
Defines functions loadSource calculateDistances buildIGraph trim_igraph_by_similarity getMapOfBcrs csvToSubset csvToDistanceMatrices

Documented in calculateDistances getMapOfBcrs


loadSource <- function(sourceName) {
  pattern <- paste("^", sourceName, "$", sep = "")
  files <- list.files(pattern=pattern, recursive = TRUE)
  for (file in files) {


#' @title calculate distances between given bcr arrays
#' @description \code{calculateDistances} returns the distance of the given arrays.
#' @details More Information here.
#' @param arrayBcr Array of bcrs, should contain only unique values
#' @param distanceMetric Possilble distance metrics ("LD" - Levenshtein Damerau (default), etc.)
#' @param parameter optional parameter depending on the selected distance metric
#' @param nthread the number of threads used to calculate the distance. Caution when using too high number
#' @return Distance matrix between first and second BCR array determined by given distance. 
#' @examples #TODO
#' @seealso \code{\link[stringdist]{stringdist}}
#' @aliases BIG
#' @keywords distance metric levenshtein damerau bcr
#' @export 

calculateDistances <- function(arrayBcr, distanceMetric = "LD", parameter = -1, nthread = -1){

  if(is.null(arrayBcr)  || identical(arrayBcr,character(0)) ) return(NULL)
  # calculate distance between all entries in subData
  matrix <- distanceArrayOfBcr(arrayBcr, arrayBcr, distanceMetric, parameter, nthread = nthread)
  return (matrix)

#' @importFrom igraph graph.empty
#' @importFrom igraph vertex
#' @importFrom igraph edge
#' @importFrom igraph as.undirected
buildIGraph <- function(arrayBcr, distanceMatrix, multiplyCounter, thresholdMax, thresholdMin, update_progress = NULL){
  # arrayBcr is the list of all sequences without any special information
  # we transform this into a dataframe with a node ID a name with the sequence and a multiply counter
  startDataVertices <- as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000
  # feedback loop
  if (is.function(update_progress)) {
    update_progress(value = 1/3, detail="constructing vertices")
  array_length <- length(arrayBcr)
  for(i in 1:array_length){
    multiply_counter <- multiplyCounter[[arrayBcr[i]]]
  vertices <- data.frame(id=1:array_length, sequence = arrayBcr, multiply_counter = multiply_counter)
  endDataVertices <- as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000
  print(paste("Added data vertices in:", endDataVertices - startDataVertices, "ms"))

  # we only want to melt the lower triangle of the distance matrix
  # and ignore values which are below and above our thresholds
  # the weights are put into the column "weight"
  startDataEdges <- as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000
  # feedback loop
  if (is.function(update_progress)) {
    update_progress(value = 2/3, detail="constructing edges")
  distanceMatrix[upper.tri(distanceMatrix, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
  distanceMatrix[distanceMatrix < thresholdMin] <- NA
  distanceMatrix[distanceMatrix > thresholdMax] <- NA
  melted_distances <- melt(distanceMatrix, na.rm = TRUE, value.name = "weight")

  endDataEdges <- as.numeric(Sys.time())*1000
  print(paste("Added data edges in:", endDataEdges - startDataEdges, "ms"))
  # feedback loop
  if (is.function(update_progress)) {
    update_progress(value = 1, detail="constructing graph")
  graph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = melted_distances, directed = FALSE, vertices = vertices)

trim_igraph_by_similarity <- function(untrimmed_igraph, min_similarity, max_similarity) {
  trimmed_graph <- delete.edges(untrimmed_igraph, which(E(untrimmed_igraph)$weight > max_similarity))
  trimmed_graph <- delete.edges(trimmed_graph, which(E(trimmed_graph)$weight < min_similarity))
  return (trimmed_graph)

####################### helper calsses #######################

#' returns an environments contain the bcrs and its number of occurrence
#' @param arrayBcr Array of bcrs, should contain only unique values
getMapOfBcrs <- function(arrayBcr){

  if(is.null(arrayBcr) || identical(arrayBcr,character(0))) return(NULL)
  envMultiplyCounter <- new.env()
  for(i in 1:length(arrayBcr)){
    curBcr <- arrayBcr[i]
      envMultiplyCounter[[curBcr]] <- 1
      count <- envMultiplyCounter[[curBcr]]
      envMultiplyCounter[[curBcr]] <- (count + 1)

#' @import utils
csvToSubset <- function(path, header = TRUE, sep = "def"){
  if(sep == "def"){
    #detect separator (";", "," , "TAB")
    line <- readLines(path, n=1)
      sep <- ";"
    }else if(grepl(",",line)){
      sep <- ","
    } else if(grepl("\t",line)){
      sep <- "\t"
      sep <- ","


  print("read data. . . ")  
  data <- read.csv(path, header = header, sep = sep,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  print("data read!")
  print("split data. . . ")
  #split data into subset determine by patients
  partsOfData <- split(data, f = data$patient)
  print("data splitted!")

csvToDistanceMatrices <- function(path, header = TRUE, sep = ";", distanceMetric = "LD"){
  data <- read.csv(path, header = header, sep = sep)
  #split data into subset determine by patients
  partsOfData <- split(data, f = data$patient)
  distances <- array(length(partsOfData))
  for(parts in partsOfData){
    distances[i] <- calculateDistances(parts, parts, distanceMetric = distanceMetric)
    i <- i+1
snaketron/BcellNet documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:04 a.m.