
Defines functions position is.position isopen isopen.position isclosed isclosed.position islong islong.position isshort isshort.position qty qty.position positions.table get.positions.table get.positions.id incr.positions.id

Documented in get.positions.id get.positions.table incr.positions.id isclosed isclosed.position islong islong.position isopen isopen.position is.position isshort isshort.position position qty qty.position

#' position create an empty position Object
#' A position object will store the details of trade opening, price, qty, closing etc. 
#' Once a position is opened, till close the same object can be carried forward for further operations.
#' @author Siva Sunku
#' @keywords stats
#' @note
#' @details position - Creates an empty position object
#' @param instr - instrument to be carried with position
#' @return returns position object
#' @rdname position
#' @export
position <- function(instr = "default"){
me <- list(
  symbol = instr,
  direction = NULL,
  justOpened = FALSE,
  id = 001,
  openFlag = FALSE,
  openDate = as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"),
  openPrice = 0,
  openQty = 0,
  openReason = "None",
  openCase   = "None",
  closeFlag = FALSE,
  closeDate = as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"),
  closePrice = 0,
  closeQty = 0,
  closeReason = "None",
  slpPrice   = NA,   #slpPrice created based on openPrice
  trailPrice = NA,    #Price when this is hit, trailSlpPrice is adjusted
  trailTrigFlag = FALSE,
  trailSlpPrice = NA,

  #profit booking
  pbPrice    = NA,
  pbQty      = 0,
  pbCount    = 0,
  barCount   = 0
class(me) <- append( "position",class(me) )

#' checks if given object is position type/class
#' @rdname position
#' @export
is.position <- function(pos){
  return ( inherits(pos,"position") )

#' check if position is open/closed
#' @rdname position
#' @export
isopen <- function(x) UseMethod("isopen")

#' @rdname position
#' @export
#' @return returns TRUE if position is opened, FALSE otherwise
isopen.position <- function(pos){

#' @rdname position
#' @export
isclosed <- function(x) UseMethod("isclosed")

#' @details isclosed - gives TRUE if qty is zero and position is opened
#' @rdname position
#' @export
isclosed.position <- function(pos){
  if ( isopen(pos) && (qty(pos) == 0) ) { return (TRUE)}

#' @details islong - checks if position is long/short
#' @rdname position
#' @export
islong <- function(x) UseMethod("islong")

#' @rdname position
#' @export
islong.position <- function(pos){
  if ( isopen(pos) && ( !is.null(pos$direction) ) && (pos$direction == 'LONG') ){

#' @details  isshort - checks if position is long/short
#' @rdname position
#' @export
isshort <- function(x) UseMethod("isshort")

#' @rdname position
#' @export
isshort.position <- function(pos){
  if ( isopen(pos) && ( !is.null(pos$direction) ) && (pos$direction == 'SHORT') ){

#' @details qty - Gives the quantity of a position, according to the direction of the position. Returns +ve qty if long, -ve otherwise
#' @rdname position
#' @export
qty <- function(x) UseMethod("qty")

#' @rdname position
#' @export
qty.position <- function(pos){
  if ( !is.position(pos) ) {
    stop(" in qty.position pos is not of class position")
  if ( isopen(pos) ){ 
    if ( islong(pos) ) {
      return( pos$openQty )
    } else {
      return( -1 * pos$openQty )
  }  else {
    return (0)

#' @details "+" - Quantities are added & openprice is averaged
#' @rdname position
#' @export
'+.position' <- function(posA,posB){
  if ( ! ( is.position(posA) && is.position(posB) ) ){
    stop("a/b is not a position object")
  if ( (posA$direction != posB$direction) || 
       (posA$symbol    != posB$symbol   ) ) {
    stop("In +.position a & b direction/symbol is different")
  c <- posA
  #Average the openprice
  c$openPrice <- ( (posA$openPrice * posA$openQty) + (posB$openPrice * posB$openQty) )/(posA$openQty + posB$openQty)
  #Add the qty
  c$openQty   <- posA$openQty + posB$openQty
  return (c)

#' @details "-" - only quantities are substracted
#' @rdname position
#' @export
'-.position' <- function(posA,posB) {
  if ( ! ( is.position(posA) && is.position(posB) ) ){
    stop("a/b is not a position object")
  if ( (posA$direction != posB$direction) || 
       (posA$symbol    != posB$symbol   ) ) {
    stop("In -.position a & b direction/symbol is different")
  c <- posA
  c$openQty   <- posA$openQty - posB$openQty
  if ( c$openQty < 0 ) {
    warnings("position Qty went below zero")
  return (c)

#' @details positions.table used to create a dataframe structure for storing positions.
#' @rdname  positions.table
#' @export
positions.table <- function(n = 1000){
  if ( !is.numeric(n) ) { n <- 1 }

  t <- data.frame(onDate  = as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"),
                  barOpen = double(n),
                  barHigh = double(n),
                  barLow  = double(n),
                  barClose = double(n),
                  symbols = character(n),
                  direction = character(n),
                  justOpened = logical(n),
                  id         = double(n),
                  openFlag   = logical(n),
                  openDate   = as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"),
                  openPrice  = double(n),
                  openQty    = double(n),
                  openReason = character(n),
                  openCase   = character(n),
                  closeFlag  = logical(n),
                  closeDate  = as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"),
                  closePrice = double(n),
                  closeQty   = double(n),
                  closeReason = character(n),
                  slpPrice    = double(n),
                  trailPrice  = double(n),
                  trailSlpPrice = double(n),
                  trailTrigFlag = logical(n),
                  pbPrice = double(n),
                  pbQty   = double(n),
                  pbCount = double(n),
                  barCount = double(n),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  class(t) <- append("position",class(t))

#' @details add.table.positions - Function to add given position on a particular day.
#' @param  pf - portfolio name. default is "default"
#' @param  bar - candle that needs to be added
#' @param  pos - position to be added
#' @rdname add.table.positions
#' @return recently added position
#' @export
add.table.positions <- function (pf = "default", bar, pos){
  if ( !is.valid.portfolio(pf) ) {
    stop("add.table.positions - portfolio is not a valid portfolio. Create one using portfolio before using the same.")
  if ( !is.position(pos) ) {
    stop("add.table.positions - pos is not a position class")
  if ( !is.OHLC(bar)){
    stop("add.table.positions - bar is not OHLC")
  #Add open position to transactions
  ipf <- get(pf,envir = .rules)
  n <- ipf$positionsRow
  ipf$positions[n,]$onDate    <- index(bar)
  ipf$positions[n,]$barOpen   <- bar$Open
  ipf$positions[n,]$barHigh   <- bar$High
  ipf$positions[n,]$barLow    <- bar$Low
  ipf$positions[n,]$barClose  <- bar$Close
  ipf$positions[n,]$symbols    <- pos$symbol
  ipf$positions[n,]$direction  <- ifelse(is.null(pos$direction),NA,pos$direction)
  ipf$positions[n,]$justOpened <- pos$justOpened
  ipf$positions[n,]$id         <- pos$id
  ipf$positions[n,]$openFlag   <- pos$openFlag
  ipf$positions[n,]$openDate   <- pos$openDate
  ipf$positions[n,]$openPrice  <- pos$openPrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$openQty    <- pos$openQty
  ipf$positions[n,]$openReason <- pos$openReason
  ipf$positions[n,]$openCase   <- pos$openCase
  ipf$positions[n,]$closeFlag    <- pos$closeFlag
  ipf$positions[n,]$closeDate    <- pos$closeDate
  ipf$positions[n,]$closePrice   <- pos$closePrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$closeQty     <- pos$closeQty
  ipf$positions[n,]$closeReason  <- pos$closeReason
  ipf$positions[n,]$slpPrice        <- pos$slpPrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$trailPrice      <- pos$trailPrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$trailSlpPrice   <- pos$trailSlpPrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$trailTrigFlag   <- pos$trailTrigFlag
  ipf$positions[n,]$pbPrice         <- pos$pbPrice
  ipf$positions[n,]$pbQty           <- pos$pbQty
  ipf$positions[n,]$pbCount         <- pos$pbCount
  ipf$positions[n,]$barCount        <- pos$barCount
  ipf$positionsRow <- n + 1

#' @details get.positions.table
#' @param pf - default "default"
#' @return returns the positions for each and every execution
#' @rdname position
#' @export
get.positions.table <- function( pf = "default"){
  if ( !is.valid.portfolio(pf) ) {
    stop("get.positions.table - portfolio is not a valid portfolio. Create one using portfolio before using the same.")
  ipf <- get(pf,envir = .rules)
  return( ipf$positions[1:(ipf$positionsRow-1),] )

#' @details get.positions.id
#' @param pf - default "default"
#' @return returns the position id that is created currently. This is a global variable at portfolio level.
#' @rdname position
#' @export
get.positions.id <- function( pf = "default"){
  if ( !is.valid.portfolio(pf) ) {
    stop("get.positions.table - portfolio is not a valid portfolio. Create one using portfolio before using the same.")
  ipf <- get(pf,envir = .rules)
  return( ipf$positionId )

#' @details incr.positions.id
#' @param pf - default "default"
#' @return returns the position id that is created currently. Increments the old id by 1
#' @rdname position
#' @export
incr.positions.id <- function( pf = "default"){
  if ( !is.valid.portfolio(pf) ) {
    stop("get.positions.table - portfolio is not a valid portfolio. Create one using portfolio before using the same.")
  ipf <- get(pf,envir = .rules)
  ipf$positionId <- ipf$positionId + 1
  return( ipf$p$positionId )
sivasunku/rulesNtrades documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11 p.m.