
Defines functions sric inference.del_sropt inference.sropt inference T2.inference .inference .F_ncp_KRS .F_ncp_MLE_single .F_ncp_unbiased predint confint.del_sropt confint.sropt confint.sr .genint se.sr se .t_confint .t_recenter .t_bias2 .t_se .t_se_Bao .t_se_Mertens .t_se_normal sr_vcov

Documented in confint.del_sropt confint.sr confint.sropt inference inference.del_sropt inference.sropt predint se se.sr sric sr_vcov

# Copyright 2012-2014 Steven E. Pav. All Rights Reserved.
# Author: Steven E. Pav

# This file is part of SharpeR.
# SharpeR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SharpeR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SharpeR.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# env var:
# nb: 
# see also:
# todo:
# changelog: 
# Created: 2012.05.19
# Copyright: Steven E. Pav, 2012-2013
# Author: Steven E. Pav
# Comments: Steven E. Pav

#' @include utils.r
#' @include distributions.r
#' @include sr.r

# note: on citations, use the Chicago style from google scholar. tks.

# Estimation 

# variance covariance#FOLDUP
#' @title Compute variance covariance of Sharpe Ratios.
#' @description
#' Computes the variance covariance matrix of sample Sharpe ratios.
#' @details
#' Given \eqn{n} contemporaneous observations of \eqn{p} returns
#' streams, this function estimates the asymptotic variance
#' covariance matrix of the vector of sample Sharpes, 
#' \eqn{\left[\zeta_1,\zeta_2,\ldots,\zeta_p\right]}{[zeta1,zeta2,...,zetap]}
#' One may use the default method for computing covariance,
#' via the \code{\link{vcov}} function, or via a 'fancy' estimator,
#' like \code{sandwich:vcovHAC}, \code{sandwich:vcovHC}, \emph{etc.}
#' This code first estimates the covariance of the \eqn{2p} vector of 
#' the vector \eqn{x} stacked on its Hadamard square, \eqn{x^2}. This is
#' then translated back to a variance covariance on the vector of
#' sample Sharpe ratios via the Delta method.
#' @usage
#' sr_vcov(X,vcov.func=vcov,ope=1)
#' @param X an \eqn{n \times p}{n x p} matrix of observed returns.
#' It not a matrix, but a numeric of length \eqn{n}{n}, then it is
#' coerced into a \eqn{n \times 1}{n x 1} matrix.
#' @param vcov.func a function which takes an object of class \code{lm},
#' and computes a variance-covariance matrix.
#' @template param-ope
#' @keywords univar 
#' @return a list containing the following components:
#' \item{SR}{a vector of (annualized) Sharpe ratios.}
#' \item{Ohat}{a \eqn{p \times p}{p x p} variance covariance matrix.}
#' \item{p}{the number of assets.}
#' @seealso sr-distribution functions, \code{\link{dsr}}
#' @rdname sr_vcov
#' @export 
#' @template etc
#' @template sr
#' @template ref-Lo
#' @examples 
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(1000*3),ncol=3)
#' colnames(X) <- c("ABC","XYZ","WORM")
#' Sigmas <- sr_vcov(X)
#' # make it fat tailed:
#' X <- matrix(rt(1000*3,df=5),ncol=3)
#' Sigmas <- sr_vcov(X)
#' \donttest{
#' if (require(sandwich)) {
#'	Sigmas <- sr_vcov(X,vcov.func=vcovHC)
#' }
#' }
#' # add some autocorrelation to X
#' Xf <- filter(X,c(0.2),"recursive")
#' colnames(Xf) <- colnames(X)
#' Sigmas <- sr_vcov(Xf)
#' \donttest{
#' if (require(sandwich)) {
#'	Sigmas <- sr_vcov(Xf,vcov.func=vcovHAC)
#' }
#' }
#' # should run for a vector as well
#' X <- rnorm(1000)
#' SS <- sr_vcov(X)
sr_vcov <- function(X,vcov.func=vcov,ope=1) {
	X <- na.omit(X)
	p <- dim(X)[2]
	if (is.null(p)) {
		X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
		p <- dim(X)[2]

	# cat together X and X squared
	XX2 <- cbind(X,X^2)
	mod2 <- lm(XX2 ~ 1)

	mm2 <- mod2$coefficients

	# mean of X and X^2
	m1 <- mm2[1:p,drop=FALSE]
	m2 <- mm2[p + (1:p),drop=FALSE]
	# volatility
	sig2 <- (m2 - m1^2)
	# the SR:
	SR <- m1 / sqrt(sig2)

	# estimate Sigma hat
	Shat = vcov.func(mod2)

	# construct D matrix
	deno <- (sig2)^(3/2)
	D1 <- diag(m2 / deno,nrow=p,ncol=p)
	D2 <- diag(-m1 / (2*deno),nrow=p,ncol=p)
	Dt <- rbind(D1,D2)

	# Omegahat
	Ohat <- t(Dt) %*% Shat %*% Dt
	# 2FIX: do I have to adjust for sample size or something?

	# get names;
	strnames <- if (is.null(colnames(X))) sapply(1:p,function(n) { sprintf("asset_%03d",n) }) else colnames(X)
	dim(SR) <- c(p,1)
	rownames(SR) <- strnames
	rownames(Ohat) <- strnames
	colnames(Ohat) <- strnames
	retval <- list(SR=.annualize(SR,ope),
								 Ohat=ope * Ohat,p=p)

# inference on the t-stat#FOLDUP

# standard error on the non-centrality parameter of a t-stat

# this is for shit b/c it can be negative. ditch it.
# See Walck, section 33.3
#.t_se_weird <- function(tstat,df) {
	#cn <- .tbias(df)
	#dn <- tstat / cn
	#se <- sqrt(((1+(dn*dn)) * (df/df-2)) - (tstat*tstat))
# See Walck, section 33.5
.t_se_normal <- function(tstat,df) {
	se <- sqrt(1 + (tstat**2) / (2*df))
# note that typically the df given here is n-1?
# just sweep that under the rug.
.t_se_Mertens <- function(tstat,df,cumulants) {
	# hey, how is this supposed to work with matrices??
	if (!is.matrix(cumulants)) { cumulants <- matrix(cumulants,ncol=1) }
	se <- sqrt(1 - (cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE] * tstat / sqrt(df+1)) + (cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE] + 2) * (tstat**2) / (4*(df+1)))
.t_se_Bao <- function(tstat,df,cumulants) {
	if (!is.matrix(cumulants)) { cumulants <- matrix(cumulants,ncol=1) }
	# this is from Yong Bao's code:
	S <- tstat / sqrt(df+1)
	se <- sqrt((df+1) * ( (1+S^2/2)/(df+1)+(19*S^2/8+2)/(df+1)^2-cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]*S*(1/(df+1)+5/2/(df+1)^2)
    -15*cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]*cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE]*S/4/(df+1)^2+39*cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE]^2*S^2/32/(df+1)^2 ));

# note that the cumulants are assumed on the returns distribution,
# not the cumulants of the t-stat, of course.
.t_se <- function(t,df,type=c("t","Lo","Mertens","Bao"),cumulants=NULL) {
	# 2FIX: add autocorrelation correction?
	type <- match.arg(type)
				 t = .t_se_normal(t,df),
				 Lo = .t_se_normal(t,df),
				 Mertens = .t_se_Mertens(t,df,cumulants),
				 Bao = .t_se_Bao(t,df,cumulants))

#.t_bias1 <- function(tstat,df,cumulants) {
	#if (!is.matrix(cumulants)) { cumulants <- matrix(cumulants,ncol=1) }
	#(2 + cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE])*tstat*3/8/(df+1)^(3/2) - cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]/2/(df+1);
.t_bias2 <- function(tstat,df,cumulants) {
	if (!is.matrix(cumulants)) { cumulants <- matrix(cumulants,ncol=1) }
	3*tstat/4/(df+1)^(3/2) +
		3/8/(df+1)^2 * (cumulants[3,,drop=TRUE] - 5*cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]*cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE]/2) + 
		cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]*(1/2/(df+1)+3/8/(df+1)^2) +
		tstat*cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE]*(3/8 -15/32/(df+1))/(df+1)^(3/2) +
		5*tstat/16/(df+1)^(5/2) * (49/10 - cumulants[4,,drop=TRUE] - 4 * cumulants[1,,drop=TRUE]^2 + 21*cumulants[2,,drop=TRUE]^2/8) 

# recentering to remove bias
.t_recenter <- function(tstat,df,type=c("t","Lo","Z","Mertens","Bao"),cumulants=NULL) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (type %in% c("t","Lo","Mertens")) { return(tstat) }
	retv <- switch(type,
									 tstat * (1 - 1 / (4 * df))
									 tstat - .t_bias2(tstat,df,cumulants=cumulants)

# confidence intervals on the non-centrality parameter of a t-stat
# we optionally inflate the standard error by `inflate_by` to support
# prediction intervals
.t_confint <- function(tstat,df,level=0.95,type=c("exact","t","Z","Mertens","Bao"),
											 inflate_by=1) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	# non-trivial inflation only really supported by se methods.
	if (type == "exact") {
		ci.lo <- qlambdap(level.lo,df,tstat,lower.tail=TRUE)
		ci.hi <- qlambdap(level.hi,df,tstat,lower.tail=TRUE)
		ci <- cbind(ci.lo,ci.hi)
	} else {
		midp <- tstat  # mostly we use the tstat as the middle point, unless bias correcting.
						 se <- .t_se(tstat,df,type="t")
					 Z={  # this is odd: we unbias the SR based on the simple bias correction
						 se <- .t_se(tstat,df,type="t")
						 midp <- .t_recenter(tstat,df,type=type)
						 se <- .t_se(tstat,df,type="Mertens",cumulants=cumulants)
						 se <- .t_se(tstat,df,type="Bao",cumulants=cumulants)
						 midp <- .t_recenter(tstat,df,type=type,cumulants=cumulants)
		se <- inflate_by * se
		zalp <- qnorm(c(level.lo,level.hi))
		ci <- cbind(midp + zalp[1] * se,midp + zalp[2] * se)

	retval <- matrix(ci,nrow=length(tstat))
	colnames(retval) <- sapply(c(level.lo,level.hi),function(x) { sprintf("%g %%",100*x) })

# standard error computation#FOLDUP

#' @rdname se
#' @export
se <- function(z, type) {
	UseMethod("se", z)
#' @title Standard error computation
#' @description 
#' Estimates the standard error of the Sharpe ratio statistic. 
#' @details 
#' For an observed Sharpe ratio, estimate the standard error.
#' The following methods are recognized:
#' \describe{
#' \item{t}{The default, based on Johnson & Welch, with a correction
#' for small sample size. Also known as \code{'Lo'}.}
#' \item{Mertens}{An approximation to the standard error taking into
#' skewness and kurtosis of the returns distribution.}
#' \item{Bao}{An even higher accuracty approximation using higher order
#' moments.}
#' }
#' There should be very little difference between these except for very small
#' sample sizes.
#' See \sQuote{The Sharpe Ratio: Statistics and Applications},
#' sections 2.5.1 and 3.2.3.
#' @param z an observed Sharpe ratio statistic, of class \code{sr}.
#' @param type estimator type. one of \code{"t", "Lo", "Mertens", "Bao"}
#' @keywords htest
#' @return an estimate of standard error.
#' @seealso sr-distribution functions, \code{\link{dsr}},
#' \code{\link{sr_variance}}.
#' @export 
#' @template etc
#' @template sr
#' @note
#' The units of the standard error are consistent with those of the
#' input \code{sr} object.
#' @template ref-JW
#' @template ref-Lo
#' @template ref-Bao
#' @template ref-Opdyke
#' @template ref-tsrsa
#' @references 
#' Walck, C. "Hand-book on STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS for experimentalists."
#' 1996. \url{http://www.stat.rice.edu/~dobelman/textfiles/DistributionsHandbook.pdf}
#' @examples 
#' asr <- as.sr(rnorm(128,0.2))
#' anse <- se(asr,type="t")
#' anse <- se(asr,type="Lo")
#' @method se sr
#' @rdname se
#' @export
se.sr <- function(z, type=c("t","Lo","Mertens","Bao")) {
	tstat <- .sr2t(z)
	retval <- .t_se(tstat,df=z$df,type=type,cumulants=z$cumulants)
	retval <- .t2sr(z,retval)

# generalize confidence/prediction interval
.genint <- function(object,level.lo,level.hi,type,inflate_by=1) {
	tstat <- .sr2t(object)
	retval <- .t_confint(tstat,df=object$df,level=NULL, # ignored
	retval <- .t2sr(object,retval)
	rownames(retval) <- .get_strat_names(object$sr)

# confidence intervals on the Sharpe ratio#FOLDUP

#' @title Confidence Interval on (optimal) Signal-Noise Ratio
#' @description 
#' Computes approximate confidence intervals on the (optimal) Signal-Noise ratio 
#' given the (optimal) Sharpe ratio.
#' Works on objects of class \code{sr} and \code{sropt}.
#' @details 
#' Constructs confidence intervals on the Signal-Noise ratio given observed
#' Sharpe ratio statistic. The available methods are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{exact}{The default, which is only exact when returns are
#' normal, based on inverting the non-central t distribution.}
#' \item{t}{Uses the Johnson Welch approximation to the standard error, centered around
#' the sample value.}
#' \item{Z}{Uses the Johnson Welch approximation to the standard error,
#' performing a simple correction for the bias of the Sharpe ratio based on 
#' Miller and Gehr formula.}
#' \item{Mertens}{Uses the Mertens higher order approximation to the standard
#' error, centered around the sample value.}
#' \item{Bao}{Uses the Bao higher order approximation to the standard error,
#' performing a higher order correction for the bias of the Sharpe ratio.}
#' }
#' Suppose \eqn{x_i}{xi} are \eqn{n}{n} independent draws of a \eqn{q}{q}-variate
#' normal random variable with mean \eqn{\mu}{mu} and covariance matrix
#' \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma}. Let \eqn{\bar{x}}{xbar} be the (vector) sample mean, and 
#' \eqn{S}{S} be the sample covariance matrix (using Bessel's correction). 
#' Let 
#' \deqn{z_* = \sqrt{\bar{x}^{\top} S^{-1} \bar{x}}}{z* = sqrt(xbar' S^-1 xbar)}
#' Given observations of \eqn{z_*}{z*}, compute confidence intervals on the
#' population analogue, defined as
#' \deqn{\zeta_* = \sqrt{\mu^{\top} \Sigma^{-1} \mu}}{zeta* = sqrt(mu' Sigma^-1 mu)}
#' @param object an observed Sharpe ratio statistic, of class \code{sr} or
#' \code{sropt}.
#' @param parm ignored here, but required for the general method.
#' @param level the confidence level required.
#' @param level.lo the lower confidence level required.
#' @param level.hi the upper confidence level required.
#' @param type which method to apply.
#' @template etc
#' @template sr
#' @template sropt
#' @template param-ellipsis
#' @rdname confint
#' @keywords htest
#' @return A matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper
#' confidence limits for the parameter. These will be labelled as
#' level.lo and level.hi in \%, \emph{e.g.} \code{"2.5 \%"}
#' @seealso \code{\link{confint}}, \code{\link{se}}, \code{\link{predint}}
#' @examples 
#' # using "sr" class:
#' ope <- 253
#' df <- ope * 6
#' xv <- rnorm(df, 1 / sqrt(ope))
#' mysr <- as.sr(xv,ope=ope)
#' confint(mysr,level=0.90)
#' # using "lm" class
#' yv <- xv + rnorm(length(xv))
#' amod <- lm(yv ~ xv)
#' mysr <- as.sr(amod,ope=ope)
#' confint(mysr,level.lo=0.05,level.hi=1.0)
#' # rolling your own.
#' ope <- 253
#' df <- ope * 6
#' zeta <- 1.0
#' rvs <- rsr(128, df, zeta, ope)
#' roll.own <- sr(sr=rvs,df=df,c0=0,ope=ope)
#' aci <- confint(roll.own,level=0.95)
#' coverage <- 1 - mean((zeta < aci[,1]) | (aci[,2] < zeta))
#' # using "sropt" class
#' ope <- 253
#' df1 <- 4
#' df2 <- ope * 3
#' rvs <- as.matrix(rnorm(df1*df2),ncol=df1)
#' sro <- as.sropt(rvs,ope=ope)
#' aci <- confint(sro)
#' # on sropt, rolling your own.
#' zeta.s <- 1.0
#' rvs <- rsropt(128, df1, df2, zeta.s, ope)
#' roll.own <- sropt(z.s=rvs,df1,df2,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' aci <- confint(roll.own,level=0.95)
#' coverage <- 1 - mean((zeta.s < aci[,1]) | (aci[,2] < zeta.s))
#' # using "del_sropt" class
#' nfac <- 5
#' nyr <- 10
#' ope <- 253
#' set.seed(as.integer(charToRaw("be determinstic")))
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' # hedge out the first one:
#' G <- matrix(diag(nfac)[1,],nrow=1)
#' asro <- as.del_sropt(Returns,G,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' aci <- confint(asro,level=0.95)
#' # under the alternative
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0.001,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' asro <- as.del_sropt(Returns,G,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' aci <- confint(asro,level=0.95)
#' @method confint sr 
#' @export
confint.sr <- function(object,parm,level=0.95,
							 type=c("exact","t","Z","Mertens","Bao"),...) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
#' @export
#' @rdname confint
#' @method confint sropt
confint.sropt <- function(object,parm,level=0.95,
							 level.lo=(1-level)/2,level.hi=1-level.lo,...) {
	ci.hi <- qco_sropt(level.hi,df1=object$df1,df2=object$df2,
	ci.lo <- qco_sropt(level.lo,df1=object$df1,df2=object$df2,
	ci <- cbind(ci.lo,ci.hi)

	retval <- matrix(ci,length(object$sropt))
	colnames(retval) <- sapply(c(level.lo,level.hi),function(x) { sprintf("%g %%",100*x) })
#' @export
#' @rdname confint
#' @method confint del_sropt
confint.del_sropt <- function(object,parm,level=0.95,
							 level.lo=(1-level)/2,level.hi=1-level.lo,...) {
	Fandp <- .del_sropt.asF(object)
	ncp.hi <- qco_f(level.hi,df1=Fandp$df1,df2=Fandp$df2,
	ncp.lo <- qco_f(level.lo,df1=Fandp$df1,df2=Fandp$df2,
	# now convert them back.
	scal.eff <- Fandp$N * (1 - Fandp$R1)
	ci.lo <- ncp.lo / scal.eff
	ci.hi <- ncp.hi / scal.eff
	# these are now differences of squares.
	# deal with annualization?
	# 2FIX: drag is being ignored. harumph.
	ci.lo <- .annualize(sqrt(ci.lo),object$ope)
	ci.hi <- .annualize(sqrt(ci.hi),object$ope)

	ci <- cbind(ci.lo,ci.hi)

	retval <- matrix(ci,ncol=2)
	colnames(retval) <- sapply(c(level.lo,level.hi),function(x) { sprintf("%g %%",100*x) })

# prediction intervals on the Sharpe ratio#FOLDUP
#' @title prediction interval for Sharpe ratio
#' @description 
#' Computes the prediction interval for Sharpe ratio.
#' @details 
#' Given \eqn{n_0}{n_0} observations \eqn{x_i}{xi} from a normal random variable,
#' with mean \eqn{\mu}{mu} and standard deviation \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}, computes
#' an interval \eqn{[y_1,y_2]}{[y_1,y_2]} such that with a fixed probability,
#' the sample Sharpe ratio over \eqn{n}{n} future observations will fall in the
#' given interval. The coverage is over repeated draws of both the past and
#' future data, thus this computation takes into account error in both the
#' estimate of Sharpe and the as yet unrealized returns.
#' Coverage is approximate. Prediction intervals are computed by
#' inflating a confidence interval by an amount which depends on the sample
#' sizes.
#' See \sQuote{The Sharpe Ratio: Statistics and Applications},
#' sections 2.5.9 and 3.5.2.
#' @param x a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values, or an
#'    object of class \code{sr}.
#' @param oosdf the future (or 'out of sample', thus 'oos') degrees of freedom.
#'    In the vanilla Sharpe case, this is the number of future observations
#'    \emph{minus one}.
#' @param oosrescal the rescaling parameter for the future Sharpe ratio. The default value
#'    holds for the case of unattributed models ('vanilla Shape'), but can be set
#'    to some other value to deal with the magnitude of attribution factors in the
#'    future period.
#' @param ope the number of observations per 'epoch'. For convenience of
#'   interpretation, The Sharpe ratio is typically quoted in 'annualized' 
#'   units for some epoch, that is, 'per square root epoch', though returns 
#'   are observed at a frequency of \code{ope} per epoch. 
#'   The default value is to take the same \code{ope} from the input \code{x}
#'   object, if it is unambiguous. 
#' @param level the confidence level required.
#' @param level.lo the lower confidence level required.
#' @param level.hi the upper confidence level required.
#' @param type which method to apply. Only methods based on an approximate
#' standard error are supported.
#' @note if \code{level.lo < 0} or \code{level.hi > 1}, \code{NaN} will be
#' returned.
#' @return A matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper
#' confidence limits for the parameter. These will be labelled as
#' level.lo and level.hi in \%, \emph{e.g.} \code{"2.5 \%"}
#' @seealso \code{\link{confint.sr}}.
#' @template ref-tsrsa
#' @export 
#' @template etc
#' @template sr
#' @examples 
#' # should reject null
#' set.seed(1234)
#' etc <- predint(rnorm(1000,mean=0.5,sd=0.1),oosdf=127,ope=1)
#' etc <- predint(matrix(rnorm(1000*5,mean=0.05),ncol=5),oosdf=63,ope=1)
#' # check coverage
#' mu <- 0.0005
#' sg <- 0.013
#' n1 <- 512
#' n2 <- 256
#' p  <- 100
#' x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n1*p,mean=mu,sd=sg),ncol=p)
#' x2 <- matrix(rnorm(n2*p,mean=mu,sd=sg),ncol=p)
#' sr1 <- as.sr(x1)
#' sr2 <- as.sr(x2)
#' # check coverage of prediction interval
#' etc1 <- predint(sr1,oosdf=n2-1,level=0.95)
#' is.ok <- (etc1[,1] <= sr2$sr) & (sr2$sr <= etc1[,2])
#' covr <- mean(is.ok)
#' @export
predint <- function(x,oosdf,oosrescal=1/sqrt(oosdf+1),ope=NULL,level=0.95,
										type=c("t","Z","Mertens","Bao")) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (is.sr(x)) {
		object <- x
	} else {
		object <- as.sr(x,c0=0,ope=1,na.rm=TRUE)
	if (!is.null(ope)) { object <- reannualize(object,new.ope=ope) } 
	inflate_by <- sqrt(1 + (object$df + 1) * oosrescal^2)
	# have to rescale properly by oosrescal?

# point inference on sropt/ncp of F#FOLDUP

# compute an unbiased estimator of the non-centrality parameter
.F_ncp_unbiased <- function(Fs,df1,df2) {
	ncp.unb <- (Fs * (df2 - 2) * df1 / df2) - df1

#MLE of the ncp based on a single F-stat
.F_ncp_MLE_single <- function(Fs,df1,df2,ub=NULL,lb=0) { 
	if (Fs <= 1) { return(0.0) }  # Spruill's Thm 3.1, eqn 8
	max.func <- function(z) { df(Fs,df1,df2,ncp=z,log=TRUE) }

	if (is.null(ub)) {
		prevdpf <- -Inf
		ub <- 1
		dpf <- max.func(ub)
		while (prevdpf < dpf) {
			prevdpf <- dpf
			ub <- 2 * ub
			dpf <- max.func(ub)
		lb <- ifelse(ub > 2,ub/4,lb)
	ncp.MLE <- optimize(max.func,c(lb,ub),maximum=TRUE)$maximum;
.F_ncp_MLE <- Vectorize(.F_ncp_MLE_single,
											vectorize.args = c("Fs","df1","df2"),
											SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

# KRS estimator of the ncp based on a single F-stat
.F_ncp_KRS <- function(Fs,df1,df2) {
	xbs <- Fs * (df1/df2)
	delta0 <- (df2 - 2) * xbs - df1
	phi2 <- 2 * xbs * (df2 - 2) / (df1 + 2)
	delta2 <- pmax(delta0,phi2)
# ' @usage
# '
# ' F.inference(Fs,df1,df2,...)
# '
# ' @export
# ' @param Fs a (non-central) F statistic.
# ' @examples 
# ' rvs <- rf(1024, 4, 1000, 5)
# ' unbs <- F.inference(rvs, 4, 1000, type="unbiased")
F.inference <- function(Fs,df1,df2,type=c("KRS","MLE","unbiased")) {
	# type defaults to "KRS":
	type <- match.arg(type)
	Fncp <- switch(type,
								 MLE = .F_ncp_MLE(Fs,df1,df2),
								 KRS = .F_ncp_KRS(Fs,df1,df2),
								 unbiased = .F_ncp_unbiased(Fs,df1,df2))
# ' @usage
# '
# ' T2.inference(T2,df1,df2,...)
# '
# ' @export
# ' @param T2 a (non-central) Hotelling \eqn{T^2} statistic.
T2.inference <- function(T2,df1,df2,...) {
	Fs <- .T2_to_F(T2, df1, df2)
	Fdf1 <- df1
	Fdf2 <- df2 - df1
	retv <- F.inference(Fs,Fdf1,Fdf2,...)
	# the NCP is legit
	retv <- retv
#' @title Inference on noncentrality parameter of F-like statistic 
#' @description 
#' Estimates the non-centrality parameter associated with an observed
#' statistic following an optimal Sharpe Ratio distribution.
#' @details 
#' Let \eqn{F}{F} be an observed statistic distributed as a non-central F with 
#' \eqn{\nu_1}{df1}, \eqn{\nu_2}{df2} degrees of freedom and non-centrality 
#' parameter \eqn{\delta^2}{delta^2}. Three methods are presented to
#' estimate the non-centrality parameter from the statistic:
#' \itemize{
#' \item an unbiased estimator, which, unfortunately, may be negative.
#' \item the Maximum Likelihood Estimator, which may be zero, but not
#' negative.
#' \item the estimator of Kubokawa, Roberts, and Shaleh (KRS), which
#' is a shrinkage estimator.
#' }
#' The sropt distribution is equivalent to an F distribution up to a 
#' square root and some rescalings. 
#' The non-centrality parameter of the sropt distribution is 
#' the square root of that of the Hotelling, \emph{i.e.} has
#' units 'per square root time'. As such, the \code{'unbiased'}
#' type can be problematic!
#' @param z.s an object of type \code{sropt}, or \code{del_sropt}
#' @param type the estimator type. one of \code{c("KRS", "MLE", "unbiased")}
#' @keywords htest
#' @return an estimate of the non-centrality parameter, which is
#' the maximal population Sharpe ratio.
#' @seealso F-distribution functions, \code{\link{df}}.
#' @export 
#' @template etc
#' @family sropt Hotelling
#' @references 
#' Kubokawa, T., C. P. Robert, and A. K. Saleh. "Estimation of noncentrality parameters." 
#' Canadian Journal of Statistics 21, no. 1 (1993): 45-57. \url{https://www.jstor.org/stable/3315657}
#' Spruill, M. C. "Computation of the maximum likelihood estimate of a noncentrality parameter." 
#' Journal of multivariate analysis 18, no. 2 (1986): 216-224.
#' \url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0047259X86900709}
#' @rdname inference
#' @export inference
#' @examples 
#' # generate some sropts
#' nfac <- 3
#' nyr <- 5
#' ope <- 253
#' # simulations with no covariance structure.
#' # under the null:
#' set.seed(as.integer(charToRaw("determinstic")))
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' asro <- as.sropt(Returns,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' est1 <- inference(asro,type='unbiased')  
#' est2 <- inference(asro,type='KRS')  
#' est3 <- inference(asro,type='MLE')
#' # under the alternative:
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0.0005,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' asro <- as.sropt(Returns,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' est1 <- inference(asro,type='unbiased')  
#' est2 <- inference(asro,type='KRS')  
#' est3 <- inference(asro,type='MLE')
#' # sample many under the alternative, look at the estimator.
#' df1 <- 3
#' df2 <- 512
#' ope <- 253
#' zeta.s <- 1.25
#' rvs <- rsropt(128, df1, df2, zeta.s, ope)
#' roll.own <- sropt(z.s=rvs,df1,df2,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' est1 <- inference(roll.own,type='unbiased')  
#' est2 <- inference(roll.own,type='KRS')  
#' est3 <- inference(roll.own,type='MLE')
#' # for del_sropt:
#' nfac <- 5
#' nyr <- 10
#' ope <- 253
#' set.seed(as.integer(charToRaw("fix seed")))
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0.0005,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' # hedge out the first one:
#' G <- matrix(diag(nfac)[1,],nrow=1)
#' asro <- as.del_sropt(Returns,G,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' est1 <- inference(asro,type='unbiased')  
#' est2 <- inference(asro,type='KRS')  
#' est3 <- inference(asro,type='MLE')
inference <- function(z.s,type=c("KRS","MLE","unbiased")) {
	UseMethod("inference", z.s)
#' @rdname inference
#' @method inference sropt
#' @export
inference.sropt <- function(z.s,type=c("KRS","MLE","unbiased")) {
	# type defaults to "KRS":
	type <- match.arg(type)
	T2 <- .sropt2T(z.s)
	retval <- T2.inference(T2,z.s$df1,z.s$df2,type)
	# convert back
	retval <- .T2sropt(z.s,retval)
#' @rdname inference
#' @method inference del_sropt
#' @export
inference.del_sropt <- function(z.s,type=c("KRS","MLE","unbiased")) {
	# type defaults to "KRS":
	type <- match.arg(type)
	# convert to F
	Fandp <- .del_sropt.asF(z.s)
	retval <- F.inference(Fandp$Fval,
	# convert back
	scal.eff <- Fandp$N * (1 - Fandp$R1)
	retval <- retval / scal.eff
	# and back to SR
	# 2FIX: drag is being ignored. harumph.
	retval <- .annualize(sqrt(retval),z.s$ope)
#' @title Sharpe Ratio Information Coefficient
#' @description 
#' Computes the Sharpe Ratio Information Coefficient of
#' Paulsen and Soehl, an asymptotically unbiased estimate of
#' the out-of-sample Sharpe of the in-sample Markowitz portfolio.
#' @details 
#' Let \eqn{X}{X} be an observed \eqn{T \times k}{T x k} matrix whose
#' rows are i.i.d. normal. Let \eqn{\mu}{mu} and \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} be
#' the sample mean and sample covariance. The Markowitz portfolio is
#' \deqn{w = \Sigma^{-1}\mu,}{w = Sigma^-1 mu,}
#' which has an in-sample Sharpe of 
#' \eqn{\zeta = \sqrt{\mu^{\top}\Sigma^{-1}\mu}.}{zeta = sqrt(mu' Sigma^-1 mu).}
#' The \emph{Sharpe Ratio Information Criterion} is defined as
#' \deqn{SRIC = \zeta - \frac{k-1}{T\zeta}.}{SRIC = zeta - ((k-1) / (T zeta)).}
#' The expected value (over draws of \eqn{X}{X} and of future returns)
#' of the \eqn{SRIC}{SRIC} is equal to the expected value of the out-of-sample
#' Sharpe of the (in-sample) portfolio \eqn{w}{w} (again, over the same draws.)
#' @param z.s an object of type \code{sropt}
#' @return The Sharpe Ratio Information Coefficient.
#' @export 
#' @template etc
#' @template ref-SRIC
#' @family sropt Hotelling
#' @rdname sric
#' @export sric
#' @examples 
#' # generate some sropts
#' nfac <- 3
#' nyr <- 5
#' ope <- 253
#' # simulations with no covariance structure.
#' # under the null:
#' set.seed(as.integer(charToRaw("fix seed")))
#' Returns <- matrix(rnorm(ope*nyr*nfac,mean=0,sd=0.0125),ncol=nfac)
#' asro <- as.sropt(Returns,drag=0,ope=ope)
#' srv <- sric(asro)
sric <- function(z.s) {
	# deannualize the optimal Sharpe
	znative <- .deannualize(z.s$sropt,z.s$ope)
	retv <- znative - (z.s$df1 - 1) / (znative * z.s$df2)
	# reannualize
	retv <- .annualize(retv,z.s$ope)

# notes:
# extract statistics (t-stat) from lm object:
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2009-February/190021.html

# to get a hotelling statistic from n x k matrix x:
# myt <- summary(manova(lm(x ~ 1)),test="Hotelling-Lawley",intercept=TRUE)
#              Df Hotelling-Lawley approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
#(Intercept)   1          0.00606     1.21      5    995    0.3
# HLT <- myt$stats[1,"Hotelling-Lawley"]
# myt <- summary(manova(lm(x ~ 1)),intercept=TRUE)
# HLT <- sum(myt$Eigenvalues) #?
# ...

## junkyard#FOLDUP

##compute the asymptotic mean and variance of the sqrt of a
##non-central F distribution

#f_sqrt_ncf_asym_mu <- function(df1,df2,ncp = 0) {
	#return(sqrt((df2 / (df2 - 2)) * (df1 + ncp) / df1))
#f_sqrt_ncf_asym_var <- function(df1,df2,ncp = 0) {
	#return((1 / (2 * df1)) * 
				 #(((df1 + ncp) / (df2 - 2)) + (2 * ncp + df1) / (df1 + ncp)))
#f_sqrt_ncf_apx_pow <- function(df1,df2,ncp,alpha = 0.05) {
	#zalp <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
	#numr <- 1 - f_sqrt_ncf_asym_mu(df1,df2,ncp = ncp) + zalp / sqrt(2 * df1)
	#deno <- sqrt(f_sqrt_ncf_asym_var(df1,df2,ncp = ncp))
	#return(1 - pnorm(numr / deno))

#for vim modeline: (do not edit)
# vim:fdm=marker:fmr=FOLDUP,UNFOLD:cms=#%s:syn=r:ft=r
shabbychef/SharpeR documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 8:50 a.m.