#' Estimate recharge by means of hydrograph recession displacement (RORA)
#' Estimate recharge by the method of hydrograph recession displacement.
#' @param date the date of the flow, can be either character or class "Date."
#' @param discharge the mean daily discharge for the corresponding date.
#' @param da the drainage area of the basin in square miles.
#' @param recessIndex the recession index, in days per common log cycle.
#'This is typically estimated using \code{recess}.
#' @param minimum_discharge the value to use for the minimum value in \code{discharge}. Any
#'value in \code{discharge} less than the value for \code{minimum_discharge} is set to the
#'value for \code{minimum_discharge}.
#' @param incAnteRec a value to add to the base antecedent recession time,
#'in days. In general, this should always be 0.
#' @param STAID a character string to be used as the station identifier. This is
#'used only for documentation when printing or plotting.
#' @return An object of class rora, which has these components:\cr
#'iyear, the year of the observed streamflow. \cr
#'imonth, the month of the observed streamflow. \cr
#'iday, the day of the observed streamflow. \cr
#'discharge, the observed streamflow. \cr
#'Nobs, the number of observed values of streamflow. \cr
#'iyearst, the starting year of the recharge analysis. \cr
#'iyearen, the ending year of the recharge analysis. \cr
#'minQ, the value of minQ. \cr
#'idiff, the value of incAnteRec. \cr
#'k, the value of recessIndex. \cr
#'te, the time to end day of the recession following a peak in streamflow, in days. \cr
#'ta, the time at the critical time after the previous peak. \cr
#'qp, the streamflow of the peak. \cr
#'qa, the streamflow the critical time after the previous peak. \cr
#'qb, the streamflow at the critical time that would have occurred in the
#'absence of the current and any subsequent peaks. \cr
#'qc, the streamflow at the critical time that would have occurred
#'in the absence of any subsequent peaks. \cr
#'c, the average value for the current peak calculated from the difference
#'between the flow during recession and flow computed from the recession
#'index for each day between the peak and the critical time. \cr
#'delq, the difference in flow between the hypothetical flow at the
#'critical time after the current peak and the hypothetical flow at
#'the critical time after the previous peak. \cr
#'rech, the estimated recharge for the peak, in inches. \cr
#'year, the year of the peak. \cr
#'mon, the month of the peak. \cr
#'day, the day of the peak. \cr
#'npeaks, the number of peaks. \cr
#'itbase, the antecedent flow base time, in days. This is the minimum time
#'from a peak to when the flow can be considered to be ground-water discharge.\cr
#'ierr, the error code. \cr
#'STAID, the station identifier.
#' @useDynLib recharge roraf
#' @export
bf_rora <- function(date, discharge, da, recessIndex,
minimum_discharge=0.01, incAnteRec=0, STAID=NULL) {
discharge <- discharge[ !is.na( discharge ) ]
date <- date[ !is.na( discharge ) ]
iyear <- lubridate::year( date )
imonth <- lubridate::month( date )
iday <- lubridate::day( date )
N <- length(iyear)
retval <- .Fortran("roraf",
iyearst=as.integer( min(iyear) ),
iyearen=as.integer(max( iyear ) ),
minQ=as.double( minimum_discharge ),
if(retval$ierr < 0)
warning(paste("Error code from rora: ", retval$ierr))
if(retval$ierr > 0)
stop(paste("Error code from rora: ", retval$ierr))
Npeaks <- retval$npeaks
length(retval$te) <- Npeaks
length(retval$ta) <- Npeaks
length(retval$qp) <- Npeaks
length(retval$qa) <- Npeaks
length(retval$qb) <- Npeaks
length(retval$qc) <- Npeaks
length(retval$c) <- Npeaks
length(retval$delq) <- Npeaks
length(retval$rech) <- Npeaks
length(retval$year) <- Npeaks
length(retval$month) <- Npeaks
length(retval$day) <- Npeaks
retval$peakdate <- lubridate::ymd(paste(retval$year,retval$month,retval$day,sep="-") )
retval$delta_t <- numeric( Npeaks )
retval$delta_t[ 2:Npeaks ] <- as.numeric( retval$peakdate[2:Npeaks] - retval$peakdate[1:Npeaks-1])
retval$delta_1[1] <- retval$peakdate[1] - date[1]
retval$baseflow_cfs <- retval$rech / retval$delta_t / 12. * da * 27878400. / 86400.
retval$STAID <- STAID
oldClass(retval) <- "rora"
na2miss <- function( x, to = -99999 ) {
if( inherits(x,'factor')) {
levs <- c(levels(x), as.character(to))
x <- as.vector(x)
x[is.na(x)] <- to
return( factor(x, levels=levs))
x[ is.na(x) ] <- to
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