
# Illustrate the residual sum of squares in simple linear regression
# To run in R: runGitHub("statDemos","sfcheung",subdir="lmResidual")

# To-dos:
#   - Write functions for RSS and R-squared for user model.
#     There are duplicated lines in the render functions.

# Global variables
b0def <- 42 # Initial intercept
b1def <- 0  # Initial slope
# Raw data
predictor <- c(1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5)
outcome <- c(30,40,10,30,40,60,40,60,40,70)
lmData <- data.frame(predictor, outcome)
n <- nrow(lmData) # Sample size
# Linear regression for this data
lm.results <- lm(outcome ~ predictor, data=lmData)
lm.rss <- anova(lm.results)$Sum[2]
lm.tss <- sum(anova(lm.results)$Sum)
lm.rsq <- summary(lm.results)$r.squared

# The following lines are not ready
# Models tried
models <- data.frame(b0=rep(NA,5), b1=rep(NA,5),
                      RSS=rep(NA,5), Rsquared=rep(NA,5))
models[1,] <- c(b0def, b1def, 0, 0)

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Illustrate the residual sum of squares for a linear model"),
        p("This page illustrates how the \"badness\" of fit of a linear ",
          "model (a straight line) can be measured by the sums of squared",
          "residuals. You can try different models and examine how the ",
          "sum of squared residuals and the R-squared change."),
        p("The starting model when you load this page (a horizontal line",
          "with intercept equal to", b0def, ", the mean of the outcome ",
          "variable) is the baseline model, with R-squared = 0.")
            h4(paste("Set the intercept and slope for your model, and ",
              "see how the residual sum of squares changes:",
              label=h5("Intecept (b0)"),
              min=min(outcome)-10, max=max(outcome)+10, value=b0def, step=.5,
              label=h5("slope (b1)"),
              min=-30, max=30, value=b1def, step=.5,
            #h4("Models explored"),
          h5(paste("The \"best\" (least squares) model: Residual sum of squares=",
              format(lm.rss, nsmall=2),
              " ; R-squared=",
              sprintf("%3.2f", lm.rsq), sep="")),
          p(paste("The R-squared for your model can be less than 0 or greater 1 ",
                  "if it is not the least squares model. ",
                  "This is not an error in computation.", sep="")),
        p("This webpage is included in the package",
          " at GitHub.")

# UI
# ui <- fluidPage(
  # titlePanel("Illustrate the residual sum of squares for a linear model"),
  # sidebarLayout(
      # sidebarPanel(h4(paste("Set the intercept and slope for your model, and ",
                            # "see how the residual sum of squares changes:",
                            # sep="")),
                   # br(),
                   # sliderInput('b0',
                               # label=h5("Intecept (b0)"),
                               # min=min(outcome)-10, max=max(outcome)+10, value=b0def, step=.5,
                               # ticks=TRUE),
                   # sliderInput('b1',
                               # label=h5("slope (b1)"),
                               # min=-30, max=30, value=b1def, step=.5,
                               # ticks=TRUE)
                   # #br(),
                   # #h4("Models explored"),
                   # #tableOutput("modelsTab")
                  # ),
      # mainPanel(
          # h5(paste("The \"best\" (least squares) model: Residual sum of squares=",
              # format(lm.rss, nsmall=2),
              # " ; R-squared=",
              # sprintf("%3.2f", lm.rsq), sep="")),
          # h5(textOutput("rss")),
          # p(paste("The R-squared for your model can be less than 0 or greater 1 ",
                  # "if it is not the least squares model. ",
                  # "This is not an error in computation.", sep="")),
          # plotOutput("plot")
        # )
    # )
# )

# Server
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
      b0i <- input$b0
      b1i <- input$b1
      # Predicted values
      outcome_hat <- b0i + b1i*predictor
      # Get the range of predicted values
      xlo <- 0
      xhi <- max(predictor)
      ylo <- min(b0i + b1i*xlo,b0i + b1i*xhi)
      yhi <- max(b0i + b1i*xlo,b0i + b1i*xhi)
      # Plot the  graph
      cexAll <- 1.5
      # Don't know why cex cannot control the magnification of all elements
      # So used cexAll here
      # Generate the plot object
      plot(predictor, outcome,
            xlim=c(xlo,xhi), ylim=c(min(outcome, ylo),max(outcome,yhi)),
            pch="O", cex=cexAll, cex.axis=cexAll, cex.main=cexAll, cex.lab=cexAll,
            xlab="Average hours watched TV daily in last seven days",
            ylab="Happiness score",
            main=paste("Try to find the \"best\" line by setting ",
                    "the intercept(b0) and slope(b1).", sep=""))
      abline(a=b0i, b=b1i, lwd=4, col="blue")
      segments(predictor,outcome,predictor,outcome_hat, col="red", lty="dotted",
  output$rss <- renderText({
      b0i <- input$b0
      b1i <- input$b1
      # Predicted values
      outcome_hat <- b0i + b1i*predictor
      rssi <- sum((outcome_hat - outcome)^2)
      rsqi <- 1-rssi/lm.tss
      paste("Your model: Residual sum of squares=",
            format(rssi, nsmall=2),
            " ; R-squared=",
            sprintf("%3.2f", rsqi), sep="")
  # The following lines are not ready
  #output$modelsTab <- renderTable({
  #    b0i <- input$b0
  #    b1i <- input$b1
  #    # Predicted values
  #    outcome_hat <- b0i + b1i*predictor
  #    rssi <- sum((outcome_hat - outcome)^2)
  #    rsqi <- 1-rssi/lm.tss
  #    if (rsqi > max(models$Rsquared, na.rm=TRUE)) {
  #        models[2:5,] <- models[1:4,]
  #        models[1,] <- c(b0i, b1i, rssi, rsqi)
  #      }
  #    models
  #  })

shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
sfcheung/lstatdemo documentation built on May 2, 2020, 1:21 p.m.