
#' Effex Functions: Default of the column `fxGeom_class`
#' `fxGeom_class` specifies the class of the `fxGeom` object which [fx_ggplot()]
#' works on. `fx_default_fxGeom_class` infers the class according to the class of
#' the corresponding column.
#' @inheritParams fx_default_fxInfo_name
#' @param custom_fun A function which accepts the determined class and the name
#' and returns the corrected class. Default is the identity.
#' @section Mechanism:
#' * Numeric: "Continuous"
#' * Character or Factor: "Discrete"
#' * Simple Feature column: "Spatial"
#' * Else: "" (no class)
#' @examples
#' df <- dplyr::tibble(
#'   Cont = 1:10,
#'   Disc = LETTERS[1:10],
#'   Disc2 = factor(LETTERS[1:10]),
#'   List = as.list(1:10)
#' )
#' fx_default_fxGeom_class(df)
#' @export

fx_default_fxGeom_class <- function(data,
                                    mf = metaframe(fx_default(data)),
                                    custom_fun = default_identity)
  fxGeom_classes <- purrr::map_chr(
    function(name) {
      if(is.numeric(data[[name]])) fxGeom_class <- "Continuous"
      else if(is.factor(data[[name]]) | is.character(data[[name]]))
        fxGeom_class <- "Discrete"
      else if(inherits(data[[name]], "sfc")) fxGeom_class <- "Spatial"
      else fxGeom_class <- ""
      fxGeom_class <- custom_fun(fxGeom_class, name)

#' @export
#' @describeIn fx_default infers the `fxGeom_class` via
#' [fx_default_fxGeom_class()]

fxe_default.fxd_default_fxGeom_class <- function(data, mf, col, ...)
  fx_default_fxGeom_class(data, mf)

#' Effex Functions: Default of `fxGeom_limits`
#' `fxGeom_limits` specifies the limits of the scale of [fx_ggplot()].
#' @inheritParams fx_default_fxGeom_class
#' @section Mechanism:
#' * Numeric: The range of the data
#' * Character: The unique values
#' * Factor: The levels
#' * Else: NULL
#' @examples
#' df <- dplyr::tibble(
#'   num = c(1:3, 1:3),
#'   char = LETTERS[c(1:3, 1:3)],
#'   fac = factor(LETTERS[c(1:3, 1:3)], levels = LETTERS[1:4]),
#'   lst = as.list(c(1:3, 1:3))
#' )
#' fx_default_fxGeom_limits(df)
#' @export

fx_default_fxGeom_limits <- function(data,
                                     mf = metaframe(fx_default(data)),
                                     custom_fun = default_identity) {
  fxGeom_limits <- purrr::map(
    function(name) {
        fxGeom_limits <- range(data[[name]], na.rm = TRUE)
      else if(is.character(data[[name]])) {
        un <- unique(data[[name]])
        fxGeom_limits <- un[!is.na(un)]
      else if(is.factor(data[[name]])) fxGeom_limits <- levels(data[[name]])
      else fxGeom_limits <- NULL
      fxGeom_limits <- custom_fun(fxGeom_limits, name)

#' @export
#' @describeIn fx_default infers the column `fxGeom_limits` via
#' [fx_default_fxGeom_limits()]

fxe_default.fxd_default_fxGeom_limits <- function(data, mf, col, ...)
  fx_default_fxGeom_limits(data, mf)

#' Effex Functions: Default of `fxGeom_trans`
#' The default transformation is determined in a manner that is sensitive to
#' skewness. Skewed distribution are often hard to interpret if the
#' axes are not transformed.
#' @inheritParams fx_default_fxInfo_name
#' @param fxGeom_trans_simple `logical` should all boxcox and modulus
#' transformations be allowed or should they be restricted to "identity",
#' "sqrt" and "log10"?
#' @param fxGeom_trans_p.threshold a value between 0 and 1. How low does the
#' p-value of the [moments::agostino.test()] have to be to make another
#' transformation necessary? A rather low value is recommended.
#' @section Mechanism:
#' This function has two different modi: `fxGeom_trans_simple = TRUE/FALSE`.
#' `TRUE` means that the only possible transformations are "identity", "sqrt"
#' and "log10". `FALSE`, on the other hand, allows for the entire range of
#' boxcox transformations.
#' Non-numeric data is always assigned "identity".
#' If `fxGeom_trans_simple` is true, the skewness of the three transformation is
#' compared and the lowest absolute skewness wins. If there is nonpositive
#' numeric data, "identity" is chosen by default.
#' If `fxGeom_trans_simple` is false, the procedure consists of severals steps:
#' * To avoid unnecessary transformations, the [moments::agostino.test()] for
#' unnormal skewness is conducted. If the corresponding p-value is not below
#' `fxGeom_trans_p.threshold`, the transformation is "identity".
#' * Afterwards, [geoR::boxcoxfit()] determines a suitable transformation
#' which is then transformed into a suitable object by [scales::boxcox_trans()]
#' @seealso [scales::boxcox_trans()]
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' norm <- rnorm(1000)
#' square <- norm^2
#' exp <- exp(norm)
#' df <- dplyr::tibble(
#'   norm = rnorm(100),
#'   square = rnorm(100)^2,
#'   exp = exp(rnorm(100)),
#'   chars = rep("a", 100)
#' )
#' fx_default_fxGeom_trans(df)
#' fx_default_fxGeom_trans(df, fxGeom_trans_simple = FALSE)
#' @export

fx_default_fxGeom_trans <- function(
  data, mf = metaframe(fx_default(data)),
  fxGeom_trans_simple = TRUE, fxGeom_trans_p.threshold = 0.01,
  custom_fun = default_identity
) {
  fxGeom_trans <-
    function(i) {
      nam <- mf$name[i]
      if(!is.numeric(data[[nam]]) || any(data[[nam]] <= 0, na.rm = TRUE))
        fxGeom_trans <- "identity"
      else {
        ident <- data[[nam]]
        sqrt <- sqrt(ident)
        log <- log10(ident)
        winner <- which.min(abs(c(
          moments::skewness(ident, na.rm = TRUE),
          moments::skewness(sqrt, na.rm = TRUE),
          moments::skewness(log, na.rm = TRUE)
        fxGeom_trans <- c("identity", "sqrt", "log10")[winner]
      if(!fxGeom_trans_simple) {
        nam <- mf$name[i]
        if(!is.numeric(data[[nam]])) return("identity")
        x <- data[[nam]] %>% na.omit()
        # The test can only work with a maximal n of 46340. Random sampling should
        # take care of it.
        if(length(x) > 46340)
          x <- sample(x, size = 46340)
        test <- moments::agostino.test(x)
        if(test$p.value >= fxGeom_trans_p.threshold)
        # boxcoxfit sometimes fails. In this case, we use the simple version.
        bc <- tryCatch(
          geoR::boxcoxfit(data[[nam]], lambda2 = TRUE),
          error = function(e) NULL
        if(is.null(bc)) return(fxGeom_trans)
        lambda <- bc$lambda[1]
        offset <- bc$lambda[2]
        fxGeom_trans <- scales::boxcox_trans(p = lambda, offset = offset)
      fxGeom_trans <- custom_fun(fxGeom_trans, mf[i, ])

#' @export
#' @describeIn fx_default infers the column `fxGeom_trans` which controls axis
#' transformations via [fx_default_fxGeom_trans()].

fxe_default.fxd_default_fxGeom_trans <- function(
  data, mf, col, ...) {
  dots <- rlang::list2(...)
  dots <- dots[names(dots) %in%
                 c("fxGeom_trans_simple", "fxGeom_trans_p.threshold")]
  args <- rlang::list2(
    data = data, mf = mf, !!!dots
  do.call(fx_default_fxGeom_trans, args)

#' Effex Functions: Default of `fxGeom_pal`
#' The default palette depends on the aesthetic that is used and mostly
#' corresponds to the default choices in [ggplot2]. It
#' @section Extension Mechanism:
#' The function is extendible via `fxe_default_fxGeom_pal` over `fx_geom` and
#' `aes_name`.
#' @export

fx_default_fxGeom_pal <-
  function(data, mf = metaframe(fx_default(data)), aes_name) {
  metaframe(data) <- mf
  data <- fx_default(data, columns = "fxGeom_class")
  mf <- metaframe(data)
    function(i) {
      cls <- mf$fxGeom_class[i]
      fxe_default_fxGeom_pal(fxGeom(cls), AesName(aes_name))

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

           function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...)

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomContinuous", aes_name = "x_yAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...) identity)

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomContinuous",
                        aes_name = "colour_fillAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...)
            scales::seq_gradient_pal("#132B43", "#56B1F7", "Lab"))

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomContinuous",
                        aes_name = "alphaAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...)

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomContinuous",
                        aes_name = "sizeAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...)

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomDiscrete", aes_name = "x_yAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...) identity)

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomDiscrete",
                        aes_name = "colour_fillAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...) scales::hue_pal())

#' @rdname fx_default_fxGeom_pal
#' @export

          signature = c(fx_geom = "fxGeomDiscrete",
                        aes_name = "shapeAesName"),
          function(fx_geom, aes_name, ...)

default_identity <- function(x, ...) x
sflippl/tectr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:51 a.m.