
Defines functions speedfinder speedfinder2 speedlist

Documented in speedfinder speedfinder2 speedlist

#' Speed results for 1 URL
#' The speedfinder function returns the Google Page Speed Insights test results for a single URL as a dataframe.
#' @param url A URL on which to run the Google Page Speed Insights test.
#' @param strategy Whether the URL should be evaluated in a mobile or desktop context. Accordingly, acceptable values
#' are either the string "mobile" or the string "desktop".
#' @param key A unique key obtainable from Google by registering for free as a Google developer.
#' @param filter_third_party_resources A boolean to indicate if third party resources should be filtered out before PageSpeed analysis. (Default: FALSE)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' speedfinder("https://www.cars.com","mobile",key)
#' }

#' @export
speedfinder <- function(url,strategy,key,filter_third_party_resources=FALSE) {
  pid <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(paste0("https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v2/runPagespeed?url=",url,"&strategy=",strategy,"&key=",key,"&filter_third_party_resources=",filter_third_party_resources))
  tmp <- as.data.frame(pid[6], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(tmp, as.numeric), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  frame1 <- cbind(as.data.frame(pid[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE),as.data.frame(pid[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE),as.data.frame(pid[5], stringsAsFactors=FALSE), tmp)
  rbind.data.frame(data.frame(), frame1,make.row.names=FALSE)


#' Function within speedlist
#' Speedfinder2 is a function utilized by speedlist to allow a list of URLs to be submitted to the Google Page Speed
#' Insights API.
#' @param url A list of URLs on which to run the Google Page Speed Insights test.
#' @param strategy Whether the list of URLs should be evaluated in a mobile or desktop context. Accordingly, acceptable values
#' are either the string "mobile" or the string "desktop".
#' @param key A unique key obtainable from Google by registering for free as a Google developer.
#' @param filter_third_party_resources A boolean to indicate if third party resources should be filtered out before PageSpeed analysis. (Default: FALSE)

#' @export
speedfinder2 <- function(url,strategy,key,filter_third_party_resources=FALSE) {
  pid <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(paste0("https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v2/runPagespeed?url=",url,"&strategy=",strategy,"&key=",key,"&filter_third_party_resources=",filter_third_party_resources))
  tmp <- as.data.frame(pid[6], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(tmp, as.numeric), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  frame1 <- cbind(as.data.frame(pid[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE),as.data.frame(pid[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE),as.data.frame(pid[5], stringsAsFactors=FALSE), tmp)

#' Speed results for a list of URLs
#' The speedlist function submits a list of URLs to the Google Page Speed Insights API, and returns a dataframe in which
#' each row contains the results from the API for a unique URL in the list.
#' @param pagelist A list of URLs on which to run the Google Page Speed Insights test.
#' @param strategy Whether the list of URLs should be evaluated in a mobile or desktop context. Accordingly, acceptable values
#' are either the string "mobile" or the string "desktop".
#' @param key A unique key obtainable from Google by registering for free as a Google developer.
#' @param filter_third_party_resources A boolean to indicate if third party resources should be filtered out before PageSpeed analysis. (Default: FALSE)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' speedlist(listofURLs,"mobile",key)
#' }

#' @export
speedlist <- function(pagelist,strategy,key,filter_third_party_resources=FALSE) {
  list1 <- lapply(pagelist,speedfinder2,strategy,key,filter_third_party_resources)
simitpatel/gpagespeed documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:01 p.m.