
Defines functions .which_intercept aov_stat_core aov_stat_summary aov_stat anova_stats

Documented in anova_stats

#' @title Effect size statistics for anova
#' @name anova_stats
#' @description Returns the (partial) eta-squared, (partial) omega-squared,
#'   epsilon-squared statistic or Cohen's F for all terms in an anovas.
#'   \code{anova_stats()} returns a tidy summary, including all these statistics
#'   and power for each term.
#' @param model A fitted anova-model of class \code{aov} or \code{anova}. Other
#'   models are coerced to \code{\link[stats]{anova}}.
#' @param digits Amount of digits for returned values.
#' @return A data frame with all statistics is returned (excluding confidence intervals).
#' @references Levine TR, Hullett CR (2002): Eta Squared, Partial Eta Squared, and Misreporting of Effect Size in Communication Research.
#'   \cr \cr
#'   Tippey K, Longnecker MT (2016): An Ad Hoc Method for Computing Pseudo-Effect Size for Mixed Model.
#' @examples
#' # load sample data
#' data(efc)
#' # fit linear model
#' fit <- aov(
#'   c12hour ~ as.factor(e42dep) + as.factor(c172code) + c160age,
#'   data = efc
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' anova_stats(car::Anova(fit, type = 2))
#' }
#' @export
anova_stats <- function(model, digits = 3) {
  if (!requireNamespace("pwr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package `pwr` needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # .Deprecated("effectsize::effectsize()", package = "effectsize")

  # get tidy summary table
  aov.sum <- aov_stat_summary(model)

  # compute all model statistics
  etasq <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type = "eta")
  partial.etasq <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type = "peta")
  omegasq <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type = "omega")
  partial.omegasq <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type = "pomega")
  epsilonsq <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type = "epsilon")

  # compute power for each estimate
  cohens.f <- sqrt(partial.etasq / (1 - partial.etasq))

  # bind as data frame
  as <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    data.frame(etasq, partial.etasq, omegasq, partial.omegasq, epsilonsq, cohens.f),
    data.frame(etasq = NA, partial.etasq = NA, omegasq = NA, partial.omegasq = NA, epsilonsq = NA, cohens.f = NA)
  ) %>%

  # get nr of terms
  nt <- nrow(as) - 1

  # finally, compute power
  power <- tryCatch(
        pwr::pwr.f2.test(u = as$df[1:nt], v = as$df[nrow(as)], f2 = as$cohens.f[1:nt]^2)[["power"]],
    error = function(x) {

  out <- sjmisc::add_variables(as, power = power) %>%
    sjmisc::round_num(digits = digits) %>%

  class(out) <- c("sj_anova_stat", class(out))

#' @importFrom rlang .data
aov_stat <- function(model, type) {
  aov.sum <- aov_stat_summary(model)
  aov.res <- aov_stat_core(aov.sum, type)

  if (obj_has_name(aov.sum, "stratum"))
    attr(aov.res, "stratum") <- aov.sum[["stratum"]]


aov_stat_summary <- function(model) {
  # check if we have a mixed model
  mm <- is_merMod(model)
  ori.model <- model

  # check that model inherits from correct class
  # else, try to coerce to anova table
  if (!inherits(model, c("Gam", "aov", "anova", "anova.rms", "aovlist")))
    model <- stats::anova(model)

  # get summary table
  aov.sum <- as.data.frame(broom::tidy(model))

  # for mixed models, add information on residuals
  if (mm) {
    res <- stats::residuals(ori.model)
    aov.sum <- dplyr::bind_rows(
        term = "Residuals",
        df = length(res) - sum(aov.sum[["df"]]),
        sumsq = sum(res^2, na.rm = TRUE),
        meansq = mse(ori.model),
        statistic = NA

  # check if object has sums of square
  if (!obj_has_name(aov.sum, "sumsq")) {
    stop("Model object has no sums of squares. Cannot compute effect size statistic.", call. = FALSE)

  # need special handling for rms-anova
  if (inherits(model, "anova.rms"))
    colnames(aov.sum) <- c("term", "df", "sumsq", "meansq", "statistic", "p.value")

  # for car::Anova, the meansq-column might be missing, so add it manually
  if (!obj_has_name(aov.sum, "meansq"))
    aov.sum <- sjmisc::add_variables(aov.sum, meansq = aov.sum$sumsq / aov.sum$df, .after = "sumsq")

  intercept <- .which_intercept(aov.sum$term)
  if (length(intercept) > 0) {
    aov.sum <- aov.sum[-intercept, ]


aov_stat_core <- function(aov.sum, type) {
  intercept <- .which_intercept(aov.sum$term)
  if (length(intercept) > 0) {
    aov.sum <- aov.sum[-intercept, ]

  # get mean squared of residuals
  meansq.resid <- aov.sum[["meansq"]][nrow(aov.sum)]
  # get total sum of squares
  ss.total <- sum(aov.sum[["sumsq"]])
  # get sum of squares of residuals
  ss.resid <- aov.sum[["sumsq"]][nrow(aov.sum)]

  # number of terms in model
  n_terms <- nrow(aov.sum) - 1

  # number of observations
  N <- sum(aov.sum[["df"]]) + 1

  if (type == "omega") {
    # compute omega squared for each model term
    aovstat <- purrr::map_dbl(1:n_terms, function(x) {
      ss.term <- aov.sum[["sumsq"]][x]
      df.term <- aov.sum[["df"]][x]
      (ss.term - df.term * meansq.resid) / (ss.total + meansq.resid)
  } else if (type == "pomega") {
    # compute partial omega squared for each model term
    aovstat <- purrr::map_dbl(1:n_terms, function(x) {
      df.term <- aov.sum[["df"]][x]
      meansq.term <- aov.sum[["meansq"]][x]
      (df.term * (meansq.term - meansq.resid)) / (df.term * meansq.term + (N - df.term) * meansq.resid)
  } else if (type == "epsilon") {
    # compute epsilon squared for each model term
    aovstat <- purrr::map_dbl(1:n_terms, function(x) {
      ss.term <- aov.sum[["sumsq"]][x]
      df.term <- aov.sum[["df"]][x]
      (ss.term - df.term * meansq.resid) / ss.total
  } else if (type == "eta") {
    # compute eta squared for each model term
    aovstat <-
      purrr::map_dbl(1:n_terms, ~ aov.sum[["sumsq"]][.x] / sum(aov.sum[["sumsq"]]))
  } else if (type %in% c("cohens.f", "peta")) {
    # compute partial eta squared for each model term
    aovstat <-
      purrr::map_dbl(1:n_terms, ~ aov.sum[["sumsq"]][.x] / (aov.sum[["sumsq"]][.x] + ss.resid))

  # compute Cohen's F
  if (type == "cohens.f") aovstat <- sqrt(aovstat / (1 - aovstat))

  # give values names of terms
  names(aovstat) <- aov.sum[["term"]][1:n_terms]


.which_intercept <- function(x) {
  which(tolower(x) %in% c("(intercept)_zi", "intercept (zero-inflated)", "intercept", "zi_intercept", "(intercept)", "b_intercept", "b_zi_intercept"))
sjPlot/sjstats documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 3:47 p.m.