]:ind2[2],ind1[3]:ind2[3]] + perturb
y[,,,j] <- tmp
# OR generate longitudinal data
if (type == 'long'){
y.base = y.fu = array(0, c(dim(template_nifti), npergroup*2))
for (j in 1:(npergroup*2)){
## Baseline
tmp <- template_nifti@.Data + perturb * array(rnorm(arraydim[1] * arraydim[2] * arraydim[3]),
dim = c(arraydim[1], arraydim[2], arraydim[3]))
y.base[,,,j] <- tmp
## followup
tmp2 <- tmp + 0.5 * perturb * array(rnorm(arraydim[1] * arraydim[2] * arraydim[3]),
dim = c(arraydim[1], arraydim[2], arraydim[3]))
if (j < npergroup + 1){
tmp2[ind1[1]:ind2[1],ind1[2]:ind2[2],ind1[3]:ind2[3]] <-
tmp2[ind1[1]:ind2[1],ind1[2]:ind2[2],ind1[3]:ind2[3]] + perturb
y.fu[,,,j] <- tmp2
# save files
if (saveinfti == TRUE){
if (type == 'xs'){
y_nifti <- nifti(y)
y_nifti <- neurobase::copyNIfTIHeader(template_nifti, y_nifti)
datatype(y_nifti) <- 16
y_nifti@bitpix <- 32
writeNIfTI(y_nifti, file = outfile, gzipped = FALSE)
if (type == 'long'){
y_nifti <- nifti(abind(y.base, y.fu, along = 4))
y_nifti <- neurobase::copyNIfTIHeader(template_nifti, y_nifti)
datatype(y_nifti) <- 16
y_nifti@bitpix <- 32
writeNIfTI(y_nifti, file = outfile, gzipped = FALSE)
if (type == 'xs') return(y)
if (type == 'long') return(list(baseline = y.base, follow_up = y.fu))
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