#   MASH
#   R6-ified
#   MBITES-BRO (Blood Feeding, Resting, Oviposition)
#   Main Bout Methods & Auxiliary Definitions
#   David Smith, Hector Sanchez, Sean Wu
#   June 5, 2017

# MBITES-BRO: timingExponential

#' MBITES-BRO: Exponential Timing for \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Method for exponentially-distributed bout lengths (model mosquito walk through state space as a strictly Markovian process).
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$timingExponential()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_timingExponential <- function(){
    duration = switch(private$state,
      B = {private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("B_time")},
      R = {private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("R_time")},
      O = {private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("O_time")}
    private$tNext = private$tNow + rexp(n=1,rate=1/duration)

#  MBITES-BRO: Post-bout Landing, House Entering, and Resting
#  At the end of the search bout, attempt bout, or after Egg
#  laying a mosquito has entered the area around a feeding
#  station and either rested or attempted to rest:
#    l) Leave the area
#    r) Reattempt Without Resting;
#    v) Rest on vegetation
#    w) Rest on the Outside wall of a structure
#    i) Rest on the Inside wall of a structure

#' MBITES-BRO: Return Site Type \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Method to return integer corresponding to site type of \code{\link{MicroSite}} this mosquito is currently at.
#'  Site Types:
#'  * 1: peri-domestic site
#'  * 0: not peri-domestic site
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$get_MySiteType()}.
#' @md
#' @return vector of landing spot weights
mbitesBRO_get_MySiteType <- function(){
    f = {return(private$LandscapePointer$get_FeedingSites(private$ix)$get_siteType())},
    l = {return(private$LandscapePointer$get_AquaSites(private$ix)$get_siteType())},
    {stop("illegal point set for MBITES-BRO")}

#' MBITES-BRO: Return Landing Spot Weights for \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Method for return landing spot weights based on behavioral state of mosquito.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$get_WTS()}.
#' @md
#' @return vector of landing spot weights
mbitesBRO_get_WTS <- function(){
    B = private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("B_wts"),
    R = private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("R_wts"),
    O = private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("O_wts")

#' MBITES-BRO: Generate New Landing Spot for \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Method for return a new landing spot based on behavioral state of mosquito and weights from \code{\link{mbitesBRO_get_WTS}}.
#' New landing spots generated at the end of the search bout, attempt bout, or after oviposition a mosquito has entered
#' the area around a feeding site and either rested or attempted to rest.
#'  * i: 1 rest on the inside wall of a structure
#'  * w: 2 rest on the outside wall of a structure
#'  * v: 3 rest on vegetation
#'  * r: 4 reattempt without resting
#'  * l: 5 leave the area
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$newSpot()}.
#' @md
#' @return integer value corresponding to new landing spot
mbitesBRO_newSpot <- function(){
  if(self$get_MySiteType() == 1){
    probs = private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("InAndOut")[private$lspot,] * self$get_WTS()
    sample(x = 5L,size = 1,prob = probs)
  } else {

#' MBITES-BRO: Attempt to Enter a House for \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Method to simulate attempted house entry for mosquito, and call appropriate events if the mosquito enters.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$enterHouse()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_enterHouse <- function(){
  if(runif(1) < private$LandscapePointer$get_FeedingSites(private$ix)$get_enterP()){
    # mosquito is inside of house
  } else {
    # mosquito is not inside of house
    private$lspot = self$newSpot()
    if(private$lspot == 1L){

#' MBITES-BRO: Land After Flight \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Mosquito lands after a flight (choose a landing spot), which may cause various events.
#' This function always calls \code{\link{mbitesBRO_newSpot}} and may call \code{\link{mbitesBRO_enterHouse}}
#' Landing spots include:
#'  * i: 1 rest on the inside wall of a structure
#'  * w: 2 rest on the outside wall of a structure
#'  * v: 3 rest on vegetation
#'  * r: 4 reattempt without resting
#'  * l: 5 leave the area
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$landingSpot()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_landingSpot <- function(){
    oldSpot = private$lspot
    private$lspot = self$newSpot() # choose new lspot
    if(oldSpot != 1L & private$lspot == 1L){
      self$enterHouse() # enterHouse

# MBITES-BRO: Blood Feeding Bout

#' MBITES-BRO: Blood Feeding Bout \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' A mosquito performs a blood feeding bout (all actions taken launch to launch when blood feeding required).
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$boutB()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_boutB <- function(){
  # check success
  if(runif(1) < private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("B_succeed")){
    self$chooseHost() # MBITES-BRO-ChooseHost.R
  } else {
    private$hostID = 0L

  if(private$hostID > 0){
    self$humanEncounter() # MBITES-BRO-HostEncounter.R
  } else if(private$hostID == -1){
    self$zooEncounter() # MBITES-BRO-HostEncounter.R
  } else if(private$hostID == 0){
  } else {
    stop("illegal hostID value")


# MBITES-BRO: Post-Prandial Resting Bout

#' MBITES-BRO: Post-Prandial Resting Bout \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' A mosquito performs a post-prandial resting bout (all actions taken launch to launch when resting required).
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$boutR()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_boutR <- function(){
      if(runif(1) < self$pReFeed()){
        private$stateNew = "B"
      } else {
        private$stateNew = "O"
    } else {
      private$stateNew = "O"

# MBITES-BRO: Egg Laying Bout

#' MBITES-BRO: Egg Laying Bout \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}}
#' A mosquito performs a oviposition bout (all actions taken launch to launch when oviposition required).
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$boutO()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_boutO <- function(){

#' MBITES-BRO: Lay Eggs for 'Emerge' \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}}
#' During an oviposition bout \code{\link{mbitesBRO_boutO}}, lay eggs (this is just a filler to clear out the \code{batch} field of the mosquito; egg laying is not implemented in any modules relying on "Emerge" Aquatic Ecology module)
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$layEggs()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_layEggs_Emerge <- function(){
  if(runif(1) < private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("O_succeed")){
    private$batch = 0
    private$stateNew = "B"

#' MBITES-BRO: Lay Eggs for 'EL4P' \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}}
#' During an oviposition bout \code{\link{mbitesBRO_boutO}}, lay eggs for 'EL4P' module of Aquatic Ecology.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$layEggs()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_layEggs_EL4P <- function(){
  if(runif(1) < private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("O_succeed")){
    private$batch = 0
    private$stateNew = "B"

# MBITES-BRO: Generic Bout

#' MBITES-BRO: One Bout \code{MicroMosquitoFemale}
#' Mosquito behavior has a finite set of states (state space of model), within which there are certain biological functions that are always evaluated.
#' A bout is the actions taken by a mosquito between a launch and landing; \code{mbitesBRO_oneBout} handles all the biological imperatives that occur during a bout,
#' while specialized bout action methods handle the events that occur due to the purpose of the bout.
#'  * \code{\link{mbitesBRO_boutB}}: blood feeding bout
#'  * \code{\link{mbitesBRO_boutR}}: blood feeding bout
#'  * \code{\link{mbitesBRO_boutO}}: blood feeding bout
#' The generic bout runs necessary updates of timing, state, survival, energetics, and queue checks prior to calling the nested
#' specific bout action, and checks that the mosquito is alive/active before calling the bout. It updates \code{tNext} and \code{stateNew}.
#' This corresponds to the following Gillespie-style algorithm:
#' 1. tNow is set to tNext from previous bout
#' 2. moveMe: movement between point classes (if needed)
#' 3. boutFun: run bout function
#' 4. run energetics and check if alive
#' 5. run landingSpot and check if alive
#' 6. run surviveResting/surviveFlight and check if alive
#' 7. update tNext
#' 8. update state to stateNew which is determined in the bout
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$oneBout()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_oneBout <- function(){

  # update time and state
  private$tNow = private$tNext # update time
  private$state = private$stateNew # update current state
  self$timingExponential() # update tNext

  # movement

  # landing spot

  # bout
    B = {self$boutB()},
    R = {self$boutR()},
    O = {self$boutO()},
    {stop("illegal behavioral state for MBITES-BRO")}

  # energetics
  # self$energetics()

  # survival

  # log history
  private$history$historyTrack(privateEnv = private, alive = self$isAlive())


# MBITES-BRO: Simulation

#' MBITES-BRO: Run Simulation for \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}}
#' Run the M-BITES life cycle simulation algorithm while alive and has not overrun time in enclosing \code{\link{MicroTile}}.
#' This method calls \code{\link{mbitesBRO_oneBout}} to simulate each life stage.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$MBITES()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_oneMosquito_MBITES <- function(){

  # run algorithm while alive and has not overrun tile time
  while(private$tNext < private$TilePointer$get_tNow() & private$stateNew != "D"){


#' MBITES-BRO: Run Simulation for \code{\link{MicroMosquitoPopFemale}}
#' Run the M-BITES life cycle simulation algorithm while alive and has not overrun time in enclosing \code{\link{MicroTile}}.
#' This method calls \code{\link{mbitesBRO_oneMosquito_MBITES}} one each living mosquito sequentially.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoPopFemale$MBITES()}.
#' @md
mbitesBRO_Pop_MBITES <- function(){

  aliveM = self$which_alive()
  for(ixM in aliveM){

smitdave/MASH documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.