#' Calculate SDM evaluation metrics
#' Calculate AUC, TSS, and RMSE for given density predictions and validation data
#' @param x object of class sf; SDM predictions
#' @param x.idx name or index of column in \code{x} with prediction values
#' @param y object of class sf; validation data
#' @param y.idx name or index of column in \code{y} with validation data.
#' This validation data column must have at least two unique values, e.g. 0 and 1
#' @param count.flag logical; \code{TRUE} indicates that the data in column \code{y.idx} is count data,
#' while \code{FALSE} indicates that the data is presence/absence.
#' See details for differences in data processing based on this flag.
#' @details If \code{count.flag == TRUE}, then \code{eSDM::model_abundance(x, x.idx, FALSE)} will be run
#' to calculate predicted abundance and thus calculate RMSE.
#' Note that this assumes the data in column \code{x.idx} of \code{x} are density values.
#' If \code{count.flag == FALSE}, then all of the values in column \code{y.idx} of \code{y} must be \code{0} or \code{1}.
#' All rows of \code{x} with a value of \code{NA} in column \code{x.idx} and
#' all rows of \code{y} with a value of \code{NA} in column \code{y.idx} are removed before calculating metrics
#' @return A numeric vector with AUC, TSS and RMSE values, respectively.
#' If \code{count.flag == FALSE}, the RMSE value will be \code{NA}
#' @examples
#' evaluation_metrics(preds.1, 2, validation.data, "sight")
#' evaluation_metrics(preds.1, "Density2", validation.data, "count", TRUE)
#' @export
evaluation_metrics <- function(x, x.idx, y, y.idx, count.flag = FALSE) {
# Input checks and some processing
if (!all(vapply(list(x, y), inherits, TRUE, "sf"))) {
stop("x and y must both be objects of class sf")
if (st_crs(x) != st_crs(y)) {
stop("x and y must have equivalent coordinate reference systems")
length(x.idx) == 1,
length(y.idx) == 1,
inherits(count.flag, "logical")
x.dens <- st_set_geometry(x, NULL)[[x.idx]]
x.dens.nona <- !is.na(x.dens)
x.dens <- x.dens[x.dens.nona]
y.data <- st_set_geometry(y, NULL)[[y.idx]]
y.data.nona <- !is.na(y.data)
y.data <- y.data[y.data.nona]
if (!is.numeric(x.dens)) {
stop("The data in column x.idx of object x must all be numbers")
if (!is.numeric(y.data)) {
stop("The data in column y.idx of object y must all be numbers")
if (length(unique(y.data)) < 2) {
stop("The data in column y.idx of object y must have at least ",
"two unqiue values, e.g. 0 and 1. ",
"Calculating metrics using presence-only or absence-only data ",
"is not currently supported by this function")
# Remove NAs, then get intersection of predictions and validation data
x <- x[x.dens.nona, ]
y <- y[y.data.nona, ]
yx.sgbp <- suppressMessages(st_intersects(y, x))
temp <- sapply(yx.sgbp, length)
temp0 <- sum(temp == 0)
temp2 <- sum(temp > 1)
if (temp0 > 0) {
"There were ", temp0, " validation points ",
"that did not overlap with a non-NA prediction polygon"
if (temp2 > 0) {
"There were ", temp2, " validation points ",
"that were on the boundary of two or more non-NA prediction polygons"
rm(temp, temp0, temp2)
# Data kept as separate vectors because in mapply() accessing several vector
# objects is faster than accessing one data.frame
if (count.flag) {
y.sight <- ifelse(y.data >= 1, 1, 0)
x.abund <- unname(unlist(eSDM::model_abundance(x, x.idx, sum.abund = FALSE)))
y.count <- y.data
} else {
if (!all(y.data %in% c(0, 1))) {
stop("The data in column y.idx of object y must all be numbers 0 or 1")
y.sight <- y.data
x.abund <- as.numeric(NA)
y.count <- as.numeric(NA)
is.numeric(y.sight), is.numeric(x.abund), is.numeric(y.count)
# Make data frame with corresponding density and validation data values
xy.data.overlap.list <- mapply(function(i, j) {
if (length(j) == 0) {
} else {
c(mean(x.dens[i]), y.sight[j], mean(x.abund[i]), y.count[j])
}, yx.sgbp, seq_along(yx.sgbp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
xy.data.overlap <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, xy.data.overlap.list)) %>%
set_names(c("dens", "sight", "abund", "count")) %>%
filter(!is.na(.data$dens), !is.na(.data$sight))
# AUC and TSS
pred.out <- prediction(xy.data.overlap[[1]], xy.data.overlap[[2]])
m1 <- slot(performance(pred.out, measure = "auc"), "y.values")[[1]]
sens <- slot(performance(pred.out, "sens"), "y.values")[[1]]
spec <- slot(performance(pred.out, "spec"), "y.values")[[1]]
m2 <- max(sens + spec - 1)
m3 <- ifelse(
esdm_rmse(xy.data.overlap[[3]], xy.data.overlap[[4]], na.rm = TRUE),
c(m1, m2, m3)
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