
        getMGMTData = function(url, keep, start, max, lastResult) {
            query <- paste(paste("access_token", .self$getToken()$access_token, sep = "="),
                           paste("start-index", start, sep = "="),
                           paste("max-results", 1000, sep = "="), sep = "&")
            queryUrl <- paste(url, query = query, sep = "?")
            request <- GET(queryUrl)
            ga.json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(request, "text"))
            if (is.null(ga.json)) {
                stop("data fetching did not output correct format")

            # Check if results from last call were included
            if(!missing(lastResult)) {
                df <- rbind(ga.json$items[keep], lastResult)
            } else {
                df <- ga.json$items[keep]

            # Has the max param been set? Are there more results than the max?
            if(!missing(max) && nrow(df) >= max) {
            # If there's no max, or the results are still less than the max, continue sending calls
            } else {
                # If the API is pointing toward another results page, get it
                if (is.element('nextLink', names(ga.json))) {
                    # Set new start point for next call
                    newStart <- start + 1000
                    return(.self$getMGMTData(url = url, keep = keep, newStart, max = max, lastResult = df))
                # If the API doesn't have another page of results, return the total set
                } else {
        getAccounts = function(start = 1, max) {
            url <- "https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts"
            return(.self$getMGMTData(url, c("id", "name", "created", "updated"), start = start, max = max))
        getWebProperties = function(accountId = "~all", start = 1, max) {
            url <- paste("https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/",
                         accountId, "/webproperties", sep = "")
            return(.self$getMGMTData(url, c("id", "name", "websiteUrl", "level", "industryVertical", "created", "updated"), start = start, max = max))
        getProfiles = function(accountId = "~all", webPropertyId = "~all", start = 1, max) {
            url <- paste("https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/",
                         accountId, "/webproperties/", webPropertyId, "/profiles", sep = "")
            return(.self$getMGMTData(url, c("id", "accountId", "webPropertyId", "name", "currency", "timezone", "eCommerceTracking", "websiteUrl", "created", "updated"), start = start, max = max))
        getGoals = function(accountId = "~all", webPropertyId = "~all", profileId = "~all", start = 1, max) {
            url <- paste("https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/",
                         accountId, "/webproperties/", webPropertyId, "/profiles/", profileId, "/goals", sep = "")
            return(.self$getMGMTData(url, c("id", "accountId", "webPropertyId", "profileId", "name", "value", "active", "type", "created", "updated"), start = start, max = max))
        getSegments = function(start = 1, max) {
            url <- paste("https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/segments", sep = "")
            return(.self$getMGMTData(url, c("id", "segmentId", "name", "definition", "type"), start = start, max = max))
skardhamar/rga documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1 a.m.