
Defines functions write_plot write_ggplot

Documented in write_ggplot write_plot

#' Function to save ggplot figures.
#' This is a wrapup function of \code{\link{write_plot}} to print \code{ggplot} object.
#' @param number the number used to as a suffix in the output filename, and to link to TableofTables. Default is to use the value in the cctu_env package environment that is set within \code{\link{attach_pop}}.
#' @param plot the plot object to save. defaults to \code{last_plot}
#' @param width the width to save as
#' @param height the height to save as
#' @param dpi the resolution setting
#' @param units either "cm" (the default) or "inches"
#' @param clean_up logical to invoke the \code{\link{clean_up}} function at the end. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param directory where to save the figures within path or current working directory
#' @inheritParams clean_up
#' @param format either "jpg", "postscript", or "png" to determine the file type to use
#' @param graphics_args a list of named arguments to supply to graphics function (png, postscript, jpeg)
#' @param footnote character vector, can be used to add footnotes.
#' @return writes a copy of a plot to file fig_number.. edits the TableofTables object with the calling programe No return object.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{write_table}}  \code{\link{write_plot}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%

write_ggplot = function(
                       plot     = last_plot(),
                       number = cctu_env$number,
                       width    = 29.7 * 0.6,
                       height   = 21 * 0.6,
                       dpi      = 300,
                       units    = "cm",
                       clean_up = TRUE,
                       format = c("png","postscript","jpeg"),
                       footnote = NULL

  # Collect all arguments
  args_list <- as.list(environment())

  if(!inherits(plot, c("gtable", "gTree", "grob", "ggplot")))
    stop("The plot is a not supported class of: ", paste(class(plot), collapse = ", "),
         ". Use `write_plot` function instead to draw this plot.")

  names(args_list)[names(args_list) == "plot"] <- "x"
  args_list$plot_fn <- grid::grid.draw

  do.call(write_plot, args_list)

#' Function to save plot figures
#' One may not always use \code{ggplot2} to draw plot, base \code{plot} function for example,
#' this function is particularly useful in that situation.
#' @inheritParams write_ggplot
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to the ploting function \code{plot_fn} below.
#' @param plot_fn function to draw a plot. This can be simple \code{print} OR \code{plot} (default)
#' OR a custom plot drawing function depending on how the plot was drawn. See the
#' \code{details} and \code{examples} below.
#' @param plot_args Deprecated, kept here for backcompatibility. A named list arguments for \code{plot_fn}.
#' @details
#' The \code{plot_fn} can be a user defined function to draw plot. Let us assume the
#' object \code{p} is your plot object. If you can see the plot by simply typing
#'  \code{p} on the console, then this should be \code{print}. If you can see the plot
#' by simply typing \code{plot(p)} on the console, then this should be \code{plot}.
#' All parameters should be passed with names. Checkout the examples below.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #####################################
#' # Below is a simple example ========#
#' #####################################
#' #
#' write_plot(plot_fn = plot, plot_args = list(x = iris[,1], y = iris[,2]))
#' # This is equivalent drawing the following plot and save it
#' plot(x = iris[,1], y = iris[,2])
#' # Below is user defined function plotting
#' # One can use this method to draw a complicated plot
#' new_plot <- function(x, y, h, v) {
#'    par(pty = "s", cex = 0.7) # adjust plot style
#'    plot(x, y)
#'    abline(h = h,v = v, lty=2) # add some lines
#' }
#' write_plot(x = iris[,1], y = iris[,2], h = 2.5, v = 6.0, plot_fn = new_plot)
#' ####################################################
#' # To draw a KM-plot from survminer package ========#
#' ####################################################
#' library("survival")
#' library("survminer")
#' fit<- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung)
#' # Drawing survival curves
#' p <- ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung)
#' write_plot(p, plot_fn = survminer:::print.ggsurvplot)
#' # The code above works because the p is a ggsurvplot object (check it with class(p))
#' # There's a printing function print.ggsurvplot to handle the printing of the KM-plot.
#' # But this function is not exported by survminer, so we need to use three colons.
#' #####################################
#' # Draw a consort diagram ===========#
#' #####################################
#' library(grid)
#' # Might want to change some settings
#' txt0 <- c("Study 1 (n=160)", "Study 2 (n=140)")
#' txt1 <- "Population (n=300)"
#' txt1_side <- "Excluded (n=15):\n\u2022 MRI not collected (n=15)"
#' # supports pipeline operator
#' g <- add_box(txt = txt0) |>
#'   add_box(txt = txt1) |>
#'   add_side_box(txt = txt1_side) |>
#'   add_box(txt = "Randomized (n=200)")
#' # Since you can draw the plot g with plot(g), the ploting function is plot
#' # The plotting function is \code{plot.consort}, so simple plot or plot.consort works
#' write_plot(g, plot_fn = plot)
#' # Or just
#' write_plot(g)
#' }
#' @return writes a copy of a plot to file fig_number.. edits the TableofTables object with the calling programe No return object.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{write_table}} \code{\link{write_ggplot}}
#' @export
write_plot = function(...,
                      plot_fn  = plot,
                      number   = cctu_env$number,
                      width    = 29.7 * 0.6,
                      height   = 21 * 0.6,
                      dpi      = 300,
                      units    = "cm",
                      clean_up = TRUE,
                      footnote = NULL,
                      plot_args = NULL

  dot_args <- list(...)
  plot_args <- c(plot_args, dot_args)

  # postscript() only takes units in inches
  if(units == "cm"){
    width  = width * 0.393701
    height = height * 0.393701
  }else if(units == "inches"){
    # do nothing
    stop("units must be ''cm'' or ''inches''")

  CallingProg <- cctu_env$parent[1]#get_file_name()
    CallingProg <- "Missing"
    warning(paste("Unable to identify the code file that created figure", number))
  add_program(number, CallingProg )

    add_footnote(number, footnote)

  # deals with non-ggplot objects as well now

  format <- match.arg(format)
  #directory %<>% normalizePath %>% final_slash
  file_name <- file.path(directory,paste0("fig_",number))

  args_list <- c( list( file = paste0(file_name, ".", format %>% ifelse(.=="postscript","eps",.)),
                        height = height, width = width), graphics_args)
  extra_args <-NULL
  if( format %in% c("png","jpeg")){
    extra_args <- list(units = "in", res = dpi)
  plotting_function <- getExportedValue("grDevices", format)
  do.call(plotting_function, c(args_list, extra_args))
    if(verbose){cat("\n", args_list$file, "created.\n")}
  do.call(plot_fn, plot_args)

  # this links in with using environments to define the correct population
  # detach_pop(number)
    clean_up(number, frame = parent.frame(), verbose=verbose)
shug0131/cctu documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 4:08 a.m.