# Functions used by server_plots.R and server_plots_download.R
# Get dimensions for preview
### Within the app
multiplot_inapp <- function(x) {
plot.ncol <- case_when(
x == 1 ~ 1,
x == 2 ~ 2,
x == 3 ~ 3,
x == 4 ~ 2,
x <= 9 ~ 3,
TRUE ~ ceiling(sqrt(x))
plot.nrow <- case_when(
x <= 3 ~ 1,
x <= 6 ~ 2,
x <= 9 ~ 3,
TRUE ~ ceiling(sqrt(x))
c(plot.ncol, plot.nrow, multiplot_both(x))
### Downloaded file
multiplot_download <- function(x) {
plot.ncol <- case_when(
x <= 2 ~ 1,
x <= 4 ~ 2,
x <= 9 ~ 3,
TRUE ~ ceiling(sqrt(x))
plot.nrow <- case_when(
x == 1 ~ 1,
x <= 6 ~ 2,
x <= 9 ~ 3,
TRUE ~ ceiling(sqrt(x))
c(plot.ncol, plot.nrow, multiplot_both(x))
### Params with same dimensions for inapp and download
multiplot_both <- function(x) {
axis.cex.curr <- case_when(
x == 1 ~ 1.1,
TRUE ~ 1.6
main.cex.curr <- case_when(
x == 1 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 1.4
leg.lcm <- 3.5
leg.txt.cex <- ifelse(x == 1, 1.1, 1.5)
if (x == 1) {
leg.mai <- c(0.42, 0, 0.24, 1.2)
} else {
leg.mai <- c(0.27, 0, 0.16, 1.2)
c(axis.cex.curr, main.cex.curr, leg.lcm, leg.txt.cex,
# Helper functions called by plotting functions
### Calculate break points for density intervals
# Break points are at (top): 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%
breaks_calc <- function(x, breaks = c(seq(0.4, 0.05, by = -0.05), 0.02)) {
x <- stats::na.omit(x)
x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
c(-Inf, x[ceiling(breaks * length(x))], Inf)
### Get break point and palette info given data
preview_vals_break_col <- function(data.vec) {
data.vec.uniq <- length(unique(na.omit(data.vec)))
d <- ifelse(data.vec.uniq > 10, 10, data.vec.uniq)
paste("Error: The GUI was unable to plot the selected predictions",
"because all of the prediction values are NA"))
b.model <- seq(
from = min(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE), to = max(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = d + 1
if (d < 3) {
col.pal <- c("#74add1", "#f46d43")[seq_len(d)]
} else {
col.pal <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(d, "Spectral"))
list(b.model = b.model, col.pal = col.pal)
### Adapted from https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/blob/master/R/graticule.R
degreeLabelsNS_sf = function(x) {
pos = sign(x) + 2
dir = c("~S", "", "~N")
paste0(abs(x), "*degree", dir[pos])
degreeLabelsEW_sf = function(x) {
x <- ifelse(x > 180, x - 360, x)
pos = sign(x) + 2
if (any(x == -180)) pos[x == -180] = 2
if (any(x == 180)) pos[x == 180] = 2
dir = c("~W", "", "~E")
paste0(abs(x), "*degree", dir[pos])
### Based off of st_graticule, for generating coordinates
preview_ll_axes <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, c("sf", "sfc")))
bb <- st_bbox(x)
lon <- pretty(bb[c(1, 3)], n = 4)
lat <- pretty(bb[c(2, 4)], n = 4)
if (st_is_longlat(x)) {
lon.label <- degreeLabelsEW_sf(lon)
lat.label <- degreeLabelsNS_sf(lat)
} else {
lon.label <- lon
lat.label <- lat
stopifnot(length(lon.label) == length(lon), length(lat.label) == length(lat))
data.frame(lon, lon.label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
data.frame(lat, lat.label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
### Vertical legend for preview plots
preview_legend <- function(l.col.pal, l.leg.mai, l.leg.labels, l.leg.txt.cex,
l.perc) {
l.col.num <- length(l.col.pal)
l.col.num.leg <- l.col.num + 1
l.col.pal.leg <- c("gray", l.col.pal)
l.at <- if (l.perc == 2) c(1, seq_len(l.col.num.leg) + 0.5) else seq_len(l.col.num.leg)
opar <- par(mai = l.leg.mai)
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
1, seq_len(l.col.num.leg), t(as.matrix(seq_len(l.col.num.leg))), col = l.col.pal.leg,
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = ""
graphics::box(col = "black")
4, at = l.at, labels = c("NA", l.leg.labels),
tick = FALSE, las = 1, cex.axis = l.leg.txt.cex
### Plot layout of sf objects given number of rows and columns + other plot info
multiplot_layout <- function(models.toplot, data.names, plot.titles, perc.num,
col.pal, leg.labels, plot.ncol, plot.nrow,
axis.cex.curr, main.cex.curr, leg.width,
leg.txt.cex, leg.mai, var.key = NULL) {
### Inputs:
# var.key: vector with numbers at the indicies of uncertainty plot(s)
# that provide the prediction plot associated with that uncertainty
# -------------------------------------------------------
models.num <- length(models.toplot)
need(models.num > 0,
"Error: Please select at least one set of predictions to preview")
models.num == length(data.names),
models.num == length(plot.titles),
is.na(col.pal) | (length(col.pal) == length(leg.labels)),
perc.num %in% c(1, 2)
# -------------------------------------------------------
layout.num <- plot.nrow * plot.ncol
models.layout.diff <- layout.num - models.num
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Create layout based on inputs
if (perc.num == 1) {
mat.num <- do.call(c, lapply(0:(plot.nrow - 1), function(i) {
c((plot.ncol * i) + seq_len(plot.ncol), layout.num + 1)
matrix(mat.num, nrow = plot.nrow, ncol = plot.ncol + 1, byrow = TRUE),
width = c(rep(1, plot.ncol), lcm(leg.width))
} else {
matrix(seq_len(layout.num * 2), nrow = plot.nrow, ncol = plot.ncol * 2,
byrow = TRUE),
widths = rep(c(1, lcm(leg.width)), layout.num)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Plot SDM previews
for (i in seq_len(models.num)) {
temp <- NULL
# If plotting uncertainty (SE) numerically,
# use break points determined from associated predicitons
if (isTruthy(var.key)) {
if (!is.na(var.key[i])) {
stopifnot(perc.num == 2)
i.key <- var.key[i]
temp <- preview_vals_break_col(
st_set_geometry(models.toplot[[i.key]], NULL)[, data.names[[i.key]]]
# Adjust min and max values as necessary
d.vec <- st_set_geometry(models.toplot[[i]], NULL)[, data.names[[i]]]
temp[[1]][1] <- min(c(temp[[1]], d.vec), na.rm = TRUE)
temp[[1]][length(temp[[1]])] <- max(c(temp[[1]], d.vec), na.rm = TRUE)
rm(d.vec, i.key)
models.toplot[[i]], data.names[[i]], plot.titles[[i]], perc.num, col.pal,
axis.cex.curr, main.cex.curr, var.temp = temp
# Add a legend for each value plot
if (perc.num == 2) {
# If not plotting uncertainty numerically, generate 'temp'
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- preview_vals_break_col(
st_set_geometry(models.toplot[[i]], NULL)[, data.names[[i]]]
b.model <- temp[[1]]
col.pal <- temp[[2]]
d <- max(3, nchar(format(signif(b.model[2], 1), scientific = FALSE)) - 2)
b.model.lab <- format(round(b.model, d), justify = "right")
preview_legend(col.pal, leg.mai, b.model.lab, leg.txt.cex, 2)
rm(temp, b.model, col.pal, d, b.model.lab)
# Add single legend for percentages
if (perc.num == 1) {
# Fill in empty plots if necessary
if (models.layout.diff != 0) {
for (j in seq_len(models.layout.diff)) graphics::plot.new()
preview_legend(col.pal, leg.mai, leg.labels, leg.txt.cex, 1)
### Generate static plot of sf object
preview_ll <- function(sdm.ll, data.name, title.ll, perc, col.pal,
axis.cex, main.cex, var.temp = NULL) {
### Inputs:
# var.temp: output of preview_vals_break_col() call; used to keep break
# poitns consistent for numeric pred and SE plots
# Convert to 0-360 longitude range if necessary
sdm.ll <- check_preview360_split(sdm.ll)
data.vec <- st_set_geometry(sdm.ll, NULL)[, data.name]
# Plot predictions
if (perc == 1) {
b.model <- breaks_calc(data.vec)
need(length(unique(b.model)) >= 11,
paste("Error: At least one of the selected predictions",
"(or assocaited uncertainty) does not",
"have enough unique prediction values to plot",
"a preview with a 'percentage' unit type"))
sdm.ll[data.name], axes = TRUE, border = NA,
breaks = b.model, pal = col.pal, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE,
main = title.ll, cex.main = main.cex, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n"
} else {
# If plotting SE values numerically, use break values from assocaited preds
if (isTruthy(var.temp)) {
temp <- var.temp
} else {
temp <- preview_vals_break_col(data.vec)
b.model <- temp[[1]]
col.pal <- temp[[2]]
sdm.ll[data.name], axes = TRUE, border = NA,
breaks = b.model, pal = col.pal, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE,
main = title.ll, cex.main = main.cex, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n"
# Plot axes
z <- try(preview_ll_axes(sdm.ll), silent = TRUE)
if (isTruthy(z) && !(st_bbox(sdm.ll)[1] == -180 && st_bbox(sdm.ll)[3] == 180)) {
z1 <- z[[1]]
z2 <- z[[2]]
if (st_is_longlat(sdm.ll)) {
axis(1, at = z1$lon, labels = parse(text = z1$lon.label), cex.axis = axis.cex)
axis(2, at = z2$lat, labels = parse(text = z2$lat.label), cex.axis = axis.cex)
} else {
axis(1, at = z1$lon, labels = z1$lon.label, cex.axis = axis.cex)
axis(2, at = z2$lat, labels = z2$lat.label, cex.axis = axis.cex)
} else {
axis(1, cex.axis = axis.cex)
axis(2, cex.axis = axis.cex)
# Plot NA polys
if (anyNA(data.vec)) {
sdm.na <- st_geometry(sdm.ll)[is.na(data.vec)]
plot(sdm.na, add = TRUE, border = NA, col = "gray")
### Generate leaflet plot of provided sf object
preview_interactive <- function(sdm.ll, data.names, title.ll = NULL, perc,
col.pal, leg.labels = NULL, leg.title = NULL) {
inherits(sdm.ll, "sf"),
length(data.names) == 3,
perc %in% c(1, 2),
identical(st_crs(sdm.ll), st_crs(4326))
if (isTruthy(leg.labels) & !anyNA(col.pal) &
length(col.pal) != length(leg.labels)) {
stop("If 'leg.labels' is not NULL, then 'col.pal' and 'leg.labels' ",
"must be the same length")
# Convert to 0-360 longitude range if necessary
sdm.ll <- check_preview360_split(sdm.ll)
sdm.df <- st_set_geometry(sdm.ll, NULL)
data.vec <- sdm.df[, data.names[1]]
data.vec.v <- if (!is.na(data.names[2])) sdm.df[, data.names[2]] else NULL
data.vec.w <- if (!is.na(data.names[3])) sdm.df[, data.names[3]] else NULL
sdm.cent <- suppressWarnings(st_centroid(st_combine(sdm.ll))[[1]])
# Common parts of leaflet map
leaf.map <- leaflet(sdm.ll) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "CartoDB") %>%
addTiles(group = "OpenStreetMap") %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery, group = "ESRI Topo") %>%
addControl(tags$h5(title.ll), layerId = "SDM name", position = "bottomleft") %>%
setView(lng = sdm.cent[1], lat = sdm.cent[2], zoom = 5)
if (requireNamespace("leafem", quietly = TRUE)) {
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>% leafem::addMouseCoordinates()
if (perc == 1) {
# Color values based on relative percentages
### Predictions
b.model <- breaks_calc(data.vec)
need(length(unique(b.model)) >= 11,
paste("Error: The selected predictions do not",
"have enough unique prediction values to plot",
"an interactive preview with a 'percentage' unit type"))
binpal <- colorBin(col.pal, data.vec, bins = b.model, na.color = "gray")
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~binpal(data.vec), fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Predictions") %>%
"topright", title = leg.title, colors = c(rev(col.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(rev(leg.labels), "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Predictions")
### Uncertainty
if (!all(is.na(data.vec.v))) {
b.model.v <- breaks_calc(data.vec.v)
need(length(unique(b.model.v)) >= 11,
paste("Error: The selected predictions do not",
"have enough unique uncertainty values to plot",
"an interactive preview with a 'percentage' unit type"))
binpal.v <- colorBin(col.pal, data.vec.v, bins = b.model.v, na.color = "gray")
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~binpal.v(data.vec.v), fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Uncertainty") %>%
"topright", title = leg.title, colors = c(rev(col.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(rev(leg.labels), "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Uncertainty")
### Weights
if (!all(is.na(data.vec.w))) {
b.model.w <- breaks_calc(data.vec.w)
need(length(unique(b.model.w)) >= 11,
paste("Error: The selected predictions do not",
"have enough unique weight values to plot",
"an interactive preview with a 'percentage' unit type"))
binpal.w <- colorBin(col.pal, data.vec.w, bins = b.model.w, na.color = "gray")
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~binpal.w(data.vec.w), fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Weights") %>%
"topright", title = leg.title, colors = c(rev(col.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(rev(leg.labels), "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Weights")
} else {
# Color values based on actual values
### Predictions
col.pal <- preview_vals_break_col(data.vec)[[2]]
col.num <- length(col.pal)
temp <- preview_interactive_vals_colscheme(col.num, col.pal, data.vec)
binpal <- temp[[1]]
data.breaks.labs <- temp[[2]]
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~binpal(data.vec), fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Predictions") %>%
"topright", title = leg.title, colors = c(rev(col.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(data.breaks.labs, "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Predictions")
### Uncertainty - same color scale as predictions
if (isTruthy(data.vec.v)) {
# browser()
need(col.num >= 10, "Error: Error plotting uncertainty for selected predictions")
b.new <- seq(min(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE), max(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 11)
b.new[1] <- min(c(data.vec.v, data.vec), na.rm = TRUE)
b.new[11] <- max(c(data.vec.v, data.vec), na.rm = TRUE)
binpal.v <- colorBin(
col.pal, data.vec.v, bins = b.new, pretty = FALSE, na.color = "gray"
data.breaks.vals <- b.new
d <- max(3, nchar(format(signif(tail(data.breaks.vals, 2)[2], 1), scientific = FALSE)) - 2)
data.breaks.vals <- format(round(data.breaks.vals, d), justify = "right")
data.breaks.labs <- paste(
tail(data.breaks.vals, -1), "-", head(data.breaks.vals, -1)
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~binpal.v(data.vec.v), fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Uncertainty") %>%
"topright", title = "Uncertainty", colors = c(rev(col.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(data.breaks.labs, "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Uncertainty")
### Weights
if (isTruthy(data.vec.w)) {
data.vec.w.uniq <- length(unique(na.omit(data.vec.w)))
w.num <- ifelse(data.vec.w.uniq > 10, 10, data.vec.w.uniq)
w.pal <- viridis::viridis(w.num)
w.temp <- preview_interactive_vals_colscheme(w.num, w.pal, data.vec.w)
w.binpal <- w.temp[[1]]
data.breaks.labs.w <- w.temp[[2]]
leaf.map <- leaf.map %>%
stroke = FALSE, color = ~w.binpal(data.vec.w), fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Weights") %>%
"topright", title = "Weights", colors = c(rev(w.pal), "gray"),
labels = c(data.breaks.labs.w, "NA"), opacity = 1, group = "Weights")
### Add messages and layer control
if (isTruthy(data.vec.v) & isTruthy(data.vec.w)) {
leaf.map %>%
baseGroups = c("CartoDB", "OpenStreetMap", "ESRI Topo"),
overlayGroups = c("Predictions", "Uncertainty", "Weights"),
position = "bottomright", options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
hideGroup(c("Uncertainty", "Weights"))
} else if (isTruthy(data.vec.v)) {
leaf.map %>%
tags$h5("No weight data"), layerId = "Other info", position = "bottomright") %>%
baseGroups = c("CartoDB", "OpenStreetMap", "ESRI Topo"),
overlayGroups = c("Predictions", "Uncertainty"),
position = "bottomright", options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
} else if (isTruthy(data.vec.w)) {
leaf.map %>%
tags$h5("No uncertainty data"), layerId = "Other info", position = "bottomright") %>%
baseGroups = c("CartoDB", "OpenStreetMap", "ESRI Topo"),
overlayGroups = c("Predictions", "Weights"),
position = "bottomright", options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
} else {
# No uncertainty data; include message
leaf.map %>%
tags$h5("No uncertainty or weight data"), layerId = "Other info", position = "bottomright") %>%
baseGroups = c("CartoDB", "OpenStreetMap", "ESRI Topo"),
position = "bottomright", options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
### Get binpal and legend labels for values plot (not percentages plot)
preview_interactive_vals_colscheme <- function(col.num, col.pal, data.vec) {
if (col.num < 10) {
binpal <- colorNumeric(col.pal, data.vec, na.color = "gray")
data.breaks.labs <- format(
signif(sort(unique(na.omit(data.vec)), decreasing = TRUE), 3),
justify = "right"
} else {
binpal <- colorBin(
col.pal, data.vec, bins = 10, pretty = FALSE, na.color = "gray"
data.breaks.vals <- seq(
max(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE), min(data.vec, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = col.num + 1
d <- max(3, nchar(format(signif(tail(data.breaks.vals, 2)[2], 1), scientific = FALSE)) - 2)
data.breaks.vals <- format(round(data.breaks.vals, d), justify = "right")
data.breaks.labs <- paste(
tail(data.breaks.vals, -1), "-", head(data.breaks.vals, -1)
list(binpal, data.breaks.labs)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.