#' Sets up a Neuroimaging bootstrap-based simulation given a set of images and covariates.
#' The images can be images from a real data set.
#' The bootstrap-based simulation conditions on the distribution of the sample by drawing subsets with replacement from the sample.
#' @param images String vector containing paths to the images used for the simulation.
#' @param data A dataframe with number of rows equal to the length of the images variable with corresponding covariates.
#' @param outdir A directory to save the output files that are used for the simulations.
#' @param nsim Number of simulations to setup for each sample size.
#' @param ns Sample sizes to evaluate for each simulation. Should be less than the number of images.
#' @param mask If performing simulations under an alternative, signal can be added to the images within the mask.
#' @param rs vector of radii for signal spheres.
#' @param betas vector of parameters for signal spheres. Signal is constant throughout the sphere.
#' @param ncores number of cores for parallel commands.
#' @return Returns a data frame of directories where simulation setup files are stored. The rds file in each directory saves the data frame and the image locations in the variable "images".
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti writeNifti
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @export
# prepare the output directories
# All the randomization happens within this loop
simSetup = function(images, data, outdir, nsim=1000, ns=c(50,100, 200, 400), mask=NULL, rs=8, betas=rep(0, length(rs)), ncores=parallel::detectCores() ){
sims = expand.grid(sim=1:nsim, n=ns, simdir=NA)
data$images = images
if(any(betas!=0) & is.null(mask)) stop('mask must be provided if simulating under an alternative.')
sims$simdir = do.call(c, pbmcapply::pbmclapply(1:nrow(sims), function(simind) {
simdir = file.path(outdir, paste0('sim', sims[simind,'sim']), paste0('n', sims[simind,'n']) )
n = sims[simind, 'n']
dir.create(simdir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
unlink(file.path(simdir, '*.nii.gz'), recursive=TRUE)
# create a sphere where there is signal within the gray matter
# mask it with the (gray matter) mask.
if(any(betas!=0)) parameterImage(mask, parameterImage = file.path(outdir, 'signal.nii.gz'), rs, betas)
# create random sample from demographics and roi data
tempdata = data[sample.int(nrow(data), n, replace=TRUE), ]
saveRDS(tempdata, file=file.path(simdir,'data.rds' ) )
}, mc.cores = ncores) )
#' Creates parameter image in random locations for simulations
#' Uses the mask variable to create length(rs) spheres of size rs with values equal to betas within the mask.
#' A random voxel is chosen within the mask and a sphere is placed at that location.
#' The spheres are masked by the mask image so that no parameter values exist outside the mask.
#' @param mask String or niftiImage object indication the area to select sphere locations from.
#' @param parameterImage output nifti for the parameter image.
#' @param rs vector of radii for signal spheres.
#' @param betas vector of parameters for signal spheres. Signal is constant throughout the sphere.
#' Model parameter values are set to params = betas * sd(y)/sd(x).
#' @return Returns the parameter image after writing it to file.path(outdir, 'signal.nii.gz').
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti writeNifti
#' @export
parameterImage = function(mask, parameterImage, rs, betas){
if(is.character(mask)) mask = readNifti(mask)
outfile = mask
inds = which(mask==1, arr.ind=TRUE)
# random location in gray matter mask for center voxel
centers = inds[sample.int(nrow(inds), length(rs)),, drop=FALSE]
outfile[,,] = 0
for(rind in 1:length(rs)){
r = rs[rind]
center = centers[rind,]
inds = as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(-r,r), seq(-r,r), seq(-r,r)))
inds = inds[ sqrt(rowSums(inds^2))<=r,]
inds = sweep(inds, 2, center, '+') # sphere around center voxel
# make sure all voxels are in the image
inds = inds[apply(sapply(1:3, function(x) inds[,x]>0 & inds[,x]<=dim(outfile)[x]), 1, all), ]
# It is possible that a small cluster can be captured inside a big cluster and then it won't exist in that simulation
outfile[ inds ] = betas[rind]
# signal only in the mask
} # end for(rind)
outfile = outfile * mask
writeNifti(outfile, file=parameterImage)
#' Runs simulations
#' Uses the mask variable to create length(rs) spheres of size rs with values equal to betas within the mask.
#' A random voxel is chosen within the mask and a sphere is placed at that location.
#' The spheres are masked by the mask image so that no parameter values exist outside the mask.
#' @param simdirs Vector of simulation directories created by simSetup.
#' @param simfunc Function to evaluate on the simulated data.
#' @param simfuncArgs List of arguments passed to simfunc.
#' @param mask mask image argument passed to genSimData. Only required for genSimData function if betaimg is not NULL or if method='synthetic'
#' @param method method argument to generate sample data in genSimData. Data can be generated by bootstrapping or synthetically.
#' @param ncores Number of cores to use.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to pbmclapply
#' @return Returns the parameter image after writing it to file.path(outdir, 'signal.nii.gz').
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti writeNifti
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom pbj addSignal
#' @export
runSim = function(simdirs, simfunc, simfuncArgs=NULL, mask=NULL, method=c('bootstrap', 'synthetic'), ncores=parallel::detectCores(), ...){
result = if(ncores>1){
pbmcapply::pbmclapply(simdirs, function(simdir, simfunc, method, mask){
# load data
dat = readRDS(file.path(simdir, 'data.rds'))
# load effect size file if it exists
sigfile = file.path(dirname(simdir), 'signal.nii.gz')
sigfile = if(file.exists(sigfile)) sigfile else NULL
# create names for temporary files
dat$tmpfiles = tempfile(paste0(basename(dirname(simdir)), '/s', 1:nrow(dat)), fileext='.nii.gz')
dir.create(dirname(dat$tmpfiles[1]), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
genSimData(files=dat$images, outfiles=dat$tmpfiles, betaimg=sigfile, mask=mask, method=method)
# adds artificial signal to images
dat$images = dat$tmpfiles
simfuncArgs$data = dat
result = do.call(simfunc, args = simfuncArgs)
}, simfunc = simfunc, method = method, mask=mask, mc.cores = ncores, ...)
} else {
pbapply::pblapply(simdirs, function(simdir, simfunc, method, mask){
# load data
dat = readRDS(file.path(simdir, 'data.rds'))
# load effect size file if it exists
sigfile = file.path(dirname(simdir), 'signal.nii.gz')
sigfile = if(file.exists(sigfile)) sigfile else NULL
# create names for temporary files
dat$tmpfiles = tempfile(paste0(basename(dirname(simdir)), '/s', 1:nrow(dat)), fileext='.nii.gz')
dir.create(dirname(dat$tmpfiles[1]), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
genSimData(files=dat$images, outfiles=dat$tmpfiles, betaimg=sigfile, mask=mask, method=method)
# adds artificial signal to images
dat$images = dat$tmpfiles
simfuncArgs$data = dat
result = do.call(simfunc, args = simfuncArgs)
}, simfunc = simfunc, method = method, mask=mask )
#' List memory usage of all objects
#' @param units character what units to use, passed to format for object.size.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils object.size
memoryUse = function(units='MiB'){
sort( sapply(ls(),function(x){format(object.size(get(x)), units=units)}))
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