
#' @title Benchmark experiment for multiple learners and tasks.
#' @description
#' Complete benchmark experiment to compare different learning algorithms across one or more tasks
#' w.r.t. a given resampling strategy. Experiments are paired, meaning always the same
#' training / test sets are used for the different learners.
#' Furthermore, you can of course pass \dQuote{enhanced} learners via wrappers, e.g., a
#' learner can be automatically tuned using \code{\link{makeTuneWrapper}}.
#' @param learners [(list of) \code{\link{Learner}} | \code{character}]\cr
#'   Learning algorithms which should be compared, can also be a single learner.
#'   If you pass strings the learners will be created via \code{\link{makeLearner}}.
#' @param tasks [(list of) \code{\link{Task}}]\cr
#'   Tasks that learners should be run on.
#' @param resamplings [(list of) \code{\link{ResampleDesc}} | \code{\link{ResampleInstance}}]\cr
#'   Resampling strategy for each tasks.
#'   If only one is provided, it will be replicated to match the number of tasks.
#'   If missing, a 10-fold cross validation is used.
#' @param measures [(list of) \code{\link{Measure}}]\cr
#'   Performance measures for all tasks.
#'   If missing, the default measure of the first task is used.
#' @template arg_keep_pred
#' @template arg_models
#' @template arg_showinfo
#' @return [\code{\link{BenchmarkResult}}].
#' @family benchmark
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lrns = list(makeLearner("classif.lda"), makeLearner("classif.rpart"))
#' tasks = list(iris.task, sonar.task)
#' rdesc = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 2L)
#' meas = list(acc, ber)
#' bmr = benchmark(lrns, tasks, rdesc, measures = meas)
#' rmat = convertBMRToRankMatrix(bmr)
#' print(rmat)
#' plotBMRSummary(bmr)
#' plotBMRBoxplots(bmr, ber, style = "violin")
#' plotBMRRanksAsBarChart(bmr, pos = "stack")
#' friedmanTestBMR(bmr)
#' friedmanPostHocTestBMR(bmr, p.value = 0.05)
benchmark = function(learners, tasks, resamplings, measures, keep.pred = TRUE, models = TRUE, show.info = getMlrOption("show.info")) {

  learners = ensureBenchmarkLearners(learners)
  learner.ids = extractSubList(learners, "id")
  if (anyDuplicated(learner.ids))
    stop("Learners need unique ids!")
  names(learners) = learner.ids

  tasks = ensureBenchmarkTasks(tasks)
  task.ids = extractSubList(tasks, c("task.desc", "id"))
  if (anyDuplicated(task.ids))
    stop("Tasks need unique ids!")
  names(tasks) = task.ids

  resamplings = ensureBenchmarkResamplings(resamplings, tasks)
  resamplings = Map(function(res, tt) {
    if (inherits(res, "ResampleInstance"))
    if (inherits(res, "ResampleDesc"))
      return(makeResampleInstance(res, task = tt))
    stop("All objects in 'resamplings' must be of class 'ResampleDesc' or 'ResampleInstance'")
  }, resamplings, tasks)
  names(resamplings) = task.ids

  measures = ensureBenchmarkMeasures(measures, tasks)


  grid = expand.grid(task = task.ids, learner = learner.ids, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  plevel = "mlr.benchmark"
  parallelLibrary("mlr", master = FALSE, level = plevel, show.info = FALSE)
  exportMlrOptions(level = "mlr.benchmark")
  results = parallelMap(
    task = grid$task,
    learner = grid$learner,
    more.args = list(learners = learners, tasks = tasks, resamplings = resamplings,
      measures = measures, keep.pred = keep.pred, models = models, show.info = show.info),
    level = plevel
  results.by.task = split(results, unlist(grid$task))
  for (taskname in names(results.by.task)) {
    names(results.by.task[[taskname]]) = grid$learner[grid$task == taskname]
  addClasses(results.by.task, "BenchmarkResult")
    results = results.by.task,
    measures = measures,
    learners = learners

#' @title BenchmarkResult object.
#' @name BenchmarkResult
#' @rdname BenchmarkResult
#' @description
#' Result of a benchmark experiment conducted by \code{\link{benchmark}}
#' with the following members:
#' \describe{
#' \item{results [list of \code{\link{ResampleResult}}]:}{
#'   A nested \code{list} of resample results,
#'   first ordered by task id, then by learner id.
#' }
#' \item{measures [list of \code{\link{Measure}}]:}{
#'   The performance measures used in the benchmark experiment.
#' }
#' \item{learners [list of \code{\link{Learner}}]:}{
#'   The learning algorithms compared in the benchmark experiment.
#' }
#' }
#' The print method of this object shows aggregated performance values
#' for all tasks and learners.
#' It is recommended to
#' retrieve required information via the \code{getBMR*} getter functions.
#' You can also convert the object using \code{\link[base]{as.data.frame}}.
#' @family benchmark

benchmarkParallel = function(task, learner, learners, tasks, resamplings, measures, keep.pred = TRUE, models = TRUE, show.info) {
  if (show.info)
    messagef("Task: %s, Learner: %s", task, learner)
  lrn = learners[[learner]]
  extract.this = getExtractor(lrn)
  r = resample(lrn, tasks[[task]], resamplings[[task]],
    measures = measures, models = models, extract = extract.this, keep.pred = keep.pred, show.info = show.info)
  # store used learner in result
  r$learner = lrn

#' @export
print.BenchmarkResult = function(x, ...) {
  print(getBMRAggrPerformances(x, as.df = TRUE))

#' @export
as.data.frame.BenchmarkResult = function(x, ...) {
  getBMRPerformances(x, as.df = TRUE)
shuodata/mlr-master documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:33 p.m.