
#'Cleans bird data frame before validating, e.g. for mystery whitespace
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return cleaned df
clean_df <- function(df) {
  df <- df[,1:40]
  colnames(df) <- c("Original.Order.on.hard.copy", "Who.entered", "PAGE..", "LOCATION",
                    "BANDSIZE", "DISPOSITION..band.code.", "Bander", "BAND..",
                    "SPECIES", "AGE", "HA", "HA2",
                    "SEX", "HS", "HS2", "SKULL",
                    "BP", "CP", "FAT", "Muscle",
                    "B.MLT", "FF.MLT", "FF.WEAR", "WING",
                    "TAIL", "WEIGHT", "STATUS", "DATE",
                    "YYYY", "MM", "DD", "JULIAN",
                    "CAP.TIME", "SITE", "NET..", "Parasites.",
                    "DISP", "PARASITE.NOTES", "NOTES", "proofing.and.data.entry.notes")
  df <- df %>%
      Original.Order.on.hard.copy = as.integer(as.character(Original.Order.on.hard.copy)),
      PAGE.. = as.integer(as.character(PAGE..)),
      AGE = as.integer(as.character(AGE)),
      SKULL = as.integer(as.character(SKULL)),
      BP = as.integer(as.character(BP)),
      CP = as.integer(as.character(CP)),
      FAT = as.integer(as.character(FAT)),
      Muscle = as.integer(as.character(Muscle)),
      B.MLT = as.integer(as.character(B.MLT)),
      FF.MLT = as.integer(as.character(FF.MLT)),
      FF.WEAR = as.integer(as.character(FF.WEAR)),
      WING = as.integer(as.character(WING)),
      TAIL = as.integer(as.character(TAIL)),
      WEIGHT = as.numeric(as.character(WEIGHT)),
      STATUS = as.character(STATUS),
      MM = as.integer(as.character(MM)),
      DD = as.integer(as.character(DD)),
      JULIAN = as.integer(as.character(JULIAN)),
      CAP.TIME = as.integer(as.character(CAP.TIME)),
      NET.. = as.integer(as.character(NET..))

#'Validate all columns, then store issues as a data frame
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return issues data frame
validate_all <- function(df) {
  all_list <- list(validate_species(df), validate_age(df), validate_sex(df),
       validate_age_bp_cp(df), validate_sex_hs(df), validate_bp_hs(df),
       validate_cp_hs(df), validate_ffmolt(df), validate_bp(df),
       validate_cp(df), validate_fat(df), validate_bmlt(df),
       validate_ffwear(df), validate_muscle(df), validate_age_skull(df),
       validate_ha_skull(df), validate_location(df), validate_bandsize(df),
       validate_bandsize_disp(df), validate_age_ffmlt(df), validate_ha_ffmlt(df),
       validate_ha_ffwear(df), validate_age_ffwear(df), validate_wing(df),
       validate_tail(df), validate_weight(df), validate_bandcode(df),
       validate_bandcode_species(df), validate_status(df), validate_status_500(df),
       validate_disp(df), validate_disp_status(df), validate_year(df),
       validate_year_species(df), validate_month(df), validate_month_species(df),
       validate_day(df), validate_day_species(df), validate_captime(df),
       validate_net(df), validate_notes(df), validate_ey(df),
       validate_age_ha(df), validate_age_hs(df), validate_parasites(df),
       validate_ha_ha2(df), validate_hs_hs2(df)

  colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "Original.Order.on.hard.copy"] <- "Order"
  colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "proofing.and.data.entry.notes"] <- "Issue"

  out_df <- data.frame()

  for(i_df in all_list) {
    if(nrow(i_df) != 0) {
      #i_df <- subset(i_df, select=c(Order, Issue))
      out_df <- rbind(out_df, i_df)

  #out_df <- out_df[order(out_df$Order),]


#'Validate species column. Refer to master species list to update
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with species issues
validate_species <- function(df) {
  valid_species_list <- c("amgo", "amke", "amre", "amro", "auwa", "bade", "balo", "bcch", "bchu", "bewr", "bggn",
                          "bhco", "bhgr", "brcr", "brsp", "btyw", "buhu", "buor", "bush", "cafi", "cahu", "canw", "caqu", "cavi", "cbch",
                          "cedw", "chsp", "coha", "coni", "copo", "deju", "dowo", "dufl", "evgr", "flow", "fosp", "gcki", "gcsp",
                          "grca", "grfl", "gtto", "gwcs", "hafl", "hawo", "heth", "hewa", "hofi", "howr", "lazb", "lefl", "lego",
                          "lisp", "mgwa", "moch", "mwcs", "mywa", "nawa", "nofl", "nopo", "ocwa", "orju", "osfl", "pawr", "pisi",
                          "rbnu", "rcki", "recr", "rnsa", "rowr", "rsfl", "ruhu", "sath", "savs", "sosp", "spto", "ssha", "stja", "swth",
                          "tewa", "toso", "towa", "udej", "uyrw", "vath", "vesp", "wavi", "wbnu", "wcsp", "webl", "wefl", "weta",
                          "wewp", "wifl", "wiwa", "ybch", "yewa", "yrwa")

  species <- tolower(df$SPECIES)
  species_issues <- filter(df, !(species %in% valid_species_list))
  if(nrow(species_issues) != 0) {
    species_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Species is rare or does not exist"

#'Validate age column. Acceptable ages are: 0,1,2,4,5,6
#'--flag any records with blank age
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age issues
validate_age <- function(df) {
  valid_age_list <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
  age_issues <- filter(df, !(AGE %in% valid_age_list))
  if(nrow(age_issues) != 0) {
    age_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid age. Age must be 0 1 2 4 5 or 6"

#'Validate sex column. Acceptable values= M F U--flag all the blanks
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with sex issues
validate_sex <- function(df) {
  sex_issues <- filter(df, !(SEX == "M" | SEX == "F" | SEX == "U"))
  if(nrow(sex_issues) != 0) {
    sex_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid sex. Sex must be M F or U"

#'Check that age and BP/CP match. Age 2, 4, and 0 should always have 0 for both
#'BP and CP
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/BP/CP issues
validate_age_bp_cp <- function(df) {
  bpcp_issues <- filter(df, AGE == 0 | AGE == 2 | AGE == 4, BP != 0, CP != 0)
  if(nrow(bpcp_issues) != 0) {
    bpcp_issues[,"Issue"] <- "BP and CP must both be 0 if age = 0 2 or 4."

#'Validate how sexed and sex combinations.  Allowable values include: PL,
#'EY,FF,MB,PC,LP,NL,MR,SK,TS, (blank only in second field, or for age 0)
#'F: PL,BP,WL--first HS field can NOT be blank
#'M: PL,CL,WL--first HS field can NOT be blank
#'U: always blank, or IC, If not blank, check hard copy for errors or
#'white-out. If sex is whited out, leave as U. Check fields above and below to
#'make sure there's not a data entry error
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with hs/sex issues
validate_sex_hs <- function(df) {
  sex_hs_issues <- filter(df,
                          (SEX == "F" & !(HS == "PL" | HS == "BP" | HS == "WL")) |
                            (SEX == "M" & !(HS == "PL"| HS == "CL"| HS == "WL")) |
                            (SEX == "U" & !(is.na(NA) | HS == "IC"))
  if(nrow(sex_hs_issues) != 0) {
    sex_hs_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Sex-how sexed mismatch"

#'Validate how sexed and BP for females. If sexed by BP, BP value cannot
#'be blank or 0
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with BP/how sexed issues for females
validate_bp_hs <- function(df) {
  fhs_bp_issues <- filter(df, SEX == "F", HS == "BP", BP == 0 | is.na(BP))
  if(nrow(fhs_bp_issues) != 0) {
    fhs_bp_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If sexed by BP BP value cannot be blank or 0"

#'Validate how sexed and CP for males. If sexed by CL, CP value cannot
#'be blank, 0, or 1 (i.e. CP must = 2 or 3)
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with CP/how sexed issues for males
validate_cp_hs <- function(df) {
  mhs_cp_issues <- filter(df, SEX == "M", HS == "CL", !(CP == 2 | CP == 3))
  if(nrow(mhs_cp_issues) != 0) {
    mhs_cp_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If sexed by CL CP value must be 2 or 3"

#'Validate flight feather molt. Allowable values: N, S, J, A, blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with ffmolt issues
validate_ffmolt <- function(df) {
  ffmolt_issues <- filter(df, !(is.na(FF.MLT) | FF.MLT == "N" | FF.MLT == "S" | FF.MLT == "J" | FF.MLT == "A"))
  if(nrow(ffmolt_issues) != 0) {
    ffmolt_issues[, "Issue"] <- "Invalid FF molt value. Acceptable values are N S J A and blank"

#'Validate BP (0-5, blank okay)
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with BP issues
validate_bp <- function(df) {
  bp_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(BP), (BP > 5 | BP < 0))
  if(nrow(bp_issues) != 0) {
    bp_issues[, "Issue"] <- "BP cannot exceed 5"

#'Validate CP (0-3 allowed, blank okay)
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with CP issues
validate_cp <- function(df) {
  cp_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(CP), (CP > 3 | CP < 0))
  if(nrow(cp_issues) != 0) {
    cp_issues[, "Issue"] <- "CP cannot exceed 3"

#'Validate fat 0-5, blank are allowed. 6 fat is okay but only if
#'there's a note
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with fat issues
validate_fat <- function(df) {
  fat_issues <- filter(df, (FAT < 0 | FAT > 5), is.na(NOTES))
  if(nrow(fat_issues) != 0) {
    fat_issues[, "Issue"] <- "Fat cannot exceed 5"

#'Validate body molt. Allowable values: 0-4, blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with body molt issues
validate_bmlt <- function(df) {
  bmlt_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(B.MLT), (B.MLT > 4 | B.MLT < 0))
  if(nrow(bmlt_issues) != 0) {
    bmlt_issues[, "Issue"] <- "Body molt cannot exceed 4"

#'Validate flight feather wear. Allowable values: 0-5, blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with ffwear issues
validate_ffwear <- function(df) {
  ffwear_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(FF.WEAR), (FF.WEAR > 5 | FF.WEAR < 0))
  if(nrow(ffwear_issues) != 0) {
    ffwear_issues[, "Issue"] <- "FF wear cannot exceed 5"

#'Validate muscle. 2.5,3,4,5, blank allowed. 1 or 2 are allowed but
#'MUST have a note, otherwise it's likely a type-o (check hard copy)
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with muscle issues
validate_muscle <- function(df) {
  valid_muscle_list <- c(1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, NA)
  muscle_issues <- filter(df, !(Muscle %in% valid_muscle_list) | (is.na(NOTES) & is.na(proofing.and.data.entry.notes) & (Muscle == 1 | Muscle == 2)))
  if(nrow(muscle_issues) != 0) {
    muscle_issues[, "Issue"] <- "Muscle value invalid. Value must be 2.5 3 4 or 5. 1 and 2 with notes is acceptable"

#'Validate age and skull combinations. Allowable values for skull 0-6, 8,9,
#'blank. Flag all values in the skull column that don't match these
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/skull issues
validate_age_skull <- function(df) {
  skull_age_exceptions <- c("HETH", "SWTH", "DEJU", "ORJU", "UDEJ", "HAFL", "DUFL")
  skull_age_issues <- filter(
    ((SKULL == 1 | SKULL == 2) & !(AGE == 2 | AGE == 4)) | ((SKULL == 3 | SKULL == 4) & AGE != 2)  | (SKULL == 5 & !(SPECIES %in% skull_age_exceptions) & AGE != 2) | (SKULL == 5 & SPECIES %in% skull_age_exceptions & !(AGE == 1 | AGE == 5 | AGE == 6)) | (SKULL == 6 & SPECIES == "RCKI" & !(AGE == 0 | AGE == 2)) | (SKULL == 6 & SPECIES != "RCKI" & !(AGE == 1 | AGE == 5 | AGE == 6))
  if(nrow(skull_age_issues) != 0) {
    skull_age_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Skull-age mismatch"

#'Validate how aged and skull combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with how aged/skull issues
validate_ha_skull <- function(df) {
  skull_ha_issues <- filter(df, (SKULL == 7 | SKULL == 8) & HA == "SK")
  if(nrow(skull_ha_issues) != 0) {
    skull_ha_issues[,"Issue"] <- "How aged cannot be skull when skull is 7 or 8"

#'Validate location. Make sure there are no blanks
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with location issues
validate_location <- function(df) {
  location_issues <- filter(df, is.na(LOCATION))
  if(nrow(location_issues) != 0) {
    location_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Location cannot be blank"

#'Validate band size. Make sure there are no blanks. Make sure the only
#'values used are 0A, 0, 1, 1B, 1A, 1C, 2, 3, 3A, 3B
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with band size issues
validate_bandsize <- function(df) {
  valid_band_sizes <- c("0A", "0", "0.00", "1", "1.00", "1B", "1A", "1C", "2", "2.00", "3", "3.00", "3A", "3B", "U", "R")
  band_size_issues <- filter(df, !(BANDSIZE %in% valid_band_sizes))
  if(nrow(band_size_issues) != 0) {
    band_size_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid band size"

#'Validate band size-disp combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with band size/disp issues
validate_bandsize_disp <- function(df) {
  band_size_disp_issues <- filter(df, (BANDSIZE == "U" & DISPOSITION..band.code. != "U") | (BANDSIZE == "R" & DISPOSITION..band.code. != "R"))
  if(nrow(band_size_disp_issues) != 0) {
    band_size_disp_issues[, "Issue"] <- "If band size is U or R, band code must match"

#'Validate age-ffmolt combinations. Blanks are okay, and can match with any
#'age. Refer to table on rules page
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/ffmolt issues
validate_age_ffmlt <- function(df) {
  age_ffmolt_exceptions <- c("YBCH", "SPTO", "SOSP", "HOFI", "NOFL", "RSFL", "HAWO")
  valid_ffmolt_156 <- c("N", "S", "A", NA)
  valid_ffmolt_2 <- c("N", "A", "J", NA)
  age_ffmolt_issues <- filter(df,
                              ((AGE == 1 | AGE == 5 | AGE == 6) & !(FF.MLT %in% valid_ffmolt_156)) |
                                (AGE == 2 & !(SPECIES %in% age_ffmolt_exceptions) & !(FF.MLT %in% valid_ffmolt_2)) |
                                (AGE == 4 & !(FF.MLT == "J" | is.na(FF.MLT)))
  if(nrow(age_ffmolt_issues) != 0) {
    age_ffmolt_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Age-ffmolt mismatch"

#'Validate how aged-ffmolt combinations.
#'If "how aged" says MR, FF molt must be S or J (can't be blank, N, or A)
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with how aged/ffmolt issues
validate_ha_ffmlt <- function(df) {
  ha_ffmolt_issues <- filter(df, HA == "MR", !(FF.MLT == "S" | FF.MLT == "J"))
  if(nrow(ha_ffmolt_issues) != 0) {
    ha_ffmolt_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If how aged is MR then ffmolt must be S or J"

#'Validate how aged-ffwear combinations.
#'If "how aged" says FF then FF Wear cannot be blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with how aged/ffwear issues
validate_ha_ffwear <- function(df) {
  ha_ffwear_issues <- filter(df, HA == "FF", is.na(FF.WEAR))
  if(nrow(ha_ffwear_issues) != 0) {
    ha_ffwear_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If how aged is FF then ffwear cannot be blank"

#'Validate age-ffwear combinations.
#'0 or 1 FF wear is highly suspicious for age 5 and 6. Flag all these records
#'Sometimes 0 FF wear is normal if paired with S FF molt, but then
#'micro-ageing is suspect, so we should flag the record either way, maybe with
#'a message FF wear and age combination unlikely. Check this record
#'2+ FF wear is suspicious for age 4--add message age and FF wear combination
#'4+ is suspicious for age 2--add unlikely message
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/ffwear issues
validate_age_ffwear <- function(df) {
  age_ffwear_issues <- filter(df,
                              ((AGE == 5 | AGE == 6) & (FF.WEAR == 0 | FF.WEAR == 1)) |
                                (AGE == 4 & FF.WEAR >= 2) |
                                (AGE == 2 & FF.WEAR >= 4)
  if(nrow(age_ffwear_issues) != 0) {
    age_ffwear_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Age-ffwear mismatch"

#'Validate wing. Check if wing is below 30 or above 200
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with wing issues
validate_wing <- function(df) {
  wing_issues <- filter(df, WING < 30 | WING > 200)
  if(nrow(wing_issues) != 0) {
    wing_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Wing below 30 or above 200 is suspicious"

#'Validate tail. Check if tail is below 30 or above 200
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with tail issues
validate_tail <- function(df) {
  tail_issues <- filter(df, TAIL < 30 | TAIL > 200)
  if(nrow(tail_issues) != 0) {
    tail_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Tail below 30 or above 200 is suspicious"

#'Validate weight. Flag anything under 5 but GCKI or BCHU RUHU CAHU okay or over 200 raptors would
#'be a rare exception
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with weight issues
validate_weight <- function(df) {
  weight_exceptions_small <- c("RCKI", "BCHU", "RUHU", "CAHU")
  df$WEIGHT <- as.numeric(as.character(df$WEIGHT))
  weight_issues <- filter(df,
                          (WEIGHT < 4 & !(SPECIES %in% weight_exceptions_small)) |
                            (WEIGHT > 200 & SPECIES != "COHA")
  if(nrow(weight_issues) != 0) {
    weight_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Weight is suspicious for non-exception species"

#'Validate band code. Make sure there are no
#'blanks. Make sure the only values used are 1,R,4,5,8,N,U.
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with band code issues
validate_bandcode <- function(df) {
  valid_band_code <- c(1, 4, 5, 8, "R", "U", "N")
  band_code_issues <- filter(df, !(DISPOSITION..band.code. %in% valid_band_code))
  if(nrow(band_code_issues) != 0) {
    band_code_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid band code"

#'Validate band code-species combinations. Make sure 4 and 8
#'are only used for species codes BADE and BALO
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with band code/species issues
validate_bandcode_species <- function(df) {
  disp_species_issues <- filter(df, (DISPOSITION..band.code. == 4 | DISPOSITION..band.code. == 8) & !(SPECIES == "BADE" | SPECIES == "BALO"))
  if(nrow(disp_species_issues) != 0) {
    disp_species_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If band code is 4 or 8, band must be destroyed or lost"

#'Validate status. Allowable values for new bands: 300, 500. Blank is NOT valid
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with status issues
validate_status <- function(df) {
  valid_status <- c("300", "500", "000")
  status_issues <- filter(df, !(STATUS %in% valid_status))
  if(nrow(status_issues) != 0) {
    status_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid status"

#'Validate status 500s. ALL status 500's MUST have text in the note column and a letter in the disp
#'column i.e. Note and Disp columns cannot be blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with status 500 issues
validate_status_500 <- function(df) {
  status_500_issues <- filter(df, STATUS == "500", (is.na(DISP) | (is.na(NOTES) & is.na(proofing.and.data.entry.notes))))
  if(nrow(status_500_issues) != 0) {
    status_500_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If status is 500, disp and notes cannot be blank"

#'Validate disp. Allowable values include: M,O,I,S,E,D,T,W,B,L,P, blank
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with disp issues
validate_disp <- function(df) {
  valid_disp <- c("M", "O", "I", "S", "E", "D", "T", "W", "B", "L", "P", NA)
  disp_issues <- filter(df, !(DISP %in% valid_disp))
  if(nrow(disp_issues) != 0) {
    disp_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Invalid disp value"

#'Validate disp-status combinations. Any bird
#'with a letter in disp should have a note explaining why and the status should
#'say 500
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with disp/status issues
validate_disp_status <- function(df) {
  disp_status_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(DISP), (STATUS != "500" | is.na(NOTES)))
  if(nrow(disp_status_issues) != 0) {
    disp_status_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If disp is not empty, status must be 500 and notes must be filled"

#'Validate bandcode-status combinations.
#'Any bird with code U has status 000 as valid.
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with bandcode/status issues
validate_bandcode_status <- function(df) {
  bandcode_status_issues <- filter(df, STATUS == "000", DISPOSITION..band.code. != "U")
  if(nrow(bandcode_status_issues) != 0) {
    bandcode_status_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Status 000 can only be paired with U band code"

#'Validate year. No blanks. Allowable values are any valid year between
#'1997 and current year except BADE BALO
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with year issues
validate_year <- function(df) {
  year_issues <- filter(df, YYYY < 1997)
  if(nrow(year_issues) != 0) {
    year_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Year cannot be before 1997"

#'Validate year-species combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with year/species issues
validate_year_species <- function(df) {
  year_band_issues <- filter(df, is.na(YYYY) & !(SPECIES == "BADE" | SPECIES == "BALO"))
  if(nrow(year_band_issues) != 0) {
    year_band_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Year cannot be blank when band was not lost or destroyed"

#'Validate month. Valid: 2-11. No blanks except for BADE BALO
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with month issues
validate_month <- function(df) {
  month_issues <- filter(df, MM < 2 | MM > 11)
  if(nrow(month_issues) != 0) {
    month_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Month must be between February and November"

#'Validate month-species combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with month/species issues
validate_month_species <- function(df) {
  month_band_issues <- filter(df, is.na(MM) & !(SPECIES == "BADE" | SPECIES == "BALO"))
  if(nrow(month_band_issues) != 0) {
    month_band_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Month cannot be blank when band was not lost or destroyed"

#'Validate day. Valid: 1-31. no blanks except for BADE/BALO
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with day issues
validate_day <- function(df) {
  day_issues <- filter(df, DD < 1 | DD > 31)
  if(nrow(day_issues) != 0) {
    day_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Day must be between 1 and 31"

#'Validate day-species combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with day/species issues
validate_day_species <- function(df) {
  day_band_issues <- filter(df, is.na(DD) & !(SPECIES == "BADE" | SPECIES == "BALO"))
  if(nrow(day_band_issues) != 0){
    day_band_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Day cannot be blank when band was not lost or destroyed"

#'Validate cap time.Allowed values include: 650 to 1300. Flag all
#'other values. Other values may happen only if there is a note, sometimes
#'songbirds are caught during owls, hawk trapping, etc. All values should end
#'in 0's
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with cap time issues
validate_captime <- function(df) {
  cap_issues <- filter(df, is.na(NOTES), (CAP.TIME < 650 | CAP.TIME > 1300) | (CAP.TIME %% 10 != 0))
  if(nrow(cap_issues) != 0) {
    cap_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Cap time must end in 0 and be between 650 and 1300"

#'Validate net. Allowable values: 1-12, blank. Some exceptions allowed
#'with a note, e.g. owl nets but we should flag those exceptions anyway to
#'make sure someone checks them
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with net issues
validate_net <- function(df) {
  valid_nets <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, NA)
  net_issues <- filter(df, !(NET.. %in% valid_nets))
  if(nrow(net_issues) != 0) {
    net_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Net number must be between 1 and 10"

#'Validate notes. Check that notes that mention either flat flies, or mites, lice,
#'louse, mite have a Y for parasite column
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with notes issues
validate_notes <- function(df) {
  note_issues <- filter(df, grepl("flat flies|mites|mite|lice|louse", tolower(NOTES)), Parasites. != "Y")
  if(nrow(note_issues) != 0) {
    note_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If notes mention lice, flies, or mites, parasite column must be Y"

#'Validate EY in how aged. EY in the How Aged columns should only be used for species codes SPTO, DOWO,
#'NOFL, RSFL, HAWO, DEJU, ORJU, SCJU, UDEJ --flag any other species that use
#'this with note, Check in Pyle to confirm that this species can be aged by eye
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with EY issues
validate_ey <- function(df) {
  ey_exceptions <- c("SPTO", "DOWO", "NOFL", "RSFL", "HAWO", "DEJU", "ORJU", "SCJU", "UDEJ")
  ey_issues <- filter(df, HA == "EY" | HA2 == "EY", !(SPECIES %in% ey_exceptions))
  if(nrow(ey_issues) != 0) {
    ey_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Check in Pyle to confirm that this species can be aged by eye color"

#'Validate age-how aged combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/how aged issues
validate_age_ha <- function(df) {
  valid_ha_0 <- c("IC", NA)
  valid_ha_1 <- c("FF", "PC", "TS", "MR", "NL", "SK", "EY", "PL", "MB")
  valid_ha2_1 <- c("FF", "PC", "TS", "MR", "NL", "SK", "EY", "PL", "MB", NA)
  valid_ha2_5 <- c("PL", "EY", "FF", "MB", "PC", "MR", "SK", "TS", NA)
  valid_ha_2 <- c("PL", "EY", "FF", "MB", "PC", "LP", "MR", "SK", "TS")
  valid_ha2_2 <- c("PL", "EY", "FF", "MB", "PC", "LP", "MR", "SK", "TS", NA)
  valid_ha2_4 <- c("PL", "EY", "FF", "MB", "PC", "LP", "SK", "TS", NA)
  age_ha_issues <- filter(df,
                          (AGE == 0 & !(HA %in% valid_ha_0)) |
                            (AGE == 1 & (!(HA %in% valid_ha_1) | !(HA2 %in% valid_ha2_1))) |
                            (AGE == 2 & (!(HA %in% valid_ha_2) | !(HA2 %in% valid_ha2_2))) |
                            (AGE == 4 & (FF.MLT != "J" | HA != "MR" | !(HA2 %in% valid_ha2_4))) |
                            (AGE == 5 & (HA != "LP" | !(HA2 %in% valid_ha2_5))) |
                            (AGE == 6 & HA != "NL")
  if(nrow(age_ha_issues) != 0) {
    age_ha_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Age-how aged mismatch"

#'Validate age-how sexed combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with age/how sexed issues
validate_age_hs <- function(df) {
  valid_hs_0 <- c("IC", NA)
  hs_exceptions_0 <- c("RCKI", "GCKI")
  valid_hs_156 <- c("PL", "BP", "CL", "WL", NA)
  valid_hs_2 <- c("PL", "WL")
  age_hs_issues <- filter(df,
                          (AGE == 0 & !(SPECIES %in% hs_exceptions_0) & !(HS %in% valid_hs_0)) |
                            ((AGE == 1 | AGE == 5 | AGE == 6) & !(HS %in% valid_hs_156)) |
                            (AGE == 2 & SEX != "U" & !(HS %in% valid_hs_2))
  if(nrow(age_hs_issues) != 0) {
    age_hs_issues[,"Issue"] <- "Age-how sexed mismatch"

#'Validate parasites. If there is a Y in the parasites column there needs to be a note
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with parasite column issues
validate_parasites <- function(df) {
  parasite_issues <- filter(df, Parasites. == "Y", is.na(NOTES), is.na(proofing.and.data.entry.notes))
  if(nrow(parasite_issues) != 0) {
    parasite_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If parasites column contains Y notes cannot be blank"

#'Validate how aged-how aged 2 combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with ha/ha2 issues
validate_ha_ha2 <- function(df) {
  haha2_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(HA), !is.na(HA2), as.character(HA) == as.character(HA2))
  if(nrow(haha2_issues) != 0) {
    haha2_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If both how aged columns are filled both cannot be the same"

#'Validate how sexed-how sexed 2 combinations
#'@param df bird data frame
#'@return data frame of rows with hs/hs2 issues
validate_hs_hs2 <- function(df) {
  hshs2_issues <- filter(df, !is.na(HS), !is.na(HS2), as.character(HS) == as.character(HS2))
  if(nrow(hshs2_issues) != 0) {
    hshs2_issues[,"Issue"] <- "If both how sexed columns are filled both cannot be the same"
sigmaxbar/birdproofr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:56 p.m.