#' Estimate the parameters for a given data set and model
#' @param data data frame with the following columns
#' \itemize{
#' \item{dose_A}{dose A mg/mL}
#' \item{dose_B}{dose B mg/mL}
#' \item{GIA}{GIA}
#' }
#' @param init_params named vector of parameters, that correspond to those used in 'GIA_fn'. These will be used as the initial guesses. A default is provided.
#' @param n_boot number of boot straps to use to estimate confidence intervals of the parameters, GIA estimates, and values of S. The default is 100. If n_boot = 0, then no bootstraps will be run and only the point estimates will be returned.
#' @param GIA_fn function to calculate the GIA from dose_A and dose_B combinations and given set of parameters. Default is base_GIA
#' @param S_fn Function to calculate S. Default is calc_S_base
#' @param fn_list additional arguments to pass to GIA_fn
#' @param alpha alpha level used to produce CIs. The bootstrap will use a two-tailed method. The default is .05 to produce a 95\% CI
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether we should print where we are in the process. Default is FALSE.
#' @return a list with the following elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{params_est}{a data frame of dimension # of params x 4 where each row in the data frame is a parameter and where the columns are the mean, lower, alpha/2 quantile, and upper,100 - alpha/2 quantile}
#' \item{S_est}{ a data frame of one row x 4 where we provide the mean, lower, and upper estimates}
#' \item{GIA_est}{the original data with additional columns of the mean, lower, and upper estimates for each dose combination}
#' \item{SSE}{Sum of Square Error for the model under the best (mean) parameters}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats optim lm quantile rnorm
#' @examples
#' df <- loewesadditivity::cyrpa_ripr
#' df$dose_A <- df$CyRPA
#' df$dose_B <- df$RIPR
#' data <- fortify_gia_data(df)
#' model_params <- c("beta_A" = .5, "beta_B" = .5,
#' "gamma_A" = .5, "gamma_B" = .5,
#' "tau_1" = 0, "tau_2" = 0)
#' n_boot <- 10
#' GIA_fn <- base_GIA
#' S_fn <- calc_S_base
#' fn_list <- NULL
#' alpha <- .05
#' verbose <- FALSE
#' out <- estimate_params(data = data,
#' init_params = model_params,
#' n_boot = n_boot,
#' GIA_fn = GIA_fn,
#' S_fn = S_fn,
#' fn_list = fn_list,
#' alpha = alpha,
#' verbose = verbose)
#' names(out)
estimate_params <- function(data,
init_params = c(
"beta_A" = .25,
"beta_B" = .25,
"gamma_A" = .5,
"gamma_B" = .5,
"tau_1" = 0,
"tau_2" = 0
n_boot = 100,
GIA_fn = base_GIA,
S_fn = calc_S_base,
fn_list = NULL,
alpha = .05,
verbose = FALSE){
## Set up output
params_est <- data.frame(param = names(init_params),
mean = NA,
lower = NA,
upper = NA)
S_est <- data.frame(stat = "S", mean = NA,
lower = NA,
upper = NA)
GIA_est <- data
## Get the mean/best parameters
print("Estimating best parameters")
best_params <- stats::optim(par = init_params,
fn = SSE_GIA,
GIA_fn = GIA_fn,
fn_list = fn_list,
data = data)
params_est$mean <- best_params$par
SSE <- best_params$val
S_est$mean <- S_fn(best_params$par, fn_list = fn_list)
GIA_est$mean <- GIA_fn(model_params = best_params$par,
dose_A = data$dose_A,
dose_B = data$dose_B,
fn_list = fn_list)
if(n_boot > 0){
print("Starting the bootstrap")
boot_results <- boot_GIA(par = best_params$par,
gia_df = data,
gia_est = GIA_est$mean,
n_boot = n_boot,
GIA_fn = GIA_fn,
S_fn = S_fn,
fn_list = fn_list,
verbose = verbose)
## put boot results back in place
## ## PARAMS
params_est$lower <- params_est$mean + boot_results$par_est$lower
params_est$upper <- params_est$mean + boot_results$par_est$upper
## S
S_est$lower <- S_est$mean + boot_results$S_est$lower
S_est$upper <- S_est$mean + boot_results$S_est$upper
## df
GIA_est$lower <- GIA_est$mean + boot_results$GIA_est$lower
GIA_est$upper <- GIA_est$mean + boot_results$GIA_est$upper
out <- list(params_est = params_est,
S_est = S_est,
GIA_est = GIA_est,
class(out) <- c("loewes_list", class(out))
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