
## Function to calculate evaporation directly from the soil
##' Soil Evaporation
##' Calculates soil evaporation
##' The style of the code is \code{C} like because this is a prototype for the
##' underlying \code{C} (like so many other functions in this package). I leave
##' it here for future development.
##' @param LAI Leaf Area Index.
##' @param k ~~Describe \code{k} here~~
##' @param AirTemp Air temperature.
##' @param IRad Incident radiation.
##' @param awc Available water content.
##' @param FieldC Field capacity.
##' @param WiltP Wilting point.
##' @param winds Wind speed.
##' @param RelH Relative humidty.
##' @export
##' @return Returns a single value of soil Evaporation in Mg H20 per hectare.
##' @author Fernando Miguez
##' @seealso Source code :)
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' SoilEvapo(LAI=3,k=0.68,AirTemp=20,IRad=1000,awc=0.3,FieldC=0.4,WiltP=0.2,winds=3,RelH=0.8)
SoilEvapo <- function(LAI, k, AirTemp, IRad, awc, FieldC, WiltP, winds, RelH) {
    method <- 0
    SoilClodSize <- 0.04
    SoilReflectance <- 0.2
    SoilTransmission <- 0.01
    SpecificHeat <- 1010
    kappa <- 5.67e-08  #/* Stefan Boltzman Constant */
    cf2 <- 3600 * 0.001 * 18 * 1e-06 * 10000
    # /* Let us assume a simple way of calculating the proportion of the soil with
    # direct radiation */
    SoilArea <- exp(-k * LAI)
    ### /* For now the temperature of the soil will be the same as the air.  At a
    ### later time this can be made more accurate. I looked at the equations for
    ### this and the issue is that it is strongly dependent on depth. Since the
    ### soil model now has a single layer, this cannot be implemented correctly at
    ### the moment . */
    SoilTemp <- AirTemp
    # /* Let us use an idea of Campbell and Norman. Environmental Biophysics. */ /*
    # If relative available water content is */
    rawc <- (awc - WiltP)/(FieldC - WiltP)
    # /* Page 142 */ /* Maximum Dimensionless Uptake Rate */
    Up <- 1 - (1 + 1.3 * rawc)^-5
    # /* This is a useful idea because dry soils evaporate little water when dry*/
    # /* Total Radiation */ /*' Convert light assuming 1 µmol PAR photons = 0.235
    # J/s Watts*/
    IRad <- IRad * 0.2
    TotalRadiation <- IRad * 0.235
    DdryA <- TempToDdryA(AirTemp)
    LHV <- TempToLHV(AirTemp) * 1e+06
    # /* Here LHV is given in MJ kg-1 and this needs to be converted to Joules kg-1
    # */
    SlopeFS <- TempToSFS(AirTemp) * 0.001
    SWVC <- TempToSWVC(AirTemp) * 0.001
    PsycParam <- (DdryA * SpecificHeat)/LHV
    DeltaPVa <- SWVC * (1 - RelH/100)
    BoundaryLayerThickness <- 0.004 * sqrt(SoilClodSize/winds)
    DiffCoef <- 2.126e-05 * 1.48e-07 * SoilTemp
    SoilBoundaryLayer <- DiffCoef/BoundaryLayerThickness
    Ja <- 2 * TotalRadiation * ((1 - SoilReflectance - SoilTransmission)/(1 - SoilTransmission))
    rlc <- 4 * kappa * (273 + SoilTemp)^3 * 0.5
    PhiN <- Ja - rlc  #/* Calculate the net radiation balance*/
    if (PhiN < 0) 
        PhiN <- 1e-07
    # /* Priestly-Taylor */
    if (method == 0) {
        Evaporation <- 1.26 * (SlopeFS * PhiN)/(LHV * (SlopeFS + PsycParam))
    } else {
        # /* Penman-Monteith */
        Evaporation <- (SlopeFS * PhiN + LHV * PsycParam * SoilBoundaryLayer * DeltaPVa)/(LHV * 
            (SlopeFS + PsycParam))
    ## /* Report back the soil evaporation rate in Units mmoles/m2/s */ /*
    ## Evaporation = Evaporation * 1000: ' Convert Kg H20/m2/s to g H20/m2/s */ /*
    ## Evaporation = Evaporation / 18: ' Convert g H20/m2/s to moles H20/m2/s */ /*
    ## Evaporation = Evaporation * 1000: ' Convert moles H20/m2/s to mmoles
    ## H20/m2/s */
    ## /* If Evaporation <= 0 Then Evaporation = 0.00001: ' Prevent any odd looking
    ## values which might get through at very low light levels */
    Evaporation <- Evaporation * (1e+06/18)
    # /* Adding the area dependence and the effect of drying */ /* Converting from
    # m2 to ha (times 1e4) */ /* Converting to hour */
    Evaporation <- Evaporation * SoilArea * Up * cf2
    if (Evaporation < 0) 
        Evaporation <- 1e-06
TempToDdryA <- function(Temp) {
    DdryA <- 1.295163636 + -0.004258182 * Temp
TempToLHV <- function(Temp) {
    LHV <- 2.501 + -0.002372727 * Temp
TempToSFS <- function(Temp) {
    SlopeFS <- 0.338376068 + 0.011435897 * Temp + 0.001111111 * Temp^2
TempToSWVC <- function(Temp) {
    SWVC <- 4.90820192 + 0.06387253 * Temp + 0.02745742 * Temp^2
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.