
yadirStopCampaigns <-  function(Login = NULL, 
                                Ids   = NULL,
                                Token = NULL,
                                AgencyAccount = NULL,
                                TokenPath     = getwd()){
    # auth
    Token <- tech_auth(login = Login, token = Token, AgencyAccount = AgencyAccount, TokenPath = TokenPath)
    if(length(Ids) > 1000){
      stop(paste0("In the parameter Ids transferred numbers ",length(Ids), " of campaigns, maximum number of campaigns in one request is 1000."))
      stop("In the Ids argument, you must pass the vector containing the Id campaigns for which you want to stop the ads. You have not transferred any Id.")
    # error counter
    CounErr <- 0
    # error vector
    errors_id <-  vector()
    # start time
    start_time  <- Sys.time()
    # start message
    packageStartupMessage("Processing", appendLF = T)
    IdsPast <- paste0(Ids, collapse = ",")
    # request body
    queryBody <- paste0("{
                          \"method\": \"suspend\",
                          \"params\": { 
                            \"SelectionCriteria\": {
                                              \"Ids\": [",IdsPast,"]}
    # send request
    answer <- POST("https://api.direct.yandex.com/json/v5/campaigns", 
	               body = queryBody, 
				   add_headers(Authorization    = paste0("Bearer ",Token), 
				              'Accept-Language' = "ru",
							  "Client-Login"    = Login))
    # answer parser
    ans_pars <- content(answer)
    # check for error
      stop(paste0("Error: ", ans_pars$error$error_string,". Message: ",ans_pars$error$error_detail, ". Request ID: ",ans_pars$error$request_id))
    # check missing campaings
    for(error_search in 1:length(ans_pars$result$SuspendResults)){
        CounErr <- CounErr + 1
        errors_id <- c(errors_id, Ids[error_search])
        packageStartupMessage(paste0("    CampId: ",Ids[error_search]," - ", ans_pars$result$SuspendResults[[error_search]]$Errors[[1]]$Details))
    # prepare result message
    out_message <- ""
    TotalCampStoped <- length(Ids) - CounErr
    if(TotalCampStoped %in% c(2,3,4) & !(TotalCampStoped %% 100 %in% c(12,13,14))){
      out_message <- "campaings stoped"
    } else if(TotalCampStoped %% 10 == 1 & TotalCampStoped %% 100 != 11){
     out_message <- "campaings stoped"
    } else {
      out_message <- "campaings stoped"
    # result message
    packageStartupMessage(paste0(TotalCampStoped, " ", out_message))
    packageStartupMessage(paste0("Total time: ", as.integer(round(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time , units ="secs"),0)), " sec."))
serditov/ryandexdirect documentation built on May 15, 2019, 12:09 a.m.