
# Demonstrate eigenvalues in exploratory factor analysis (Work-in-progress)

if (!(requireNamespace("lavaan", quietly = TRUE) & 
      requireNamespace("semPlot", quietly = TRUE))) {
  stop("This app requires both the packages lavaan and semPlot.")

# Global variables

#modellist <- c(
#  mod0a=c("0 factor"),
#  mod1a=c("1 factor"),
#  mod2a=c("2 factors, 6+6 items"),
#  mod3a=c("3 factors, 4+4+4 items"),
#  mod4a=c("4 factors, 3+3+3+3 items"),
#  mod2b=c("2 factors, 9+3 items"),
#  mod3b=c("3 factors, 6+3+3 items"),
#  mod4b=c("4 factors, 4+3+3+2 items")  
#  )
modellist <- c(
  "0 factor"="mod0a",
  "1 factor"="mod1a",
  "2 factors, 6+6 items"="mod2a",
  "3 factors, 4+4+4 items"="mod3a",
  "4 factors, 3+3+3+3 items"="mod4a",
  "2 factors, 9+3 items"="mod2b",
  "3 factors, 6+3+3 items"="mod3b",
  "4 factors, 4+3+3+2 items"="mod4b"

cfap_0a <- "
 x1 ~~ 0*x2 + 0*x3 + 0*x4 + 0*x5 + 0*x6 + 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x2 ~~ 0*x3 + 0*x4 + 0*x5 + 0*x6 + 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x3 ~~ 0*x4 + 0*x5 + 0*x6 + 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x4 ~~ 0*x5 + 0*x6 + 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x5 ~~ 0*x6 + 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x6 ~~ 0*x7 + 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x7 ~~ 0*x8 + 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x8 ~~ 0*x9 + 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x9 ~~ 0*x10 + 0*x11 + 0*x12
 x10 ~~0*x11 + 0*x12
 x11 ~~0*x12
cfap_1a <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4 + (@)*x5 + (@)*x6 + 
        (@)*x7 + (@)*x8 + (@)*x9 + (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_2a <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4 + (@)*x5 + (@)*x6
  f2 =~ (@)*x7 + (@)*x8 + (@)*x9 + (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_3a <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4
  f2 =~ (@)*x5 + (@)*x6 + (@)*x7 + (@)*x8
  f3 =~ (@)*x9 + (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_4a <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 
  f2 =~ (@)*x4 + (@)*x5 + (@)*x6
  f3 =~ (@)*x7 + (@)*x8 + (@)*x9
  f4 =~ (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_2b <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4 + (@)*x5 + (@)*x6 + (@)*x7 + (@)*x8 + (@)*x9
  f2 =~ (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_3b <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4 + (@)*x5 + (@)*x6
  f2 =~ (@)*x7 + (@)*x8 + (@)*x9
  f3 =~ (@)*x10 + (@)*x11 + (@)*x12
cfap_4b <- "
  f1 =~ (@)*x1 + (@)*x2 + (@)*x3 + (@)*x4
  f2 =~ (@)*x5 + (@)*x6 + (@)*x7
  f3 =~ (@)*x8 + (@)*x9 + (@)*x10
  f4 =~ (@)*x11 + (@)*x12

modelnamelist <- c("mod0a", "mod1a", "mod2a", "mod3a", "mod4a",
                   "mod2b", "mod3b", "mod4b")
cfaplist <- c(cfap_0a, cfap_1a, cfap_2a, cfap_3a, cfap_4a, cfap_2b, cfap_3b, cfap_4b)
n <- 1000
lambda0 <- .5

data1 <- lavaan::simulateData(model=gsub("@", lambda0, cfap_0a), 
                              sample.nobs = n, seed = 897981,
                              standardized = TRUE)  
data2 <- lavaan::simulateData(model=gsub("@", lambda0, cfap_1a), 
                              sample.nobs = n, seed = 897981,
                              standardized = TRUE)  
data3 <- lavaan::simulateData(model=gsub("@", lambda0, cfap_2a), 
                              sample.nobs = n, seed = 654534,
                              standardized = TRUE)  
data4 <- lavaan::simulateData(model=gsub("@", lambda0, cfap_3a), 
                              sample.nobs = n, seed = 837634,
                              standardized = TRUE)  

eigen_null <- eigen(cor(data1), only.values=TRUE)$values                              

datalist <- list(data1, data2, data3, data4)

update_datas <- function(modelselected, cfaplist, modelnamelist, n, lambdas=.5) {
  k <- length(modelselected)
  if (length(lambdas) == 1) lambdas <- rep(lambdas, k)
  datas <- list(rep(NA, k))
  for (i in 1:k) {
    cfapi <- cfaplist[which(modelnamelist == modelselected[i])]
    datas[[i]] <- lavaan::simulateData(model=gsub("@", lambdas[i], cfapi), 
                    sample.nobs = n, standardized = TRUE)

my_paths <- function(sem_fit, main) {
  if (length(grep("NullModel", sem_fit)) > 0) {
    semPlot::semPaths(lavaan::lavaanify(sem_fit), whatLabels="par",
        sizeMan=6, sizeLat=8, nCharNodes=0, rotation=2,
        edge.label.cex=2.5, edge.color="black", edge.width=1, 
        node.width=1.5, curve=1.75, exoVar=FALSE, residuals=FALSE,
        style="lisrel", fixedStyle=c("white", 0),
        mar=c(3, 10, 5, 10))
    } else {
    semPlot::semPaths(lavaan::lavaanify(sem_fit), whatLabels="par", 
        sizeMan=6, sizeLat=8, nCharNodes=0, rotation=2,
        edge.label.cex=2.5, edge.color="black", edge.width=1, 
        node.width=1.5, curve=1.75, exoVar=FALSE, residuals=FALSE,
        style="lisrel", fixedStyle=1,
        mar=c(3, 10, 5, 10))

my_scree <- function(data, main, ...) {
  my_fit <- princomp(data, cor=TRUE)
  plot(my_fit, type="lines", main=main, npc = 12, ...)
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Exploratory Factor Analysis and Eigenvalues: Illustration"),
        p("This page illustrates how the eigenvalues are related to the ",
          "factor structure. You can select four models from the list of ",
          "models and comapre their eigenvalues by scree plots.",
          "You can also specify the standardized factor loadings."),
        p("After you selected the options, click 'Update the results'.",
          "A dataset of 1000 cases will be generated from each model",
          "(all factors are ",
      selectInput("efamodel1", "Model 1", modellist, selected="mod0a")),
      selectInput("efamodel2", "Model 2", modellist, selected="mod1a")),
      selectInput("efamodel3", "Model 3", modellist, selected="mod2a")),
      selectInput("efamodel4", "Model 4", modellist, selected="mod4a"))
      sliderInput("efalambda1", "Stadardized Loadings", .1, .8, .5)),
      sliderInput("efalambda2", "Stadardized Loadings", .1, .8, .5)),
      sliderInput("efalambda3", "Stadardized Loadings", .1, .8, .5)),
      sliderInput("efalambda4", "Stadardized Loadings", .1, .8, .5))
#  fluidRow(
#    column(3,
#      sliderInput("efaphi1", "Factor Correlation(s)", .0, .9, .0)),
#    column(3,
#      sliderInput("efaphi2", "Factor Correlation(s)", .0, .9, .0)),
#    column(3,
#      sliderInput("efaphi3", "Factor Correlation(s)", .0, .9, .0)),
#    column(3,
#      sliderInput("efaphi4", "Factor Correlation(s)", .0, .9, .0))
#      ),
    column(12, submitButton("Update the results"))
  fluidRow(column(12, plotOutput('plot'))),
  fluidRow(column(12, plotOutput('plot2'))),
        p("The red line is the line of eigenvalue = 1. The number of ",
          "eigenvalues above this line is the number of factors suggested by ",
          "the K1 rule."),
        p("The blue line is the line of eigenvalues when all items are ",
          "uncorrelated. The number of eigenvalues above this line is the ",
          "number of factors suggested by the original version of ",
          "parallel analysis.")
        p("The latest version of the code can be found at ",
          a("lstatdemo at GitHub", 
        p("The whole repository can be downloaded from GitHub and run in R by",

# Server
server <- function(input, output) {
  updatedatas_i <- reactive(update_datas(c(input$efamodel1, input$efamodel2,
                                           input$efamodel3, input$efamodel4),
                                           modelnamelist=modelnamelist, n=n,
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    datas <<- updatedatas_i()
    par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
    my_paths(gsub("@", input$efalambda1, 
                  cfaplist[which(modelnamelist == input$efamodel1)]),
             "Model 1")
    my_paths(gsub("@", input$efalambda2, 
                  cfaplist[which(modelnamelist == input$efamodel2)]),
             "Model 2")
    my_paths(gsub("@", input$efalambda3, 
                  cfaplist[which(modelnamelist == input$efamodel3)]),
             "Model 3")
    my_paths(gsub("@", input$efalambda4, 
                  cfaplist[which(modelnamelist == input$efamodel4)]),
             "Model 4")
  output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
    datas <<- updatedatas_i()
    eigenmax <- ceiling(
        max(sapply(datas, function(x) eigen(cor(x), only.values=TRUE)$values))
    #eigenmax <- 5
    par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
    my_scree(datas[[1]], "Model 1", ylim=c(0, eigenmax))
    abline(h=1, col="red")
    my_scree(datas[[2]], "Model 2", ylim=c(0, eigenmax))
    abline(h=1, col="red")
    points(1:12, eigen_null, type="b", col="blue", cex=.5)
    my_scree(datas[[3]], "Model 3", ylim=c(0, eigenmax))
    abline(h=1, col="red")
    points(1:12, eigen_null, type="b", col="blue", cex=.5)
    my_scree(datas[[4]], "Model 4", ylim=c(0, eigenmax))
    abline(h=1, col="red")
    points(1:12, eigen_null, type="b", col="blue", cex=.5)

shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
sfcheung/lstatdemo documentation built on May 2, 2020, 1:21 p.m.