create_posterior_func: Posterior function pointer

View source: R/posteriors.R

create_posterior_funcR Documentation

Posterior function pointer


Takes all of the input data/parameters and returns a function pointer. This function finds the posterior for a given set of input parameters (theta) and infection histories without needing to pass the data set back and forth. No example is provided for function_type=2, as this should only be called within serosolver


  antigenic_map = NULL,
  possible_exposure_times = NULL,
  prior_version = 2,
  solve_likelihood = TRUE,
  age_mask = NULL,
  measurement_bias = NULL,
  n_alive = NULL,
  function_type = 1,
  antibody_level_before_infection = FALSE,
  data_type = 1,
  biomarker_groups_weights = 1,
  start_level = "other",
  start_level_randomize = FALSE,
  demographics = NULL,
  demographic_groups = NULL,
  fixed_inf_hists = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,



the parameter table controlling information such as bounds, initial values etc. See example_par_tab


the data frame of data to be fitted. Must have columns: group (index of group); individual (integer ID of individual); samples (numeric time of sample taken); virus (numeric time of when the virus was circulating); biomarker_group (integer of the observation group type, using a unique value for each distinctive type of observation underpinned by the same generative model); titre (integer of titre value against the given virus at that sampling time). See example_antibody_data


(optional) a data frame of antigenic x and y coordinates. Must have column names: x_coord; y_coord; inf_times. See example_antigenic_map


(optional) if no antigenic map is specified, this argument gives the vector of times at which individuals can be infected


which infection history assumption version to use? See describe_priors for options. Can be 1, 2, 3 or 4


usually set to TRUE. If FALSE, does not solve the likelihood and instead just samples/solves based on the model prior


see create_age_mask - a vector with one entry for each individual specifying the first epoch of circulation in which an individual could have been exposed


if not NULL, then use these indices to specify which measurement bias parameter index corresponds to which time


if not NULL, uses this as the number alive in a given year rather than calculating from the ages. This is needed if the number of alive individuals is known, but individual birth dates are not


integer specifying which version of this function to use. Specify 1 to give a posterior solving function; 2 to give the gibbs sampler for infection history proposals; otherwise just solves the titre model and returns predicted titres. NOTE that this is not the same as the attack rate prior argument, version!


integer or vector, with an entry for each unique data type in 'antibody_data'. Set to 1 for discrete data (e.g., fold dilution) or 2 for continuous (e.g., ELISA optical density).


integer or vector, giving a factor to multiply the log-likelihood contribution of this data type towards the overall likelihood.


character, to tell the model how to treat initial antibody levels. This uses the observed data to either select starting values for each unique 'individual', 'biomarker_id' and 'biomarker_group' combination. See create_start_level_data. One of "min", "max", "mean", "median", or "full_random". Any other entry assumes all antibody starting levels are set to 0. Can also pass a tibble or data frame of starting levels matching the output of create_start_level_data.


if TRUE, and data is discretized, then sets the starting antibody level to a random value between floor(x) and floor(x) + 1. Does nothing if using continuous data.


if not NULL, then a tibble for each individual (1:n_indiv) giving demographic variable entries. Most importantly must include "birth" as the birth time. This is used if, for example, you have a stratification grouping in 'par_tab'


if TRUE, prints warning messages


other arguments to pass to the posterior solving function


TRUE/FALSE value. If TRUE, solves titre predictions, but gives the predicted titre at a given time point BEFORE any infection during that time occurs.


a single function pointer that takes only pars and infection_histories as unnamed arguments. This function goes on to return a vector of posterior values for each individual


## Not run: 

## Simple model solving code. Output matches entries of example_antibody_data
model_func <- create_posterior_func(example_par_tab, example_antibody_data, example_antigenic_map, function_type = 3)
y <- model_func(example_par_tab$values, example_inf_hist)

## Solve likelihood
par_tab <- example_par_tab[example_par_tab$names != "phi",]
likelihood_func <- create_posterior_func(par_tab, example_antibody_data, example_antigenic_map, function_type = 1, prior_version = 2)
liks <- likelihood_func(par_tab$values, example_inf_hist)

## End(Not run)

seroanalytics/serosolver documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 5:33 a.m.