
get.endpoints = function(geoms) {
  #geom = geoms[[2]]
  li = lapply(seq_along(geoms), function(ind) {
    geom = geoms[[ind]]
    n = min(length(geom$x), length(geom$y))
    if (n==0) return(NULL)
    if (n==1) {
      res = quick.df(x=geom$x[1],y=geom$y[1],ind=ind)
    } else {
      res = quick.df(x=geom$x[c(1,n)],y=geom$y[c(1,n)],ind=rep(ind,2))

find.label.pos = function(geoms,xrange, yrange, yshift=diff(yrange)*0.05, do.shuffle=FALSE) {

  inds = seq_along(geoms)

  ep.df = get.endpoints(geoms)

  labx = sapply(geoms, function(geom) geom$labx)
  laby = sapply(geoms, function(geom) geom$laby)
  ind = which(!is.na(labx) & !is.na(laby))
  lab.mat = data_frame(x=labx[ind],y=laby[ind],ind=ind)
  ep.df = rbind(ep.df[!(ep.df$ind %in% ind),],lab.mat) %>% arrange(ind)
  ep.df$remain = TRUE
  ep.df = mutate(ep.df,
    right = x == xrange[2],
    left = x == xrange[1],
    top = y == yrange[1],
    bottom = y == yrange[2],
    outer = right | left | top | bottom
  ep.df = mutate(group_by(ep.df, ind),
    del = any(outer) & !outer
  ep.df = ep.df[!ep.df$del,]

  # For a single geom pick the last point
  if (length(inds)==1) {
    ep.df$remain = FALSE
    ep.df$remain[NROW(ep.df)] = TRUE
  # For multiple geoms try to find endpoint that is farthest away
  # from other endpoints
  } else {
    if (do.shuffle) {
      shuffle = sample.int(length(inds))
    } else {
      shuffle = inds
    i = 1

    # greedy search: find end points that are closest
    for (i in shuffle) {
      ind =inds[i]
      rows = which(ep.df$ind == ind)
      ep.df$remain[rows] = FALSE
      dist = sapply(rows,ep.df=ep.df, function(row, ep.df) {
        x = ep.df$x[row]; y = ep.df$y[row]
        dist = min( (ep.df$x[ep.df$remain]-x)^2 + (ep.df$y[ep.df$remain]-y)^2)
      sel.row = rows[which.max(dist)]
      ep.df$remain[sel.row] = TRUE
  label.pos = ep.df[ep.df$remain, 1:4]
  dupl = which(duplicated(label.pos[,c("x","y")]))
  sign = -((-1)^(seq_along(dupl)))
  label.pos$y[dupl] = label.pos$y[dupl]+sign*yshift 
skranz/EconCurves documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:07 a.m.