
#' Count number significant figures
#' Count number of significant digits (figures), option to include trailing zeros
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_extract str_count str_split_fixed str_match
#' @param x numeric or character vector; only character input is allowed if \code{countTrailing=TRUE}.
#' @param digits integer of length 1. Optional. Default uses value from \code{getOptions("digits")}. Will
#' warn if this is set higher than 15, for good reason. See notes.
#' @param countTrailing logical. Should trailing zeros be counted? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @details
#' Count number of significant digits, either from a (measurement) precision or a (mathematical) numeric
#' perspective via the \emph{countTrailing} option. When set to \code{TRUE} and provided a \code{character} input
#' \emph{x}, this option will count trailing zeros as significant digits. Leading zeros are (almost) never counted; the
#' single exception is when \code{countTrailing=TRUE} and \emph{x} contains values that would be coerced to \code{0}
#' via e.g. \code{as.integer} or \code{as.numeric}; see Notes.
#' By default, \code{countTrailing=FALSE}; this counts significant digits from a (mathematical) numeric perspective.
#' Setting to \code{TRUE} counts significant digits from a (measurement) precision perspective.
#' Because \emph{R} (and most other analysis tools/languages) will automatically strip trailing zeros for
#'  \code{integer} or \code{numeric} data types, this function will throw an error if \code{countTrailing=TRUE} and
#'  \code{class(x) != "character"}.
#' This function does not perform any explicit rounding or truncation of input within reasonable limits;
#' if input precision exceeds system limit, standard R rounding rules will apply, silently.
#' @note
#' Zero is a special case. If \code{countTrailing=FALSE}, will return zero. If \code{countTrailing=TRUE}, all
#' digits are counted, excluding digits following the exponent notation (\code{e} or \code{E}) if applicable. See examples
#' This function assumes that if you provide character inputs that would evaluate to \code{0} if treated as a number, this is
#' in fact meaningful from a precision/measurement perspective.
#' @return
#' An integer vector of significant digit counts equal in length to input vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- mapply(signif, rnorm(10), 1:10)
#' count_sigfigs(x)
#' count_sigfigs(x, digits = 10)
#' #Also works for scientific notation
#' count_sigfigs(c(1E10, -1E10, -000001E-10)) #all 1
#' count_sigfigs(c("1.0001", 1.0001, 0001.0001)) #all 5
#' #digits option
#' #By default, will use local number of digits, which is 7
#' getOption("digits") #default should be 7
#' count_sigfigs(0.1234567) #7
#' count_sigfigs(0.12345678) #8
#' count_sigfigs(0.123456789) #8
#' count_sigfigs(0.123456789, digits = 8) #9
#' #countTrailing
#' count_sigfigs("1.0100", countTrailing = TRUE)
#' count_sigfigs("1.0100E10", countTrailing = TRUE)
#' #zero handling
#' zeros_decimal  <- c("0", "0.0", "00.0", "00.00", "0.000")
#' zeros_exponent <- c("0E0", "0.0E0", "00.0E0", "00.00E0", "0.000E0")
#' count_sigfigs(zeros_decimal) #all zero
#' count_sigfigs(zeros_decimal, countTrailing = TRUE) #1,2,3,4,4
#' count_sigfigs(zeros_exponent) #all zero
#' count_sigfigs(zeros_exponent, countTrailing = TRUE) #also 1,2,3,4,4
#' \dontrun{
#' #compare:
#' count_sigfigs(123.12345679, digits = 7)  #need higher digits option
#' count_sigfigs(123.12345679, digits = 15) #what you expected
#' count_sigfigs(123.12345679, digits = 16) #probably not what you expected
#' #also
#' count_sigfigs(1000000001.12345, digits = 15) #pushing it
#' }
count_sigfigs <- function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), countTrailing = FALSE) {
  if(all(is.na(x))) {
    stop("All inputs are NA")
  if (countTrailing && !is.character(x)) {
    stop(paste("countTrailing is only possible with chr inputs of x"))
  if (digits > 15 ) {
    warning(paste("Setting digits above 15 is dangerous",
                  "and results may be inaccurate.", "Proceed at your own risk!"))

  #Capture NA input
  na_input <- is.na(x) | is.na(as.numeric(x))
  #prepare to handle all zeros downstream
  xtype       <- class(x)
  digitCounts <- str_count(
  zeroCheck   <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)) == 0
  zeroCheck[is.na(zeroCheck)] <- FALSE

  if (!countTrailing) {
    extra <- 0
  if (is.character(x)) {
    #strip E or e
    x <- str_extract(x, "(\\d+\\.?\\d*)")
    if (!countTrailing) {
      x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
    else {
      #Split, handle NAs
      splits_m <- matrix(
        str_split_fixed(x, "\\.", 2),
        ncol = 2
      mat <- matrix(
        apply(splits_m, 2, function(x) {
          x[is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)))] <- NA
        ncol = 2

      #Handle V1 leading zeros
      mat[, 1] <- str_replace(mat[, 1], "^0?0*", "")
      mat[, 1] <- ifelse(mat[, 1] == "", NA, mat[, 1])
      #Process V2 based on V1
      mat[, 2] <- ifelse(is.na(mat[, 1]), str_replace(mat[, 2], "^0?0*", ""), mat[, 2])
      # Conditional extract V1
      V1_filt <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(mat[, 2])) == 0
      V1_filt[is.na(V1_filt)] <- FALSE
      V1_val  <- nchar(
        str_extract(mat[, 1], "0*$")

      V1_extra <- rep(0, length(V1_filt))
      V1_extra[V1_filt] <- V1_val[V1_filt]

      #Extract terminal zero(s) and count
      extra <- nchar(
        str_extract(mat[, 2], "0*$")
      extra[is.na(extra)] <- 0
      extra <- extra + V1_extra

      x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)) #and transform back to numeric after capturing extra

  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    digits <- as.integer(digits)
    x      <- sprintf(paste0("%0.", digits, "e"), x)
  targ   <- str_extract(x, "(\\d+\\.?\\d*)")
  splits <- str_match(targ, "^0*([0-9]*)\\.?([0-9]*[^0$])")
  splits <- unlist(
    apply(splits, 2, list),
    recursive = FALSE

  splits_nch <- lapply(splits, function(f) str_count(f, "[0-9]"))
  out        <- splits_nch[[2]] + splits_nch[[3]] + extra

  if(xtype == "character" && countTrailing) {
    out[zeroCheck] <- digitCounts[zeroCheck]

  out[na_input] <- NA

slin30/wzMisc documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1 a.m.