
#' Compute multidimensional scaling
#' Compute distance between clusters and place instances according to probability to belong to each cluster
#' @param model is a Mclust object
#' @param ndim number of dimension t
#' @return a list where first element is a matrix that represents the centroids of each cluster in a ndim-dimensional space and the second element is a matrix where each instance is placed in a ndim-dimensional space
#' @examples
#' computeMDS(model,2)
#' @export
computeMDS<-function(model, ndim)
  hellingerDistance <- computeBattacharyya(model)
  MDS <- cmdscale(hellingerDistance, eig=TRUE, k=ndim)
  coordinates <- model$z %*% MDS$points
  return (list(centers=MDS$points, coords=coordinates))

#' Plot result of multidimensional scaling
#' Plot the 2D or 3D multidimensional scaling result.
#' @param model an Mclust object
#' @param MDS a list of matrices obtained from computeMDS
#' @param colors a matrix of rgb colors where each row defines the colors of a cluster
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' MDS<-computeMDS(model,2)
#' plotMDS(model,MDS)
#' @export
plotMDS<-function(model, MDS, colors=NULL)
  if(ncol(MDS$centers)>3 | ncol(MDS$centers)<2){
    stop("Too high dimension")

    colors <- t(col2rgb(hue_pal()(nrow(MDS$centers))))
    if(nrow(colors)!=model$G | ncol(colors)!=3){
      warning("The number of rows or columns in the colors matrix does not match with the number of clusters so default colors are applied")
      colors <- t(col2rgb(hue_pal()(nrow(MDS$centers))))

  coordColors <- model$z %*% colors
  centColors <- colors

    plot3d(MDS$coords, xlab="", ylab="", zlab="", size=12, col=rgb(coordColors[,1],coordColors[,2],coordColors[,3],maxColorValue=255),axes=F)

    plot(MDS$coords, xlab="", ylab="", col=rgb(coordColors[,1],coordColors[,2],coordColors[,3],maxColorValue=255),pch=19,xlim=c(minimum[1]-0.1,maximum[1]+0.1),ylim=c(minimum[2]-0.1,maximum[2]+0.1))
sergioluengosanchez/spineSimulation documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:34 a.m.