
Defines functions criticaldiff

Documented in criticaldiff

#' Differences between the critical points  
#' for two factor's levels
#'@description Differences between the estimation of \code{\link{critical}} for two 
#' factor's levels. 
#'@param model Parametric or nonparametric regression model 
#' obtained by \code{\link{frfast}} function.
#' @param level1 First factor's level at which to perform the differences 
#' between critical points.
#' @param level2 Second factor's level at which to perform the differences 
#' between critical points.
#' @param der Number which determines any inference process. By default 
#' \code{der} is \code{NULL}. If this term is \code{0}, the calculate of the 
#' differences for the critical point is for the estimate. If it is \code{1} or 
#' \code{2}, it is designed for the first or second derivative, respectively.
#'@details Differences are calculated by subtracting a factor relative to 
#'another (\eqn{level2 - level1}).  By default \code{level2} and 
#'\code{level1} are \code{NULL}, so the differences calculated are for all 
#'possible combinations between two factors. Additionally, it is obtained 
#'the 95\% confidence interval for this difference which let us to make
#'inference about them.
#'@return An object is returned with the following elements:
#' \item{critical.diff}{a table with a couple of factor's level where it is used 
#' to calculate the differences between the critical points, and their 
#' 95\% confidence interval (for the estimation, first and second derivative).}
#'@author Marta Sestelo, Nora M. Villanueva and Javier Roca-Pardinas.
#' @references 
#' Sestelo, M. (2013). Development and computational implementation of 
#' estimation and inference methods in flexible regression models. 
#' Applications in Biology, Engineering and Environment. PhD Thesis, Department
#' of Statistics and O.R. University of Vigo.
#' Sestelo, M., Villanueva, N.M., Meira-Machado, L., Roca-Pardinas, J. (2017). 
#' npregfast: An R Package for Nonparametric Estimation and Inference in Life 
#' Sciences. Journal of Statistical Software, 82(12), 1-27. 
#' library(npregfast)
#' data(barnacle)
#' fit2 <- frfast(DW ~ RC : F, data = barnacle, seed = 130853, nboot = 100) # with interactions
#' criticaldiff(fit2)
#' criticaldiff(fit2, der = 1)
#' criticaldiff(fit2, der = 1, level1 = "lens", level2 = "barca")
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export

  criticaldiff <- function(model, level1 = NULL, level2 = NULL, der = NULL) {
  if(model$nf == 1) {
    stop("There is not factor in the model.")
  if(length(der) > 1){
    stop("Argument \"der\" have to be a length-one vector")
  if(!is.null(level1) & !isTRUE(level1 %in% model$label)) {
    stop("\"",paste(level1),"\" is not a factor's level.")
  if(!is.null(level2) & !isTRUE(level2 %in% model$label)) {
    stop("\"",paste(level2),"\" is not a factor's level.")
  if(!is.null(der) & !isTRUE(der %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
    stop("",paste(der)," is not a r-th derivative implemented, only 
         permitted 0, 1 or 2.")
  nf <- model$nf
  model$diffmax[model$diffmax == 9999] <- NA
  model$diffmaxl[model$diffmaxl == 9999] <- NA
  model$diffmaxu[model$diffmaxu == 9999] <- NA
  a <- t(matrix(combn(nf, 2), nrow = 2))
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(der) & is.null(level2) & is.null(level1)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(a)) {
      aux<- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 3)
      colnames(aux) <- c("L2", "L1", "Diff", "Lwr", "Upr")
      rownames(aux) <- c("Estimation", "First_der", "Second_der")
      for (k in 1:3) {
        aux[k, 1] <- model$label[a[i, 2]]
        aux[k, 2] <- model$label[a[i, 1]]
        aux[k, 3] <- round(c(model$diffmax[k, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
        aux[k, 4] <- round(c(model$diffmaxl[k, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
        aux[k, 5] <- round(c(model$diffmaxu[k, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
      res[[i]]<- data.frame(aux)
  } else if (is.null(der)) {
    level2 <- which(model$label == level2)
    level1 <- which(model$label == level1)
    res <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 3)
    for (k in 1:3) {
      res[k, 1] <- model$label[level2]
      res[k, 2] <- model$label[level1]
      if (level2 < level1) {
        fac2 <- level2
        fac1 <- level1
        level2 <- fac1
        level1 <- fac2
      } else {
        fac2 <- level2
        fac1 <- level1
      res[k, 3] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
        -1 * round(c(model$diffmax[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      } else {
        round(c(model$diffmax[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      res[k, 4] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
        -1 * round(c(model$diffmaxl[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      } else {
        round(c(model$diffmaxl[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      res[k, 5] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
        -1 * round(c(model$diffmaxu[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      } else {
        round(c(model$diffmaxu[k, level1, level2]), 3)
      if (fac2 < fac1) {
        level2 <- fac2
        level1 <- fac1
    low <- min(res[1, 4], res[1, 5])
    up <- max(res[1, 4], res[1, 5])
    res[1, 4] <- low
    res[1, 5] <- up
    colnames(res) <- c("L2", "L1", "Diff", "Lwr", "Upr")
    rownames(res) <- c("Estimation", "First_der", "Second_der")
  } else if (is.null(level2) & is.null(level1)) {
    der <- der + 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(a)) {
      aux <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 1)
      colnames(aux) <- c("L2", "L1", "Diff", "Lwr", 
      if (der == 1) 
        rownames(aux) <- c("Estimation")
      if (der == 2) 
        rownames(aux) <- c("First_der")
      if (der == 3) 
        rownames(aux) <- c("Second_der")
      aux[1, 1] <- model$label[a[i, 2]]
      aux[1, 2] <- model$label[a[i, 1]]
      aux[1, 3] <- round(c(model$diffmax[der, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
      aux[1, 4] <- round(c(model$diffmaxl[der, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
      aux[1, 5] <- round(c(model$diffmaxu[der, a[i, 1], a[i, 2]]), 3)
      res[[i]] <- data.frame(aux)
  } else {
    level2 <- which(model$label == level2)
    level1 <- which(model$label == level1)
    der <- der + 1
    res <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 1)
    res[1, 1] <- model$label[level2]
    res[1, 2] <- model$label[level1]
    if (level2 < level1) {
      fac2 <- level2
      fac1 <- level1
      level2 <- fac1
      level1 <- fac2
    } else {
      fac2 <- level2
      fac1 <- level1
    res[1, 3] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
      -1 * round(c(model$diffmax[der, level1, level2]), 3)
    } else {
      round(c(model$diffmax[der, level1, level2]), 3)
    res[1, 4] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
      -1 * round(c(model$diffmaxl[der, level1, level2]), 3)
    } else {
      round(c(model$diffmaxl[der, level1, level2]), 3)
    res[1, 5] <- if (fac2 < fac1) {
      -1 * round(c(model$diffmaxu[der, level1, level2]), 3)
    } else {
      round(c(model$diffmaxu[der, level1, level2]), 3)
      low <- min(res[1, 4], res[1, 5])
      up <- max(res[1, 4], res[1, 5])
      res[1, 4] <- low
      res[1, 5] <- up
    colnames(res) <- c("L2", "L1", "Diff", "Lwr", "Upr")
    if (der == 1) 
      rownames(res) <- c("Estimation")
    if (der == 2) 
      rownames(res) <- c("First_der")
    if (der == 3) 
      rownames(res) <- c("Second_der")
sestelo/npregfast documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 1:28 p.m.