
Defines functions .lowerMatch match_xs_ys

Documented in match_xs_ys

#' Collapse multiple possible matches between two data.tables
#' Cascading character matching for sets of columns across two data.tables
#' @import data.table
#' @param dt_x A data.table where you wish to find corresponding index values in \emph{dt_y}
#' @param dt_y A data.table where matching values in \emph{dt_x} should be found,
#' and indices from \emph{dt_y} returned
#' @param xs A chr vector of names in \emph{dt_x} to match upon. Intrinsic order is potentially
#' important, and must correspond to order and length of \emph{ys}. Non-character columns
#' will be coerced to character via \code{as.character}, with a warning.
#' @param ys A chr vector of names in \emph{dt_y} that correspond to \emph{xs} in scope and
#' length. Non-character columns will be coerced to character via \code{as.character},
#' with a warning.
#' @param reverse Logi. Do you wish to perform the match in reverse, that is find indices
#' in \emph{dt_x} where corresponding values in \emph{dt_y} match? Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param lower Should values within \emph{xs} and \emph{ys} be lowercased? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' If possible and requested to use \code{fmatch}, keeping this at default will not set any hash
#' indices, but will also not result in any benefits upon repeat runs.
#' @param incomparables For \code{match}; set to \code{NA} by default to prevent matches on \code{NA}
#' @param use_fastmatch Use \code{fmatch()} from the \code{fastmatch} package if installed? Defaults
#' to FALSE. See details, and also note interaction with the \emph{lower} parameter (above).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{Reduce()}
#' @details
#' Addresses a common merge use case between two tables where a single, robust key is not available,
#' and one must rely on one or more fields between the two tables to make a best-attempt merge.
#' In this scenario, the order of values in \emph{xs}, and the corresponding order in \emph{ys} is
#' critical, and should correspond to one's best-guess (expectation) of specificity, since this
#' function calls \code{Reduce} to collapse the list of match results into a single vector.
#' If the \code{fastmatch} package is loaded, and \emph{use_fastmatch} is \code{TRUE},
#' will use \code{fastmatch::fmatch} for performance, else will use \code{base::match}. This
#' is intentional due to the fact that \code{fmatch} will technically modify \code{dt_y} in-place by
#' appending a hash index to fields flagged within \emph{ys}. To ensure this function is
#' truly side-effect-free by defalt, you must set this option explicitly. Also, there is no repeat-
#' run benefit (but also no side-effect) with the default setting of \code{lower=TRUE}.
#' @note
#' By default, this function coerces both \emph{xs} and \emph{ys} to lowercase via \code{tolower}.
#' \code{match} is called with defaults, i.e. \code{match(x, y, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)},
#' and this is enforced, with no plans to make optional.
#' The \emph{length} requirement for formals \emph{xs} and \emph{ys} apply to the arguments themselves,
#' and not to the length of variables represented by the values within each. In other words, a standard
#' call to \code{match} does not require equal-length inputs, nor does this function. What is required,
#' though, is that if e.g. \emph{xs} is a vector of length \code{2}, representing two fields within
#' \emph{dt_x}, then the length of \emph{ys} must also be \code{2}, even if you wish to match a single
#' field within \emph{dt_y} to each field within \emph{dt_x} (no recycling is performed on argument
#' length for \emph{xs} or \emph{ys}).
#' @return
#' An \code{integer} vector of length \emph{xs} or length \emph{ys} (since it is required that
#' \code{length(xs) == length(ys)}) containing matching indices, else \code{NA}. The indices by
#' default denote the positions of values in \emph{dt_y} that match \emph{dt_x}, unless
#' \code{reverse = TRUE}, in which case the reverse.
#' Additionally, a console message containing match statistics. If called with \code{accumulate=TRUE},
#' statistics are printed out for each step in cumulative fashion, displaying the (any) additional
#' coverage provided by each additional pair of match elements.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' set.seed(10)
#' # dt_x is the table you want to append to
#' dt_x <- data.table(
#'   key_a = sample(LETTERS[1:15], replace = FALSE)
#' )
#' # dt_y has one or more target fields you wish to pull, using the keys
#' # from dt_x.
#' dt_y <- data.table(
#'   col_a = unlist(Map(c, LETTERS[seq(1, 10, by = 2)], list(NA_character_))),
#'   col_b = unlist(Map(c, list(NA_character_), LETTERS[seq(2, 11, by = 2)])),
#'   targ = sample(1:100L, 10, replace = FALSE)
#' )
#' # this is used for indexing results out
#' mvec <- match_xs_ys(dt_x, dt_y, c("key_a", "key_a"), c("col_a", "col_b"))
#' # pull over results
#' dt_x[, targ := dt_y$targ[mvec]]
#' # also useful for quick tests:
#' match_xs_ys(dt_x, dt_y, c("key_a", "key_a"), c("col_a", "col_b"),
#'             accumulate = TRUE)
match_xs_ys <- function(dt_x, dt_y, xs, ys, reverse = FALSE, lower = TRUE, incomparables = NA, use_fastmatch = FALSE, ...) {
  stopifnot(is.data.table(dt_x) && is.data.table(dt_y))

  if(!is.character(xs) || ! is.character(ys)) {
    stop("xs and ys must be character vectors!")

  if(length(xs) != length(ys)) {
    stop("Lengths of 'xs' and 'ys' are not equal")
  if(!all(xs %in% names(dt_x))) {
    stop("All names in 'xs' are not found in ", substitute(dt_x))
  if(!all(ys %in% names(dt_y))) {
    stop("All names in 'ys' are not found in ", substitute(dt_y))

  if(reverse) {
    tmp.dt_x <- dt_x
    tmp.dt_y <- dt_y
    dt_y <- tmp.dt_x
    dt_x <- tmp.dt_y

    tmp.xs <- xs
    tmp.ys <- ys
    xs <- tmp.ys
    ys <- tmp.xs

  x_lst <- lapply(xs, function(f) dt_x[[f]])
  y_lst <- lapply(ys, function(f) dt_y[[f]])

  out <- Map(.lowerMatch, x = x_lst, y = y_lst, lower = list(lower),
             use_fastmatch = list(use_fastmatch),
             incomparables = list(incomparables))

  coll <- Reduce(function(a, b) ifelse(is.na(a), b, a), out, ...)

  # not terribly elegant, but for messaging in case Reduce
  # accumulate TRUE

  if(!is.list(coll)) {
    coll.msg <- list(coll)
  } else {
    coll.msg <- coll

  hit <- Map(function(x) length(x[!is.na(x)]), coll.msg)
  tot <- Map(length, coll.msg)
  pct <- Map(function(hit, tot) sprintf("%.1f%%", 100*(hit/tot)), hit, tot)

  msglist <- Map(function(hit, tot, pct) paste(hit, "of", tot,
                                                 "(", pct, ")",
                                                 " matched")),
                 hit, tot, pct)

  message(paste(msglist, collapse = "\n"))



#helper match, tolower with nonmatch NA, incomparables NA
.lowerMatch <- function(x, y, lower = lower, incomparables = NA, use_fastmatch = use_fastmatch) {
  if("fastmatch" %in% installed.packages() && use_fastmatch)
    fun = getFun("fastmatch::fmatch")
  } else {
    fun = getFun("base::match")

  if(!is.character(x)) {
    warning("x must be of class 'character'. Coercing, which may not be lossless")
    x <- as.character(x)
  if(!is.character(y)) {
    warning("y must be of class 'character'. Coercing, which may not be lossless")
    y <- as.character(y)

  if(lower) {
    x <- tolower(x)
    y <- tolower(y)

  fun(x, y, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = incomparables)
slin30/wzMisc documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1 a.m.