
requireLearnerPackages = function(learner) {
  requirePackages(learner$package, why = stri_paste("learner", learner$id, sep = " "), default.method = "load")

cleanupPackageNames = function(pkgs) {
  stri_replace_all(pkgs, "", regex = "^[!_]")

# paste together measure and aggregation ids
measureAggrName = function(measure) {
  stri_paste(measure$id, measure$aggr$id, sep = ".")

# paste together measure and aggregation names
measureAggrPrettyName = function(measure) {
  stri_paste(measure$name, measure$aggr$name, sep = ": ")

# convert a named numvec of perf values (think 'aggr' from resample) into flat string
# ala <name><sep><value>,...,<name><sep><value>
perfsToString = function(y, sep = "=") {
  stri_paste(stri_paste(names(y), "=", formatC(y, digits = 3L), sep = ""),
             collapse = ",", sep = " ")

removeFromDots = function(ns, ...) {
  args = list(...)
  args[setdiff(names(args), ns)]

attachTrainingInfo = function(x, info) {
  attr(x, "mlr.train.info") = info

getTrainingInfo = function(x) {
  attr(x, "mlr.train.info") %??% attr(x$learner.model, "mlr.train.info")

getLearnerOptions = function(lrn, opts) {
  lrn.opts = getLeafLearner(lrn)$config
  setNames(lapply(opts, function(x) lrn.opts[[x]] %??% getMlrOption(x)), opts)

# p = probabilites for levs[2] => matrix with probs for levs[1] and levs[2]
propVectorToMatrix = function(p, levs) {
  y = matrix(0, ncol = 2L, nrow = length(p))
  colnames(y) = levs
  y[, 2L] = p
  y[, 1L] = 1 - p

#' @title List the supported task types in mlr
#' @description
#' Returns a character vector with each of the supported task types in mlr.
#' @return [\code{character}].
#' @export
listTaskTypes = function() {
  c("classif", "regr", "surv", "costsens", "cluster", "multilabel")

# Maybe move to BBmisc at some point
measureTime = function(expr, ee = parent.frame()) {
  before = proc.time()[[3L]]
  proc.time()[[3L]] - before

# find duplicate measure names or ids and paste together those
# with the associated aggregation ids or names
replaceDupeMeasureNames = function(measures, x = "id") {
  assertList(measures, "Measure")
  assertChoice(x, c("id", "name"))
  meas.names = extractSubList(measures, x)
  dupes = table(meas.names)
  dupes = which(meas.names %in% names(dupes[dupes > 1]))
  if (x == "id")
    new.names = sapply(measures[dupes], function(x) measureAggrName(x))
    new.names = sapply(measures[dupes], function(x) measureAggrPrettyName(x))
  meas.names[dupes] = new.names

# suppresses a warning iff the warning message contains the
# substring `str`.
suppressWarning = function(expr, str) {
  withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) {
    if (stri_detect_fixed(stri_flatten(w$message), str))

hasEmptyLevels = function(x) {
  !all(levels(x) %chin% as.character(unique(x)))
shuodata/mlr-master documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:33 p.m.