
## Data source: openSNP data
## Some of the openSNP data has been made ready for
## direct download on zenondo (
## and we will use part of this data for our examples.

## Original R code from


## Data download --------------------------------------------------------------

## First, we need to download the OpenSNP and unzip the file. <- here::here("data-raw")
system(glue::glue("wget -O {}/CrowdAI_v3.tar.gz"))
untar(glue::glue("{}/CrowdAI_v3.tar.gz"), exdir = glue::glue("{}"))

## Once this is done, we can check-out the folder-structure of the downloaded data

      "tree {}/CrowdAI_v3"
    intern = TRUE
  sep = "\n"

## What we need from here are the files that are for `training` only, thats 785 individuals.
## - `subset/genotyping_data_subset_training.vcf` and : genotype information for height associated SNPs for all individuals
## - `training_set_details.txt`: phenotype information for all individuals (test and training set)

## Data preprocessing --------------------------------------------------------------

## 1. for a selection of genotypes: turn vcf to ped dosages, select only a subset of SNPs (there are hundereds of thousands of SNPs in total)
## 2. merge phenotype and genotype data into a txt file and store it into the data folder.

## Genotype data ------------------

## the snps we select are in two regions, around one of the top SNPs associated with height:
## info from here: Supp table 2 (
## vcf to a text file, you will need to use plink for this: <- here::here("data-raw", "CrowdAI_v3", "subset")
path.out <- here::here("data")
system(glue::glue("./data-raw/plink --vcf {}/genotyping_data_subset_train.vcf --recodeA --out {}/genotyping_data_subset_train --chr 1 --from-kb 15000 --to-kb 20000 "))

## this will generate plenty of files, but we only need the *ped extension.
## system(glue::glue("rm {path.out}/*ped"))
## system(glue::glue("rm {path.out}/*map"))

system(glue::glue("rm {}/*log"))
system(glue::glue("rm {}/*nosex"))

## import and look at genotype data
dat.geno <- readr::read_delim(glue::glue("{}/genotyping_data_subset_train.raw"), delim = " ")

## description of the file...
## FID, IID PAT MAT are all identifiers, SEX refers to (1=male; 2=female, 0 unknown)
## rest are SNP names with minor allele appended, additive allele dosages (the number of minor alleles)

## we will remove IID, PAT MAT and SEX and PHENOTYPE, that is not filled at this stage
dat.geno <- dat.geno %>% select(-c(IID, PAT, MAT, SEX, PHENOTYPE)) %>% rename(id = FID)

## prepare phenotype data
path.pheno <- here::here("data-raw", "CrowdAI_v3")
dat.pheno <- readr::read_delim(glue::glue("{path.pheno}/training_set_details.txt"), delim = " ")

## we will only use height here, not height-class
dat.pheno <- dat.pheno %>% select(id, height)

## merge genotype and phenotype data
opensnp <- left_join(dat.pheno, dat.geno)

## Now we can store everything in the data folder.
devtools::use_data(opensnp, compress = "xz", overwrite = T)
sinarueeger/GWAS.utils documentation built on July 30, 2019, 5:21 p.m.