
Defines functions make_model

#' Define N-Mix/MR model
#' @param mixture Name of distribution for abundance
#' @param K Number of sites (scalar)
#' @param M Number of marks applied per visit at each site (vector of length T assumed constant across sites)
#' @param lambda List containting formula and covariate matrix for modelling mean abundance.
#' @param alpha List containting formula and covariate matrix for modelling overdispersion.
#' @param p List containting formula and covariate matrix for modelling detection.
#' @details The argument M allows specification of the intended number of animals marked on each visit
#'   to each site. This is only important for simulations in which data is generated. The number of
#'   individuals marked per visit is recycled across sites and is truncated if less than M[t] individuals
#'   are captured on a given visit at a given site. Simulating data will create the vectors M and Mstar
#'   for each site recording the actual number of marked on each visit and the number marked prior to each
#'   visit. If you are working with real data then these values need to be defined directly in the data
#'   list and not through the model list.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
make_model <-
  function(mixture = "Poisson",
           M = NULL,
           lambda = NULL,
           alpha = NULL,
           p = NULL) {
    ## Initialize model list
    model <- list(mixture = mixture, K = K, T = T)
    ## Add M if defined
    if (!is.null(M))
      model$M <- M
    ## Add density and simulation functions for given mixture
    if (mixture == "Poisson") {
      model$dN <- function(N, k, pars, log)
        dpois(N, pars$lambda[k], log = log)
      model$rN <- function(k, pars)
        rpois(1, pars$lambda[k])
    else if (mixture == "Negative Binomial") {
      model$dN <-
        function(N, k, pars, log)
                  mu = pars$lambda[k],
                  size = pars$alpha,
                  log = log)
      model$rN <-
        function(k, pars)
          rnbinom(1, mu = pars$lambda[k], size = pars$alpha)
      stop("Only the Poisson and Negative Binomial mixture models are defined so far.\n")
    ## Create link functions for abundance and detection
    ## Default
    model$lambda <- list(formula =  ~ 1, link = make.link("log"))
    model$p <- list(formula =  ~ 1, link = make.link("logit"))
    ## Override if alternatives are specified
    if (!is.null(lambda$formula))
      model$lambda$formula <- lambda$formula
    if (!is.null(lambda$link))
      model$lambda$link <- make.link(lambda$link)
    if (!is.null(p$formula))
      model$p$formula <- p$formula
    if (!is.null(p$link))
      model$p$link <- make.link(p$link)
    ## Construct design matrices
    ## Abundance
    if (is.null(lambda))
      lambda <- list(X=data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, model$K)))
    model$lambda$X <- model.matrix(model$lambda$formula,lambda$X)
    ## Detection
    if (is.null(p))
       p <- list(X=data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, sum(model$T))))
    model$p$X <- model.matrix(model$p$formula, p$X)
sjbonner/PartMark documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:45 p.m.