
Defines functions table_cttab table_data remove_xml_specials write_table

Documented in write_table

#' Function to write a table into xml format in the correct directory, and edit
#' TableofTables
#' @inheritParams write_ggplot
#' @param X the data.frame or table to be saved in xml format
#' @param heading character vector of column titles. Defaults to the colnames of X
#' @param na_to_empty logical, if true then any NA values will be written as empty strings. Defaults to false.
#' @details 
#' Variable names and values will be replace by variable labels and value labels respectively if available before writing the data.
#' Use \code{options(cctu_na_to_empty = TRUE)} to write NA values will be written as empty strings globally.
#' @return writes an xml version of the input data to file table_number.xml . Edits the TableofTables object with the calling programe. No return object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{write_ggplot}} \code{\link{detect_invalid_utf8}} \code{\link{remove_invalid_utf8}} 
#' \code{\link{lab2val}} \code{\link{var_lab}} \code{\link{val_lab}} \code{\link{apply_macro_dict}}
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%

write_table = function(X,
                      heading  = NULL,
                      na_to_empty = getOption("cctu_na_to_empty", default = FALSE),
                      clean_up = TRUE,
                      footnote = NULL

  CallingProg <- cctu_env$parent[1]  #get_file_name()
    warning("Unable to identify the code file that created table", number)
    CallingProg <- "Missing"
  add_program(number, CallingProg)
    add_footnote(number, footnote)

  if(is.null(dim(X)) || dim(X)[1] == 0 || dim(X)[2] == 0){
    X <- data.frame(" " = "No Data")
    colnames(X) <- ""

  if(inherits(X, "cttab"))
    output_string <- table_cttab(X)
    output_string <- table_data(X, heading, na_to_empty)

  #directory %<>% normalizePath %>% final_slash
  file_name <- file.path(directory,paste0("table_",number,".xml"))

  cat(output_string, file = file_name, append = FALSE)
  if(verbose){cat("\n", file_name, "created.\n")}

     clean_up(number, frame = parent.frame(), verbose=verbose)

#' @keywords internal
remove_xml_specials <- function(x){
  # Remove non-UTF-8 here or the gsub will fail for non-UTF-8 characters
  # Ref: https://blog.r-project.org/2022/06/27/why-to-avoid-%5Cx-in-regular-expressions/
  x <- rm_invalid_utf8_(x) 
  x <- gsub("&(?!#\\d+;)","&amp;\\1", x,perl=TRUE)
  x <-  gsub("<","&lt;", x)
  x <-  gsub(">", "&gt;",x)
  x <- gsub('"', "&quot;",x)
  x <- gsub("'", "&apos;",x)

# For normal
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
table_data <- function(X, heading  = NULL, na_to_empty=FALSE){

  if(!is.null(heading) & ncol(X) != length(heading))
    stop("Heading should have the same length as the number of columns")

    for(i in seq_along(heading)){
      var_lab(X[[i]]) <- heading[i]
  }else {
    heading <- colnames(X)

  check <- as.character(rownames(X)) != as.character(1:nrow(X))
  if(inherits(X, "matrix") & any(check)){
    heading <- c("Variables", heading)
    X <- data.frame(row_nam = rownames(X), X, row.names = NULL)

  # Variable names to labels if no variable label
  with_varlab <- sapply(X, has.label)
    heading[with_varlab] <- unlist(var_lab(X)[with_varlab])

  # Variable values to labels if has value
  X <- lab2val(X)

  if(inherits(X, "data.frame")){
    utf8_check <- detect_invalid_utf8(X)
    utf8_check_cap <- capture.output(utf8_check)
    utf8_check_cap <- paste(utf8_check_cap, "\n", sep="")
    if( nrow(utf8_check)){
      warning("Invalid non-UTF8 characters found\n", utf8_check_cap, "\n")

  # Table header
  th <- paste0("<th>", remove_xml_specials(heading), "</th>", collapse = "")
  th <- paste0("<tr>", th, "</tr>\n")
  thead <- paste0("<thead>\n", th, "</thead>\n")

  # Table body
  td <- apply(X, 2, function(c){
      c <- ifelse(is.na(c),"", c)
    paste0("<td>", remove_xml_specials(c), "</td>")
    td <- paste0(td, collapse = "")
    td <- apply(td, 1, paste0, collapse="")
  td <- paste0("<tr>", td, "</tr>\n", collapse="")
  tbody <- paste0("<tbody>\n", td, "</tbody>\n")

  # Table output
  paste("\n<table>\n", thead, tbody, "</table>\n")

# For cttab class
#' @keywords internal
table_cttab <- function(x) {

  rl <- rownames(x)
  rowclass <- attr(x, "position")

  if(inherits(x, "matrix")){
    x <- cbind("Variable" = rl, x)
    al <- "firstleft"
    hd_nam <- colnames(x)
    # Variable names to labels if no variable label
    with_varlab <- sapply(x, has.label)
    for (i in names(x)[!with_varlab]) {
      var_lab(x[[i]]) <- i
    hd_nam <- unlist(var_lab(x))
    # Variable values to labels if has value
    x <- lab2val(x)
    al <- ""
    x[is.na(x)] <- ""

  x[] <- apply(x, 2, remove_xml_specials)

  # Table header
  th <- paste0("<th>", remove_xml_specials(hd_nam), "</th>", collapse = "")
  th <- paste0("<tr>", th, "</tr>\n")
  thead <- paste0("<thead>\n", th, "</thead>\n")

  # Table body
  # Add class
  cls <- matrix(NA, nrow(x), ncol(x))
  rowclass <- sapply(seq_along(rowclass),
                     function(x) switch(as.character(rowclass[x]),
                                        "0" = "bold;bgcol;span",
                                        "1" = "bold",
                                        "2" = "bold;span",
                                        "3" = "indent",

  cls[,1] <- paste0(" style='", paste(rowclass, al, sep = ";"), "'")
  cls[is.na(cls)] <- ""

  td <- paste0("<td", cls, ">", as.matrix(x), "</td>")
  dim(td) <- dim(x)
  td <- apply(td, 1, paste0, collapse="")
  td <- paste0("<tr>", td, "</tr>\n", collapse="")
  tbody <- paste0("<tbody>\n", td, "</tbody>\n")

  # Table output
  paste("\n<table>\n", thead, tbody, "</table>\n")
shug0131/cctu documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m.