
Defines functions gridWeights gridQuad

Documented in gridQuad gridWeights

## function for running grid weights.
#' @title gridQuad
#' @description A relatively quick way to generate psuedo-random quadrature set
#' for ppm models.
#' @param npoints The number of background points to use. The default is 1000,
#' but it is generally recommended to use more when fitting a ppm.
#' @param window A SpatRaster from terra package which will represent the extent
#'  and resolution of the point process model.
#' @param coord The names of the coordinates. Default is c("X","Y").
#' @param control A list of control options passed from ppmData
#' @export
#' @author Skipton Woolley
#' @examples
#' library(ppmData)
#' library(terra)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package = "ppmData")
#' lst <- list.files(path=path,pattern='*.tif',full.names = TRUE)
#' window <- terra::rast(lst[1])
#' res <- gridQuad(10000,window,control=list(quiet=FALSE))
#' plot(window)
#' points(res[,1:2],pch=".")

gridQuad <- function(npoints,
                     coord = c("X","Y"),

  if(is.null(window)) stop("This function requires a window (terra raster) to work.")
  if(!inherits(window,"SpatRaster")) stop("'window' needs to be a 'SpatRaster' from the 'terra' package.")

  ## fix this to regular grid
  bk_r <- terra::spatSample(x = window,
                            size = npoints,
                            method = 'regular',
                            na.rm = TRUE,
                            as.raster = TRUE,
                            values = FALSE)

  bk_sites <- terra::as.data.frame(bk_r,xy=TRUE)[,-3]

  nbk <- nrow(bk_sites)
  if(!control$quiet)message(sprintf("There are %s background sites generated using 'gridQuad' this is based on %s points, there will be less quadrature points than selected as na cells are removed and the grid is kept regular.", nbk,npoints))

  bk_sites <- data.frame(bk_sites)
  colnames(bk_sites) <- coord



#' @title gridWeights
#' @description Quick way to generate psuedo-random points using the terria
#' package. Weights are taken as the the area(window)/npoints. The default unit
#' is km^2, but other units can be used such as meters squared "m" or hectars
#' "ha". There is an internal check to see if the input data is in lon/lat and
#' if so, it returns the area of the cell in which the point lies.
#' @param presences The observed presence locations
#' @param quadrature The quadrature locations
#' @param window A SpatRaster from terra package which will represent the extent
#'  and resolution of the point process model.
#' @param coord The names of the coordinates. Default is c("X","Y").
#' @param mark.id character Name of the species ID column
#' @param unit The scale of the area weights, default is kilometers squared "km"
#' but meters squared "m" or hectars "ha" can be used.
#' @author Skipton Woolley
#' @importFrom terra init res extract cellSize mask global
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ppmData)
#' library(terra)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package = "ppmData")
#' lst <- list.files(path=path,pattern='*.tif',full.names = TRUE)
#' window <- terra::rast(lst[1])
#' presences <- subset(snails,SpeciesID %in% "Tasmaphena sinclairi")[,1:2]
#' quadrature <- gridQuad(10000,window,control=list(quiet=FALSE))
#' res <- gridWeights(presences,quadrature,window)
#' plot(window)
#' points(res[res$presence==1,1:2],pch=16,cex=0.5,col='blue')
#' points(res[res$presence==0,1:2],pch='.')

gridWeights <- function(presences,
                        coord = c("X","Y"),
                        unit = c("geo","m","km","ha")){

  # work out what unit you want the areas in.
  unit <- match.arg(unit)

  if(is.null(presences)) stop("This function needs a set of presence sites to work")
  if(is.null(quadrature)) stop("This function needs a set of quadrature sites to work")

  if(is.null(window)) stop("This function requires a window (terra raster) to work.")
  if(!inherits(window,"SpatRaster")) stop("'window' needs to be a 'SpatRaster' from the 'terra' package.")

  ## expanse broke for large raster
  npres <- nrow(presences)
  nquad <- nrow(quadrature)

  ## Merge the presences and absences
  allpts.id <- rbind(presences, quadrature)
  allpts <- rbind(presences[,coord], quadrature[,coord])

  ## Tracking of site and species ids
  allpts$id <- seq_len(nrow(allpts))
  allpts$dataset <- allpts.id[,mark.id]

  # if in geographic coordinates return area in unit of interest.
      areas <- terra::init(window,prod(terra::res(window)))
      areas.m <- terra::mask(areas,window)
      window_area <- terra::global(areas.m, "sum", na.rm=TRUE)
      bck_wts <- rep(as.numeric(window_area)/nquad,nquad)
    } else{
      areas <- terra::cellSize(window, unit=unit)
      bck_wts_site <- terra::extract(areas,allpts[allpts$dataset=="quad",coord],method="bilinear")[,2]
      window_area <- as.numeric(terra::global(areas, "sum", na.rm=TRUE))
      window_wts <- bck_wts_site/sum(bck_wts_site,na.rm = TRUE)
      bck_wts  <- window_wts*window_area
  pres_wts <- rep(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),npres)
  all_weights <- c(pres_wts,bck_wts)
  grid.areas <- data.frame(id = seq_along(all_weights), area = all_weights)

  res <- merge(allpts, grid.areas, by='id', all=TRUE, sort=TRUE)


skiptoniam/qrbp documentation built on May 13, 2023, 2:08 a.m.